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Very Tasty Rack and Legs

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Ok only one leg.. Just had to run out and get some lamb after reading The Naked Whiz's lamb post.

Grabbed both a small rack and leg.

Rubbed them up in mustard, cut 2" deep slits in both of them and then stuffed them with fresh garlic, rosemary, sea salt and ground pepper.

Apple smoke first at 250º for 15 minutes then opened it up to 450º and dialed it back to 400º. I was playing with the baby and lost track of the cook times..






I rolled my fat trimmings in the garlic rub and then set them on top of the rack.. After most of the fat burned off, the crisps little tidbits that remained were mouthwatering, mouth-melting morsels..




The ribs came off at 140º wrapped them in tin foil for 20 minutes..by this time most of the bottle of Zin gone and I forgot to shoot pics of the ribs cut up..There was not much time to either, they never even made it to the plates.. being gobbled up in the kitchen by my hungry family.

They exceeded my high expectations..

As did the leg whose photo speaks for it's self..


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Yea my eyes caught that Zin too. This is what it looks like it was to me. http://www.epinions.com/content_98508574340

A Raffanelli Zinfandel Dry Creek Valley, 1997

Winery Name: A Rafanelli

Varietal: Zinfandel

Designation: Dry Creek Area

State or Region: California

County or Appellation: Sonoma

Price: 26

Wine Rating Scale: A must - sensational

By the way I just ordered 3,025 vines of Zinfandel to plant. :)

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Raffanelli Zinfandel Dry Creek Valley, 1997

Yea my eyes caught that Zin too. This is what it looks like it was to me. http://www.epinions.com/content_98508574340

A Raffanelli Zinfandel Dry Creek Valley, 1997

Winery Name: A Rafanelli

Varietal: Zinfandel

Designation: Dry Creek Area

State or Region: California

County or Appellation: Sonoma

Price: 26

Wine Rating Scale: A must - sensational

Sharp eyes.. Yup a hand carried to Indo '97 Raffanelli Zin, This is the wine dreams are made of. My father lives in Healdsburg and my sister, a world class private function chief runs the largest, oldest charity wine auction in the Bay area. It's in Palo Alto and gets all the big silicone valley boys like Steve Jobs.. The best wineries have been giving them cases for years.

Lamb with this Zin?

Absolutely puurfect but we did not have the self discipline to wait for the lamb and only had one glass left each by the time we got to the lamb.. But I'd say the marriage was unbeatable

We sat and wondered with the lucky people were eating and drinking right then!


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LeadDog....I'm looking forward to ZinFest in March. I have friends coming and could use some suggestions for sampling.

First you have to support the hand that feeds you so come over to Meridian. If you ask for LeadDog you will only get strange looks. Ok here are the wineries that I would visit for ZinFest because of their Zin; Tobin James Cellars, Peachy Canyon Winery, Norman Vineyards, Nadeau Family Vintners, and Adelaida Cellars.

J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines I would visit because their reds are so good but I haven't tried their Zin.

Rotta Winery is the 2nd or 3rd oldest winery in the area and they are now open again after being closed for many years. They make a Zin and are right in the middle of a famous Zin area. I would be curious to see what they are making now.

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one of my very first cooks on the cement cooker was those lil lamb chops that look like mini-t-bones! beautiful! not even sit down food; finger food, cause they were so small. 2 bites of buttery, tender goodness! dead easy too! if you have the means, these would make great little hor's doovers for a highbrow type party! they are kinda not so great when they cool, so they need to be served right off the grill.

ah, memories! btw, i notice that leg was larded with some herbs and garlic(?)... what is it exactly?

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btw' date=' i notice that leg was larded with some herbs and garlic(?)... what is it exactly?[/quote'] :) Dennis said "Rubbed them up in mustard, cut 2" deep slits in both of them and then stuffed them with fresh garlic, rosemary, sea salt and ground pepper." So, prolly that's what.

That's what I think too :shock:

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Hey Porky' date=' I think you just got slammed - but in a subtle way! hehe :wink: [/quote']I din't! I was just answerin PC's question. Donchew go sayin I'm bein mean to PC when I'm not. :smt062

I actually thought is was funny as hell! If you read the underlying print here, it says, "If you would have just read Dennis' post, you would have known this was in it" - hahahaha! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


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what readin?? i was just lookin at the pictures! i don't buy a playboy for the articles, you know! :shock:

wasn't the first time i neglected to read carefully; wont be the last! an' i know sanny's comment was genuine and issued in a helpful nature! but curly? he was being a comedian! heh. i guess it's true when you say you gotta "consider the source"!

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