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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/2017 in all areas

  1. Got a nice sized chook mixed up some carrot,Brussel sprouts,spuds,and some red onion. mixed up some butter with this rub i got from ckreef . spached the chook and put the butter mix under the skin and on it goes. . this rub crisps up the skin so well . .I wrapped the chook to rest and gave the veggies some parmesan cheese ..looking good..the chook loved the rest in butchers paper chopped upand served check out the crispy skin you got to love being able to get some nice bark Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    3 points
  2. This recipe is found at https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/carrot-pizza-with-fontina-and-red-onion-56389448 Seemed like it fit in as Halloween is just around the corner. No mascarpone cheese in the area so I found this substitute on the web. 16ozs cream cheese 1/3C sour cream 1/4C whipping cream Cream the ingredients together. Started this adventure with a trip to the garden for the carrots. It is pitch dark outside and it sure makes it difficult to get descent pixs. The pizza is baked. Plated. When I started this I thought it would be a one time cook only but it's a hit. I am going to make this pie again very very soon. Think I'll start my dough recipe today for another batch. That means within the next 5 days I'll be making at least one more carrot onion pizza. Maybe I'll get it done in the daylight where pixs are possible.:)
    2 points
  3. Delish the anchovies topped it off Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  4. That looks interesting niclely done Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  5. Look what the nice UPS person showed up with today...................Christmas in October . Been slacking all summer on my KK cooks but really looking forward to spinning some larger chunks of protein, roasting up some ribs and trying a couple pizzas this fall & winter. Rookie question...............do I need to season the baking stone? (guess I should have been paying better attention to the pizza threads ). Too much fun!!!!!
    1 point
  6. So, what did you think of my "house" lamb rub, Aussie?? A little secret - I tweaked it some just for you, since you don't like too spicy.
    1 point
  7. Looking mighty tasty, Aussie.
    1 point
  8. Oct.23 and it is going to be unusually warm for this time of year in Nova Scotia. At 11:00AM it is already 68F and climbing. I love it.
    1 point
  9. Looks pretty tasty Aussie
    1 point
  10. Yum! (The KJ Jr. is a nice little backup cooking machine).
    1 point
  11. Our 1st cold snap is upon us - low tonight below freezing and a high of only 46F tomorrow. Time to bring in the geraniums and my herb plants, as well as kiss the last of the tomatoes and peppers goodbye!
    1 point
  12. “Winters coming on summers almost gone” sounds like song. I’m pretty lucky winters here are very mild, I guess it’s why I stay here
    1 point
  13. After sitting in my warehouse for almost two weeks, she is finally home. I had the help of three of my employees to wrestle her to my patio. The path was mostly dirt so we laid plywood down to roll the crate with the help of a pallet jack. The unloading and delivery to my patio was much easier than expected. This is the path from the truck. This shot is from the patio. Here she is on the patio. Almost ready to roll onto the patio. This is the spot that I had picked but my wife felt it was too cluttered. This is the final resting place of "Obsession" (named by my wife for my obsessive compulsive nature). Here we are enjoying a nice bourbon after a job well done! Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. I know, but I did spend a week of it in Cancun and it exceeded the weight limit for checked baggage! Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  15. First cook will be beef ribs this weekend. Getting excited!! Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
    1 point
  16. Nice! But, better get to that first cook, less Dennis' bot kicks in and your beautiful KK morphs back into a Webber kettle!
    1 point
  17. Great news Obsession looks great in its new home looking forward to your first cook Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  18. Truck driver called around 1015 am and said he would be here in an hour. I'm bursting with anticipation. I can't decide if 1 hour notice is cruel or kind.... It's here!!! Unloading. I tipped the driver well and he delivered to my backyard... but he says his hand trucks won't get it up the ledge onto my patio. Oh well. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. First I have to remove all of the boxes from on top of the crate. And yay!! Dennis included The rotisserie basket and reducers that I had asked for even though they were sold out! Impeccable service from the get-go! All the boxes are moved and my dad came over to help lift the crate off the pallet base. A little bit of work and we managed to get it off the base. Now, we have to tackle that problem of the patio ledge. Unthinking, I forgot to take off the pounds of stainless steel out of the inside, I also have not taken the lid off. Needless to say, the two of us for not getting over that ledge. Decision made. Going to have to take the top off. A little bit of work, but I'll chalk it up to getting to know my new grill. The top is off, all the stainless steel is out, it was quite a bit of effort, but we were able to get it over the ledge. We repurposed the ramp and made good use of it. Now it looks like my grill exploded in my yard. Lid back on, grates loaded. She is complete and in place. Now time for the burn in and first cook. Full basket of charcoal. I've lit it in two spots and I'm slowly letting it come up to temperature. As it gets there, I'm going to enjoy a few cold beverages. After the initial burn in, going to do some steaks for the parents later on. Will post pics then.
    1 point
  19. HI All, just a quick intro as have been lurking for a while and finally took delivery of my new KK 23 a couple of weeks ago. This one didn't have far to go as I am living in Jakarta (hence title of post), so Dennis was kind enough to drop one on a truck and run it up the road from Surabaya. Arrived a few days after order placed so was lucky not to have to go through the agony of the wait that some of you guys have been through. Bit of back story. Have always been a keen BBQér, Is part of the Kiwi male DNA to attempt to burn things over a raging hot grill. Also have smoked plenty of freshly caught fish as is also an important part of the kiwi way of life. But my interest in BBQ really took a turn when I spent 3 weeks in Dallas a few years ago for work and visited many of the smokehouse's there. From then on in I began researching what grill to buy next as my trusty 4 burner gas and my little Webber Kettle were coming to the end of their days. A popular TV chef in NZ was using BGE's for his show and that sparked my interest in Kamados. Some research later and it was clear that I could do better than BGE and fell in love with the KK. However living in New Zealand made this look a bit prohibitive from a cost and logistics perspective. Here is where fate intervened. This time last year I was offered a transfer to Jakarta and we arrived late last year. 6 months later, settled down and having convinced the wife that the spend on a KK would be worth it and would be like our souvenir of our time in Indo, I placed the order (with great support from Dennis). It arrived a couple of weeks ago,. Spent the last week or 2 in New Zealand for school holidays, so just got back and did my first firing and burn in last night. Like with many others, I was a little apprehensive, but went well. Some minor venting in various places, but no lifting of tiles etc. Took it up the various temp ranges using full basket of CoffeeChar. Managed to cook a couple of chickens through the mid-range temps, then seared off a sous-vide steak at raging hot temps. Got the KK up to 750deg and left it there to burn out the basket. Still have a lot to learn about temp control but was pretty happy with my first crack at it. Now just need to track down some smoking wood in Jakarta (which is much harder than you might think). That's it for now. Look forward to learning more from all of you as you continue to post you knowledge here. This is totally useful for newbies to the KK like me.
    1 point
  20. If I am lucky I might have my KK 23 TerraBlue sometime on Friday and if not, then certainly should see on Monday. Almost certainly would've had it today but for the 14 boxes of charcoal that took me past one pallet worth of goods, which delayed shipment due to lack of room on the truck - that coco & coffee char sure as heck need to be stellar stuff! Big grins!
    1 point
  21. I hope I'm not double posting but the system seems to be behaving oddly... Possible lesson learned though I will have to confirm with Dennis or perhaps the rest of you can chime in with your best recollections… As I was working to uncrate Pele I noticed that the way the bottom of the crate/supports were constructed around the wheels it would seem that they are meant to roll off the side that corresponds with the front of the KK. For anyone that ends up having to unpack in a semi confined space, make sure that the pallet is placed so that that side, has plenty of room for the roll off. In my case that did not happen so I find myself removing more wood bracing on the bottom of the pallet so that I can roll Pele off from a different side. The left side of the picture is the front of Pele and I literally have 4 feet from the edge of the pallet so I'm going to have to roll her off from a different direction.
    1 point
  22. I finally got some buddies to help me move my new grill onto a patio in progress. Doing the solvent heating as I type. This is is going to be fun! -Winston
    1 point
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