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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/05/2018 in all areas

  1. This could get very pricey. I love the soft bread roll in your photo but wouldn't it be great if we could commission @Pequod to make sandwich bread, you to fill them and then ship them around the world? We might have to go for a regional variation with @Aussie Ora supplying beetroot for the Australians.
    5 points
  2. Tekobo, to answer your question, NO. I also read a lot of reviews and like you very often use that same idea - I'll try it out myself. There weren't enough reviews on the UK site to allow me to judge and the book here is $45 and space is limited. I'd like to see the recipes to help me decide. If 80% are fish or internal organs recipes it probably isn't going to work for me. If I get 2 or 3 great recipes I'd consist it a winner.
    2 points
  3. Bunny...................Looked like a rat/cat to me????????
    2 points
  4. Finally have my table finished. This is not meant to be sitting around although if you had stools you could sit around and cook. A good inch all way round, enough for fire protections and I can get my hand in to control the vents. If I find the wood is darkening I can put in some metal liners. Steak is on. Should have had a bigger fire though. If I find the shelf is getting burned from sparks I can have a piece of stainless steel cut to fit over it. Cooked a spaghetti squash and had planned on an air fryer baked potato but after an hour at 400F it was not cooked and the rest of dinner was ready.:( Drizzled maple syrup over the squash. Coals removed and Konro is cool so on goes the top to keep things dry.
    1 point
  5. Forgive me if I don't use it tonight while watch my Bees sting on them L'ville budgies!
    1 point
  6. I love reviews. I stay in Airbnb a lot and use tripadvisor for bars and restaurants so I rely a lot on other people being honest and clear about their experiences. The proviso is that we also have some tests. We try to figure out how much like us (or not) the reviewer is, what else they like (that we don't) and, after all that, we decide whether we are just going to be bloody minded and find out for ourselves. In this case I went for the last option and am pleased with the result. I promise to do my patriotic duty and do the review on amazon once I've cooked something. Chicken hearts anyone??
    1 point
  7. Mine arrived safe and sound. Thank you very much. Very tasty. My kind of sauce. I'll use the koozie with pride just for you
    1 point
  8. Crete beautiful , I suppose we all the same here , as soon as we open our eyes in the morning we only thinking one thing [emoji16]. Lunch . ! Enjoy Tony looks awesome . Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
    1 point
  9. My carefully packaged box arrived today as well. I plan on trying it out this weekend. Thanks Jon!
    1 point
  10. My box arrived today - safe & sound. Thanks, Jon!! Thinking I'll try this stuff out on a batch of burnt ends I plan to do in a couple of weeks.
    1 point
  11. @Steve M - Jon beat to the punch about the bunny plate. Very cute. Tasty Sammy, too! @alimac23 - Awesome job on the lamb. Gorgeous Japanese knife, too!
    1 point
  12. Tekobo, absolutely! The shipping may be a bit pricey but I work cheap.
    1 point
  13. I'm so jealous! I wonder if they are discriminating against us non-US customers? Harumph. That aside, I have bought what looks like a great book in readiness. See if you can resist buying this: http://amzn.eu/d/ep4mKfe
    1 point
  14. Finished off the meat I had made for yesterday, still too moist even though I used some paper towel to try and dry up some of the moisture.
    1 point
  15. Need to practice on this grill so thought I'd try some Persian Beef Koobideh Kebabs. Halved the recipe and forgot to half the egg so the meat was a little too moist and when that happens the fire gods will reach up and grab whatever they can get. I lost one to the fire. Plated.
    1 point
  16. Here are some shots showing the inside and the inside top. There is a ceramic tile in the bottom under the Konro. This top is very light and the outside top is not too bad either most of the wood is cedar. The outside top cover is waterproof as there is plywood under the cedar boards. The cedar is glued and screwed to the plywood.
    1 point
  17. Thanks, CK, yes, I just lift the top off and set it on another rolling stand I have and that gives me another space to put things. The Konro stays inside the table the entire time. I can lift it out if I want to clean the cavity. I will take another pix when it's daylight. This top just lifts off if I want to get the Konro out or to check on things.
    1 point
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