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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/2019 in all areas

  1. @Bruce Pearson - GO FOR IT!!! Ribs are one of the easiest BBQ cooks there is. Up to you whether you remove the membrane on the back or not? Simple process - use a paring knife to pull up the membrane on the end bone, use a paper towel or dish cloth to grab the membrane and just pull and peel it off. It usually breaks so you'll have to do this a few times to get most of it off. Removing it helps get more seasoning into the meat. If you decide to leave the membrane on, don't bother putting rub or sauce on the backs, as it won't penetrate the meat through the membrane. I slather plain yellow mustard on them, then a liberal dusting of whatever rub you like, just like a pork butt. I'm not a big sauce fan, so I normally don't sauce them, but on the rare occasion that I do, wait until they are almost done before putting the sauce on so it doesn't burn. 10 - 15 minutes with sauce is generally long enough to get some mild caramelization without burning the molasses/sugar/honey in the sauce. Just to help out, here's a pic of the "bend test" on how you know that they are done, as they are too thin and narrow between the bones to reliably use a probe thermometer. When you see the meat pull back from the ends of the bones about 1/4", lift up the rack with a pair of tongs about a 1/3 from the end and let the weight of the rack bend the rack downward. If the meat starts to tear in the middle, they're done.
    2 points
  2. I had them for the first time last year and ate my weight in them. Thanks for the heads up!
    2 points
  3. dr2b: I use the foil / towel / cooler method all the time with pork butt. have even kept multiple butts in the cooler for up to 6 hours post cook. I run at 220f using BBQ guru to manage pit and meat temps with the 'ramp' feature on to mitigate overshoot on meat temp. Bruce: re - ribs, i recommend using Big Bob Gibson's 4 stage rib recipe, that is if you like sauced ribs. turns out great every time. my substitution is replace the foil wrap with a foil pan with several half albs in it covered with foil for the foil step; much easier.
    2 points
  4. With that much meat, I'd allow extra time (a couple of hours) and if they hit target IT early - like ckreef said, just wrap them in foil, a bath towel and into an insulated cooler and they'll hold for hours - easily 4. Jon & Bruce - never cooked a rack of ribs , bad grill owners, bad, bad, bad! A time out for you both!
    2 points
  5. It's Raneir Cherry season again. They are a hybrid cherry with very limited harvest. You will only be able to get them another 2 weeks or so. Get em while you can.  If you've never had a Raneir cherry they are super sweet and taste more like a peach than a cherry. Mother Nature's finest candy. Do yourself a favor and get some while you can. Warning: Raneir Cherries are extremely addictive - you've been warned 6 lbs    Just shy of 5 lbs. Pitted, cut in half, and ready for the first freezer stage. 
    1 point
  6. Yes, Bruce, very strong onion flavour, that's why I should have broken it up and spread the goodness around.
    1 point
  7. Tony I almost picked up some ribs last week so I’m thinking about it. Next time I’m at the grocery store I’ll get some baby backs. I have no idea how to cook them.
    1 point
  8. So what I’m gathering from your wise thoughts is shoot for 250F-275F (to decrease cook time)and since the fat will be rendered by 195F-200F with a long cook...take them off at 200F ish and wrap them to put in a cooler and they’ll continue to cook for the few hours till the ribs are done? Thanks to all for your help. 😊
    1 point
  9. Thanks Tony, that was a delicious looking meal.
    1 point
  10. Tony, I saved that one for the end of the meal and ate it whole, it was strong, that is when I remembered that last year I broke the blossom up and sprinkled it over the meal, much better. Now if I can remember that lesson.
    1 point
  11. Second the comment on the SS tabletops reflecting bright sunlight if out in the open , plus they will get very hot, too! Too hot to put an adult beverage down on for more than a few seconds. But, if you want to keep a pot of BBQ sauce warm, just the ticket - solar power, baby!
    1 point
  12. Like you guys said, someone in the food chain got a bug up their butt about it and kicked it back.
    1 point
  13. Leftovers from yesterday's cook. There is something special on this plate and it's for Tony.;) Best to pull the blossom apart and sprinkle it over the plate. I managed to scrape a few greens from the garden alone with the chives.
    1 point
  14. You know, if you can’t get that nasty fish smell out, Dennis would probably let you buy a replacement KK! You could turn the old one into a planter or fountain or something🤪
    1 point
  15. Ranier are the best. I haven't spotted any in the market here, but I'll look when shopping this week.
    1 point
  16. Thanks,CK. I will keep my eyes open for those little gems, I love cherries of any sort, especially the sour ones.
    1 point
  17. Didn't see any here at the market yesterday.
    0 points
  18. At the risk of getting kicked off this forum....................I have to admit..............I have never cooked a rack of ribs on my KK's. (Redhead Sue is a flanken rib fan)
    0 points
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