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  1. Not the best shots but turned out great.injected with an orange apple sauce mix..... Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    5 points
  2. My nieces gave me a smoking gun for Xmas so I just had to try it out. I will say right up front this is no way a replacement for smoking on the KK but it is fun, quick and easy to do in a pinch. I have cheese and salami in the bag that is filled with apple smoke. It only takes a few mins. to do this. Served with some extra tasty beer made by a friend of mine. The salami was actually improved by this little addition of smoke.:)
    4 points
  3. It didn't take much pushing to push me over the edge this morning. It is extremely windy and very cold so why not make some whiskey kindling. It is not for the wood stove but for my new toy, the Smoking Gum. Took the cleaver to some whiskey barrel wood chips. These are really just slivers, about the size of a tooth pick. That was enough slivers to fill the hopper. Cooked the egg and took the shell off. Put it into the bag and added the smoke, left it for a few mins. That's it. The smoke can clearly be seen on the egg. Served with some Purple Crack and Sriracha Sauce. Very pleasant change. [emoji4]
    4 points
  4. While I am on the Xmas theme, this was my Xmas dinner at my brother's. Cranberry pudding for dessert, not a great phone shot but it is the best I have.
    4 points
  5. We have a local spot - Pig & Porter, that one of their specialties is to do smoked cocktails. They bring the smoking gun to your table, flip your glass upside down and inject the smoke into it, then flip it over and pour in the cocktail. Nice presentation and there's a nice smoky flavor to your cocktail. My fav is their smoky Manhattans. Can't wait to see all the fun MacKenzie will have with this new toy!!!
    2 points
  6. My new friends arrived yesterday and I couldn't be happier. This is a short picture story to introduce you to them and give you a feel for the differences between the 23 Ultimate and the new 21 Supreme. First, I have to cede to Dennis and refer you to his photos and announcement here: Here is a picture of the two of them installed at our home in England. They are looking pretty and our "ODK" will get a lick of paint or tiles in the summer to provide a more suitable setting. Here is a shot to show off the 21's manly shoulders And the 23's rounded belly by comparison The main grates don't look too different to each other in terms of surface area But the baking stones do! I've left the heat deflectors in their packaging for the moment because so few of you seem to use them! And here is a comparison between the fire baskets and the drip pans And finally, the view that I am so lucky to have just outside my door I will post any additional differences as I find them. Do ask if there are any photos you would like or things that you want to know about them.
    1 point
  7. First I of all Happy Holidays to all.. and of course I hope you are all cooking for your friends and family and eating great food.. This month in Bali started out rather unusually with a rather large 9,944 ft volcano interrupting about 50-60 miles from my house. This closed the airport and left my wife and son stranded in Bangkok for a week and stopped the flow of almost 30,000 tourists a day from coming and going. While the ash was not very apparent because it was raining multiple times a day, and there was no noticeable smell from the smoke. I suddenly had pretty severe respiratory issues. I had never heard of VOG before but VOG is created when volcanic gases mostly sulphur oxides mostly sulfur dioxide (SO2) react with sunlight, oxygen and moisture. The result includes sulfuric acid and other sulfates that cause lots of problems. Common symptoms are Headaches, watery eyes, sore throat, breathing difficulties / asthma attacks. It caused havoc with my asthma and I needed to retreat to Surabaya to the factory but it seems that I had unknowingly breathed enough sulfuric acid that my cough stayed with me.. NO fun at all to say the least. The next problem is the ash is silica and basically glass.. also dangerous to breath and bad for your eyes.. Best to just leave, I flew to the States mid-month and am hoping the volcano either erupts and blows completely relieving the pressure, or just goes back to sleep before I go back after the new year. Still taking meds to stop my coughing every 12 hours but am feeling much better.. How has your month been?
    1 point
  8. Smoked with pecan and hickory I just love that combination [emoji16] Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. Nice Christmas dinner, MacKenzie. Love those plates. You can get very small wood chips that are made for the smoking guns. https://smile.amazon.com/Wood-Smoking-Chips-Variety-Gift/dp/B007FEO0ZU/ https://smile.amazon.com/PolyScience-Woodchips-Mesquite-Applewood-Cherrywood/dp/B00NAWU39S
    1 point
  10. Ha ha. Yes, I would notice. And yes, you would be very welcome. I imagine successful parties have lots in common with establishing a cult. We are always happy to draw new people in and the "regulars" feel more appreciated when others are drawn into the circle. What fun we will have. So far I am settled on sausages, chicken thighs and drumsticks on the 23 and either lamb shoulder or leg on the 21. Shoulder makes more sense because it will be more forgiving if I get the temps/timing wrong. Also wondering about a cod in a cazuela for those who don't eat meat. I should be set on a menu by Saturday and I promise to share some pics. Happy Holidays.
    1 point
  11. Looks fantastic. Yup...that’s all you need on the egg. A light smoke. No purple crack in California but I go to NZ often. Wondering if they have it there. I went old school last night and made some baked ziti w sausage. Not a grill item but damn tasty. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  12. All good. I can confirm that my baking stones fit just fine in both KKs with no need for any metal work. AND I have got them the right way round this time Seeing some slow roasted lamb in my near term future, need to get the 21 looking a little less pristine!
    1 point
  13. Aussie, your plated dinner looks very appealing, extra tasty looking.:)
    1 point
  14. Great for smoking cheese, cocktails, and boiled eggs. I love making smoked devil eggs. Gives a nice surprise to someone expecting the same ol’ same ol’ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  15. Don't fret, the smoke ring is overrated. As long as the meat was moist, with a good bark - that's money!!
    1 point
  16. The flatware and dishes were my SILs. Don't know about the flatware, but the china was actually bought at a Goodwill, believe it or not!
    1 point
  17. Interesting. I have never seen that before.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. At my SIL's, so no KK, but was an epic Christmas dinner nonetheless. Wild mushroom soup, prime rib, roasted cauliflower and mac & cheese.
    1 point
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