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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2018 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. It is another miserable windy wet day here but that is not going to stop me from firing up the KK 16. Spicy cheese sausage with mashed potatoes and carrots from the garden and yes, Aussie that is a beet salad. A friend is away and I've been asked to feed their outdoor cat. Fig, the cat, is awesome. I call and he starts meowing and comes running. I feed him then it's nap time for an hour or so. I sit on the couch and up he comes. Meet Fig.
    4 points
  3. I always like your cooks Mac, they look delicious. Now I want to cook some sausages. Speaking of cats my daughter talked me into adopting two little kitties Mika and Sheeba they are about 13 weeks old now. They like to sleep in the sink go figure?
    3 points
  4. Ribs turned out great. Dee whipped up a salad .. Ready to rest. . Carved .. And a simple plate. . Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    3 points
  5. The new 16" KK has arrived in Syracuse. Missing one box with the Tel-Tru thermometer but the crate/cooker and coconut charcoal are in good shape. Loaded on the trailer and ready to go home tonight. Have a small wheeled cart ready to load it on and planning a nice cook for tonight to break it in (hoping my thermometer from the 19" TT will fit in the 16" hole). Picked up a couple nice stuffed pork tenderloins from Wegman's to make the inaugural cook easy but tasty. Will take uncrating and cooking photos and post tomorrow. Too much fun!!
    2 points
  6. Got the day off today for the Melbourne cup .did not pick the winner but .The ribs are looking good . . On they go. . Pulling back nicley. . . Looking forward to the finish. Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  7. Thought I would spatch a chook .made up some veg. .added some red onion. . And gave it some old bay. . Chook is looking good. . Vegies are coming along nicley. . Ready to carve. . And carved .. Love my leg. Outback Kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  8. The new kk looks great! I kept my KK sign too. It will be mounted soon on the ODK.
    1 point
  9. Tucker.......I did reattach the crate top to the bottom pallet and put it on a low furniture dolly. Used it last night as my cooking table . Only problem is that it takes up a ton of room in the garage. The crate has 3 KK signs on it. Going to keep one....anyone out there like to have one of the others???
    1 point
  10. Congrats Jon on your new Second KK! Great uncrating pics and yummy looking first cook. I like the mobility on the carts.
    1 point
  11. The KK arrived safely at the house and was able to slide the crate off of the trailer. Removed the top of the crate. Set aside the vent cap and crowbar. Removed the protective wrapping. Let's see whats inside....... All the inside contents. Lets move the KK onto the rolling cart. Lets see how every thing fits inside the KK. The charcoal basket. The lower grate. The upper grate. The small lower grate upside down on the main grate. Drip pan on the lower grate. Stone heat shield sitting in charcoal basket handles. My cooking set up for the evening. Drip pan on lower grate, cooking on main grate. All assembled and ready to cook. Mac (19" TT) and Black Betty side by side on the rolling carts. They are stored in the garage and are wheeled out to cook. First cook with some apple wood smoke. Stuffed Wegman's pork tenderloins for dinner, smoked at 275*F for 1 1/2 hours. Pretty darn good. Observations: Same great quality as the 19" KK TT. Makes the Joe Jr. look like a toy (and I really like the Joe Jr.). Surprised at the amount of charcoal the basket holds. Not much space between the main grate and the smaller lower grate when you flip it over and place it on top of the upper grate (MacKenzie uses some metal spacers to raise it higher). Performance was the same as the 19" KK........was able to hold 275* with no issues. The metal drip pan worked fine as a heat shield (not much browning on my tenderloins). Heats quickly and used very little lump. The little rolling carts work great for both the 16" & 19" cookers and how I use & move them. The thermometer from the 19" KK fit & worked fine in the 16. Did a low and slow, but can see how this cooker would be at great searing because of the shorter distances to the grates. This cooker had the Guru vent port, the cold smoker port and the remote thermometer wire plug. I can see already that this is going to become my main cooking machine.......very happy I pulled the trigger and got one before they were gone! Grab one now, if you are on the fence. Sweet little cooker!!! Knew what to expect but was still a kid in a candy shop bringing this home and getting it set up. PS - Can't get rid of these last two pictures???????
    1 point
  12. Now listen you KK hall of famers, I overdid the steaks a touch and I was trembling at the backlash lol ! Actually was watching the Chelsea / Palace game and I was preoccupied with an accumulator that sadly did not come in anyway [emoji2955] I gave these beauties 6 mins a side on the Middle grate at 500 deg . Was bloody starving so no sides but a few fries was all these needed and a quick peppercorn sauce went down a bomb with the few beers that were on site [emoji481][emoji481][emoji481]. Getting used to my 42 it’s a potent weapon , the old Weber did me proud for many years but this thing is a different animal completely . Will adjust my timings next shift . Flavour in these was immense , Loving it ! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  13. Steak, chips, pepper sauce and an adult beverage. What's not to like???
    1 point
  14. Great news. quite quick as well. - congrats - !! I am still sitting on my hands waiting.. my shipment left CA on the 26th and the shipper 'thinks' it should be in FL 'maybe' tomorrow. Lovely when the shipping company is as useless as a ^!^ on a bull. +++update+++ my delivery is set for tomorrow am
    1 point
  15. Off to a great start indeed .. Exciting times
    1 point
  16. Such excitement, can't wait to see the pixs.
    1 point
  17. Off to a great start, Jon! Can't wait to see the uncrated pix!
    1 point
  18. It was crazy windy. Just like here today (I'm back home). Actually spent 2 great days visiting 4 breweries and a taproom. Had a number of very good beers. Jailbreak Brewery had a couple of very tasty beers - a saison finished in a red wine barrel on cask, and a Berliner Weiss with pineapple and coconut.
    1 point
  19. Aussie winner winner rib dinner as per Mac and I agree lol
    1 point
  20. Aussie, you picked a winner when you picked those ribs.
    1 point
  21. I have been wanting a pizza for ages and today was the day to satisfy the craving. Loaded with peppers, pepperoni, KK bacon, mushrooms, anise and fennel seeds.
    1 point
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