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Umai Dry Aged Ribeyes

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I'm not done yet. It's day 29 since I put this choice ribeye in an umai bag, it's showtime.


In the bag,




A couple of slices,


Sliced, trimmed, ready for the grill.

This ribeye shrank significantly, so an average person shouldn't have any problem finishing one sliced 1 1/2" thick. They feel incredibly tender though.

More to come later when I fire up the grill.


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Ok, steaks cooked and consumed, the verdict is in.


Two seasoned with Jeff Ruby's, the rest with S&P. 3 1/2 minutes per side, 700° dome.


Cooked and resting,



The flavor was incredible, very beefy, as tender as prime. To a person, including me, preferred the s&p, the Jeff Ruby, was ok, at best.

Next, I'm gonna try a prime dry aged!!


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Rob - beautiful steaks! Gorgeous med rare. Dry aged beef is really something else, isn't it? Takes beef to a whole new level. Wonderful cook and mega kudos to you!

The only reason I don't do this is that I don't have the patience you have. ;)

My motto: I want it, I want it right, I want it right now! Like I said, no patience. ;)

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Bryan, are you wanting to dry age? If so, the bad news is, you need a vacuum sealer, if you don't already have one. Now, get the umai bags from http://www.drybagsteak.com/shop-drybag-steak-in-house.php. Get a ribeye from your best supplier, I got mine from Costco, seal and age per the instructions with the bags. Cook, and enjoy! The idea is to save a buck buying choice, age it, now it's as good as/better than prime.


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Bryan, are you wanting to dry age? If so, the bad news is, you need a vacuum sealer, if you don't already have one. Now, get the umai bags from http://www.drybagsteak.com/shop-drybag-steak-in-house.php. Get a ribeye from your best supplier, I got mine from Costco, seal and age per the instructions with the bags. Cook, and enjoy! The idea is to save a buck buying choice, age it, now it's as good as/better than prime.


I have a vac sealer. Thanks for the info. On my way.  Just opened a Cosco 1 hour west in Mobile.

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Thanks for the feedback. I was reluctant (for once!) to not take the bait and plunk down the coin on the Jeff Ruby's (It's seriously pricey for a dry rub). Now I'm glad that I held off.  :hello1:


But, you've got me off to buy these damned bags! Not available on Amazon, except as the full-blown kit w/vacuum sealer. 


(btw, Robert, you posting via TapaTalk? Your emoticons aren't coming through. All I see are empty rectangles.)

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