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An 8 pound Roti Chicken

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Decided to do an 8 pound free range chicken. Took it out of the freezer on Mon. and let it thaw in the fridge then on Wed. prepared it and let it sit overnight in the fridge.

Chicken is in the rotisserie basket and ready to spin.


For the first 45 mins there was lots of time to get the veggies ready. I have the db pan sitting on top of the fire basket.


Took the veggies off after about 1.25 hours. I should have turned them during the cook as some of the bottoms were rather dark, an understatement.:)


The chicken took about 2.5 hours to cook, temp was mostly around 325F but I did get it up to 350F towards the end.


Resting on the counter before cutting.




Same as the last rotisserie chicken I cooked when I went to slice it there was so much liquid running out. Awesome.:) You can't see it in the pix was the chicken was very moist.

Right now I have the bones in a stock pot in the oven and I will let it stay there all night at 200F. 

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Thanks, Rak. I added the veggies about 50 mins after adding the chicken because last time they were way over cooked when I added them at the beginning. They were not over cooked but a good many had black bottoms so maybe I need to raise them up in the db drip pan. Maybe add a rack to the db pan then close to the end of the veggies cook take the rack  out to get some browning. That's what I'm thinking right now maybe someone will have a better idea. Fortunately I have lots of room so that I don't have to remove the chicken to add the veggies or to take them out. I just need to make sure I can get the rack that I use to raise the veggies of the bottom will come out. :)

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Before I started this cook I had a nice breakfast to carry me through.;)

Shirred egg, greased a ramekin, added an egg, 1T milk, 1T aged cheddar and pepper. Baked at 420F for 10 mins and if you want a runny yoke do it for less time, eh, Tony and ck. ;)




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Now that I have all that cooked chicken I'll have to put it to good use. Stuffed homemade pita with a mixture of mayo, mustard, balsamic vinegar, minced onion, slivers of carrot, diced tomatoes, shredded lettuce, diced olives, black pepper, a little ricotta and a side of Thai Pickled Red Chilli. 


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Won't these be good with a nice bowl of roti chicken noodle soup :)

This is my first attempt but it won't be my last. I used a recipe from King Arthur and once I get it perfected I'll post what I did just in case you feel so inclined. ;)

This half the recipe and next time I'll make them larger, these are bite size.:)


Lightly salted.


I bit the end of one of the smallest ones to show the interior. I would like it just a tad more dry for safe long keeping .


Solved that problem of not being crispy all the way through by putting them back into the oven at 225F for maybe 30 mins.



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Change of plans, from the freezer came some KK roasted tomato soup-


Tomorrow it will be chicken noodle soup. ;)

I'm going to start another batch of those crackers in a few minute and let them rise overnight for more flavour. Same as I did with today's batch.

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