Despite it snowing for the last 20 hours, you just gotta bear down and keep on grilling. I was damned and determined to do a rotisserie chicken for dinner tonight, as I had set it out to thaw in the fridge yesterday. Rubbed with kosher salt and baking powder overnight to help dry out the skin. Onto a 325F grill, basket splitter with the fire in the back half, with a chunk of peach wood. Cavity seasoned with Penzey's poultry seasoning, wiped down the skin, oiled with olive oil and seasoned with Harry Soo's Slap Yo Daddy spicy rub, and injected with Seasoning Stix Holiday sticks. Meater+ doing it's job.
Came out pretty good. I ramped up the temp to 400F for the last 20 minutes. Skin was OK, not super crispy.
Plated with a wild rice mix and steamed broccoli.
You can't let Winter win!! Release your inner caveman and keep on grilling!