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Ready Stock in Lake Wales..

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Re: The Burning Primate and DJ


Firemonkey get a KK! Those are a great deal. Then you can join the crowd making fun of DJ.

The Burning Primate and DJ are getting something built it's getting there..


Bless their hearts....missed a lotta good que waiting for something...hope it's worth the wait. :shock: .

Course FM's at least got a ceramic cooker...poor DJ's cooking on that tinfoil thing that he welded up. I'm sure it's computerized as well, so he can watch it from his bedroom as he sits and plays asteriods with his buds :?

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we need to take up a collection here; how much would dennis charge us to NOT send deej a KK :smt064

He could send it my house instead, but I am not sure that green tile would match very well :smt002

I am pretty centrally located, so Lake Wales is nearby (50mi South).

It is not green tiled, remember the vote, I switched to the black tile. But you are right, I am sure green would not match the pink tile your other grill goes with - hehe!


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hey, you gotta figure, if a beer gets a feel, then a shot of good bourbon... :shock:

just kidding. my feelings for PaulR are totally heterosexual in orientation. :D

..... you do like bourbon, don't you Paul?

Sorry for the late reply, I was out of State for a few days (relaxing in up in Queensland).

Thanks for the vote of confidence (hero-worshiping..I'm not worthy!)

Anyway I used to drink bourbon in my younger years however am more of a single malt drinker now (maybe we can't get the decent bourbon's here?)

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