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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. tony b

    Cornell Chicken

    If I'm not roasting a whole chicken, this is one of my "go to" recipes for cut up chicken. It's a "classic" in upstate NY and very similar to Big Bob Gibson's white sauce chicken in AL. Recipe - http://komodokamado.com/forum/topic/4945-spatchcock-chicken/?p=46080 Pictures - http://komodokamado.com/forum/topic/4945-spatchcock-chicken/?p=46092
  2. Another great "meat on the bone" cook. http://komodokamado.com/forum/topic/4955-birthday-cook/?p=46140
  3. tony b

    Chuck Roast

    Quickly became one of my favorite cooks after the first try! In fact, got one on the KK as I type this. http://komodokamado.com/forum/topic/4961-died-and-gone-to-meat-heaven/?p=46199
  4. I've done this several times and like the outcome. One for the "toolbox" if you've forgotten to take the steak out of the freezer in time for dinner. http://komodokamado.com/forum/topic/4947-grilling-a-frozen-steak/?p=46481
  5. tony b

    Prime Rib

    Tagged to another thread about cooking Prime Rib on the KK. FAB-U-LOUS! http://komodokamado.com/forum/topic/4737-3-nine-pound-prime-ribs-roastsbone-in-for-christmas/?p=44537
  6. tony b

    Hanger steak

    My reference book of SV says that Hanger Steak should stay in the bath for 2 - 3 hours, so maybe you didn't cook it long enough. Also, that's a lot of seasoning for an SV cook, so that could have affected your texture as well. How did it taste?
  7. Yeah, what he said! Where's the vodka?
  8. Same here. Using a temperature controller on a crock pot just didn't cut it for me (YMMV). Love my Anova!
  9. I learned while on the Bourbon Trail tour that I am more partial to higher rye content bourbons (spicier). So I also picked up a bottle of the Willett Family Reserve Rye Whiskey (6 Year Old). It's also pretty damned tasty! Good luck on your quest and hope that you find some to try!
  10. tony b


    Just got mine (peer pressure from this site to abandon the chimney that I've used forever!) So, I don't have a lot of experience with it yet. Still learning. I'm using propane right now, as my closest hardware store was out of MAPP when I went in to buy it and was too lazy to travel looking for it. Next canister will be MAPP for comparison.
  11. I came home with a lot of new "favorites" from my Bourbon Trail adventure. I highly recommend doing it. Can you get Noah's Mill there? One of those "new favorites," but unfortunately I can't get it here in IA. http://www.kentuckybourbonwhiskey.com/
  12. tony b


    I didn't get mine from BBQ Guru, but it looks just like it. Mine came from Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00008ZA0F/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  13. Thanks for the link, CC. Love the map! I see you got the original version of the Anova and not the 2.0 version. I have the same one and was looking for feedback from anyone who has the newer version for comparison. The clamp on mine hits right under the lip of my favorite stock pot. Another 1/4" of clearance and it'd be perfect! Waiting to hear how it comes out. Fingers crossed for ya! That's a lot of rosemary for a 2 day cook. One of the "tricks" of sous vide is to back off on seasoning, as the cooking times are so long and the cooking volume is a small fraction of normal braising, so you're not worried about dilution of flavor in a lot of liquid. btw - 2 thumbs up on the Woodford Reserve. Big fan of their Double Barrel. They were one of my stops on the Bourbon Trail this past summer.
  14. Yeah, with St. Patty's right around the corner, should be plenty of cheap corned beef briskets in the market now. I did one last year. Soaked it overnight first, then dry rubbed with lots of black pepper, coriander, and garlic powder. Then smoked it lo & slo like a normal brisket. Pretty damned tasty if my memory isn't shot (ha, ha)!
  15. Shivering, what were you, naked? BTW - don't leave the thermometer in the KK when it's cold. I can see that it's underranged. It will throw off the calibration. I bring mine inside when I put the cover back on it. Don't ever forget - Life's too short to drink shitty beer!
  16. My crate went to a neighbor, also, who used it to make a dog house. Lucky pooch! And CC, just this once, I'm gonna give you a pass on the Miller Lite! Next time, no mercy!
  17. Speaking of pictures - Hey CC, still haven't seen what Beauty looks like in all her glory!
  18. Thanks. It was tasty. Yummy leftovers for today, too!
  19. Atta boy, don't let cool weather stop you from setting up your grill (unlike someone who shall remain nameless!) And yes, we want pictures!!
  20. OK, it warmed up today (relatively speaking, it was in the 20s and minor windchill - teens), so fired up the KK and got to cooking! Tri-tip, with Santa Maria rub. Had the basket splitter in and roasted the tri-tip @ 275-ish, red oak, indirect on the middle grate, until the IT reached 110F, then ramped up the KK to 450F+ and onto the sear grate to finish. And yes, there's porn! Initial shot on the KK. Done roasting and onto the sear grate. Resting while I finish the rest of the dinner. Sliced and ready for dinner!!
  21. I can't imagine that it would, at least not for me! Only downside, I'd have to spend a fortune on sunscreen. Us Anglo-Saxons and tropical sunshine don't mix real well!
  22. You've already deemed me "certifiable" and off your list of folks that need professional help, so what's surprising about living in Dante's innermost circle of HELL? Hey, at least I'm not buried in 6 - 8 ft of the white stuff like our brethren in New England! That's some bat-sh!t crazy weather! At least I can leave the house if I want to, rarely in this weather, but feasible! However, I did venture out tonight to go to a crazy good beer tasting. 'Cause this engine runs on ethanol!
  23. I meant, "Where are the pictures of Beauty?" But, I see that you've started the scrapbook in the other thread. So, game on!
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