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KOmodo Extruded CoCoNut shipped.. eta July 12th!

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It's well known online fact that in 2003 Kamado Corp of multiple locales imported and sold a container of high quality extruded coconut charcoal that was very well received by the public and when tested by the Naked Whiz charcoal review site burned long and created very little ash..

Subsequent shipments seemed to go downhill steadily. The problem is that most producers and exporters were selling and shipping extruded charcoal mixed with large percentages of starch binder. Regardless what anybody tells you, ALL coconut charcoal is mixed with a starch binder before being extruded. The best uses 3-5% some almost 50%. The volume of ash is in direct proportion to the volume of starch added. In the last few years the demand for activated carbon for water filters has driven the price of the raw material up.

I tested and cooked with many samples from around SE Asia. They all sang the right song but ash testing always told a different story. I've been offered extruded coconut charcoal from as little as $260 a ton and as much as $580 a ton.

Last June I was told about a charcoal seller/agent in Jakarta who had supplied Kamado with the 2003 container (here is the BOL) as well as a couple of container afterward which word on the web was were never paid for. (more BOLs)

I contacted these people and was told I could get the high quality 74% fixed carbon, 3.4% ash. This was late June of 2007, I immediately sent them a deposit to secure a container and UPS'ed stickers to the factory for the boxes. I asked for a current MSDS and was sent one that read 57% fixed Carbon and 19% ash. I immediately called and told them that this was not what we talked about and I was not interested in sending 2nd or 3rd quality charcoal. Time went by and there were excuses followed by excuses until they finally sent me a MSDS with 64% fixed Carbon and 10.70% ash.

November 30, 2007 he sent me a proforma invoice offering 57% and 67% both with low ash.. I requested and received my deposit back.

From the test information I was able to track down the original factory. When I asked the Jakarta Agent for my stickers I learned that they were sent to another charcoal factory.. Classic bait and switch.

It's been a long road but this last week I sent a container of top quality 74% fixed Carbon, 3.5% ash extruded coconut charcoal from the same factory as the now legendary 2003 shipment. (Anybody who wants copies of documents to confirm any of this please write me.. I have them all;-)

The container is scheduled to arrive in Long Beach July 12th.

More information soon..


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Great I will be interested is some also. A lot depends on shipping cost to Kansas. :roll:

Maybe an obliging tornado could pick some up in CA and drop it off in Kansas for you? I've heard those Kansas tornadoes take houses and dogs and little girls to whole different lands!

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I still have some of the '03 stash but would be interested in some more. I have been using this sparingly because I knew there was no way to get any more. Now I may not be so conservative. Good work Dennis, now we can get charcoal and know for sure that it is the good stuff.

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Sanny wrote:

Maybe an obliging tornado could pick some up in CA and drop it off in Kansas for you? I've heard those Kansas tornadoes take houses and dogs and little girls to whole different lands!

Problem getting tracking numbers on tornado's. They seem to have a mind of their own. :eek:

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I am eager to try this stuff' date=' lots of ceramic cookers in the area and they would love to have this stuff. No one here has it , not even my charcoal supplier. Email is forthcoming![/quote']

Primeats, to corrupt the poem, "when it is good, it is very very good. When it is bad it is HORRID!"

Dennis has the very very good stuff. You've read Whizzy's review? You should distribute it from your butcher store!! You'd be a hero. :)

Well, you already are, I'm sure. I mean, an independent old school butcher?? What's THAT? But you'd be MORE of a hero. :wink:

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More information later this week..

I've re-contacted some trucking firms for new quotes as fuel surcharges have changed the game.

My plan is to sell by the pallet but will be selling single sample boxes by UPS at a greatly reduced/discounted price so my customers can try it before buying a pallet.

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