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So this doesn't really fall in the category of jokes, but my husband scored us reservations at The French Laundry coming up soon. I am fricken so excited, but nobody I know in real life really understands just how special this is or can comprehend why I want to spend so much money on one meal.

I thought maybe someone on the forum could relate.

He's been working on this for months, and it finally paid off. We will also likely be visiting Bochoun and Ad hoc. I own all three of the restaurant books (actually I have for years) and in my free time I have found myself perusing the photographs wondering what will be on the menu the nights we are there!

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It is a great dinner.  Yountsville is lovely and I love Thomas Keller.  Do visit some wineries when in Napa.  I don't drink but love the architecture of the wineries.  Peru has lovely rose gardens, Franciscan is just stunning and Opus is a delightful bunker.  Stop at the hot springs in Calistoga too. Enjoy!

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I definitely understand your interest and excitement for your upcoming French Laundry reservation!    We tried several years ago to get reservations and didn't luck out.   Instead we went to Cyrus (Healdsburg), generally regarded (then) in the top 10 restaurants in the nation, and it was wonderful; for my buddy and me, not so much for the wives.  Unfortunately the experience would be lost on my SO, or worse :D.   So, for now, its still a dream.   

But yes I suspect you are in good company in here!

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Fantastic, it will be an experience of a lifetime.  :smt023 :smt023   It will be interesting to hear all about it.   Take notes, maybe you could wear a hidden camera with audio for your report to us. :smt046 

With audio????? Hahaha I guess that would make it easier to write a review!

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It is a great dinner.  Yountsville is lovely and I love Thomas Keller.  Do visit some wineries when in Napa.  I don't drink but love the architecture of the wineries.  Peru has lovely rose gardens, Franciscan is just stunning and Opus is a delightful bunker.  Stop at the hot springs in Calistoga too. Enjoy!

I also rarely drink wine. (I actually rarely drink at all) I'm hoping it's not looked down upon to not get alcohol with dinner, but I want to be completely sober for the experience and I have a super low tolerance for alcohol. We may stop by some wineries, if time permits.

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I definitely understand your interest and excitement for your upcoming French Laundry reservation!    We tried several years ago to get reservations and didn't luck out.   Instead we went to Cyrus (Healdsburg), generally regarded (then) in the top 10 restaurants in the nation, and it was wonderful; for my buddy and me, not so much for the wives.  Unfortunately the experience would be lost on my SO, or worse :D.   So, for now, its still a dream.   

But yes I suspect you are in good company in here!

So your wife didn't enjoy it? Bummer. I'm lucky my husband worked so hard to get these reservations, I have heard how much some people have to struggle to get them.

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Shelly - how your husband scored those reservations is a real coup!  That is an amazing place ... great food.  I went a few years ago and my personal Zagat vote is A-FREAKING-MAZING.  Enjoy!  And if nobody understand your excitement, you need new friends!  LOL!!

Hahaha I don't think any of my friends (except one couple) even know what the French laundry is! They are good people, they have differing interests. I can't comprehend why they would want to spend that much on their purses, but whatever, it's their money. :)

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13 hours ago, Shuley said:

Hahaha I don't think any of my friends (except one couple) even know what the French laundry is! They are good people, they have differing interests. I can't comprehend why they would want to spend that much on their purses, but whatever, it's their money. :)

I know what you mean. :)  You spent that much on a grill, you spent what on a coffee machine, now I have no need for a purse. ;)  

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There's no such thing as spending too much money on something that will bring you that much joy, even if it is fleeting. I've done it many times. Never gotten to the French Laundry, but threw some serious cash at a dinner at Bartolotta's in Vegas once. Never regretted a dime of it! The memory of that excellent meal with be with me always, as I'm sure that your's will as well. Bon Appetite! 

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There's no such thing as spending too much money on something that will bring you that much joy, even if it is fleeting. I've done it many times. Never gotten to the French Laundry, but threw some serious cash at a dinner at Bartolotta's in Vegas once. Never regretted a dime of it! The memory of that excellent meal with be with me always, as I'm sure that your's will as well. Bon Appetite! 

I agree with you. Experiences are better than things anyway. Well except my kk!

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My sister is a semi-professional chef and she just loved it.. You are in for a treat.  Outside of a trip to Spain, it's on the top of my bucket list places to eat.


A trip to Spain (primarily for food related reasons) is also on our bucket list. I'll probably wait until my kids are older, though.

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