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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/23/2020 in all areas

  1. Tekobo - The decision definitely is 32 " now - hope you get your new sofa by Xmas - I would offer you our old ones if not , but I suspect that, at current decision making velocity we may not have chosen a fabric by then. Can't stretch to a second oven - not for the moment at least, looks like your 16 " will be just the ticket - and as Paul says you'll be getting lots of practice with adult beverages. Just the thought is making me thirsty - and I haven't had breakfast yet. I'm looking forward to hearing about your pizza oven order - I guess you'll get them in colours to match the KKs ??🤫 Braai-Q - That is great information - definitely, definitely the 32 ". I hadn't thought about the double drip tray - it will be great to be able to make gravy too. I will get the pizza stone - I don't think my oven is practical to use when it's cold although to be honest I haven't tried in the winter. Absolutely makes sense for you to have something mobile to chase the sun - you will have a lovely set up. Tony B - nice to meet another home brewer. I brew a fair range of beer, I've done Bitters ,Mild, Munich Helles, Belgian Trippel, Pilsner (if the weather is cold), Weissbier, Dusseldorf Altbier etc. Recently I haven't been following recipes and I quite like using American / NZ hops in Pale Ales. Brew in the garage with a few friends in the village - it's a full day - they take beer home to ferment and bottle. The star of the show is Stout. We have a culvert running through the garden- fed from a spring a couple of miles away. I pump the water from the culvert to brew with. It flows through the chalk valley so is perfect for Stout. Colour has been chosen, by Mrs RD. I will get accessories as you suggest BQ. Jury is out though on the tables, it's quite a bit extra to spend . Money transferred from the savings account into the current (checking) last night. Cheers, RD
    6 points
  2. That’s great Tony. I regret not buying this when I was in Canada a couple of years ago.
    4 points
  3. This is one of those things that makes me feel good when I look at it. Angel Trumpet
    2 points
  4. I see what you are doing there. Giving me a taste of my own medicine, luring me into thinking I really must buy one. No, no pizza oven here. Famous last words. The best feeling, eh? I have seen photos of my KKs and just transferred the money today. Next they get on the boat and start their journey ....to me!!!
    2 points
  5. Yeah, I checked the weights after posting that question because it looked so diddy and it gave me an idea. But then I saw 100kg and reached the same conclusion. Even on the right trolley, towing that over sand. I guess I'll have to stick with my Cadac Safari for beach breakfasts which is 95kg lighter!! Agree on the rubbish BBQs at holiday homes.
    2 points
  6. Pretty cool to have a special water source like that. I've been brewing over 25 years, so I've just about done it all, including meads and ciders. Don't have a particular favorite, but if you look at my brew log over the last decade, you'll see a few batches of Baltic Porter, my winter beer. COVID has put a damper on my brewing this summer - with all the Festivals being cancelled, I'm only brewing for myself. Have a few hops I want to experiment with, so maybe some pale ales/IPAs are in the works? I struggle with the super big IPAs, as I am not set up for oxygen-less transfers, so it's hard to pull those off.
    1 point
  7. Gorgeous. I imagine it smells great in the evenings too.
    1 point
  8. Birthday present from a friend. They obviously know me well - LOL!
    1 point
  9. Ha! Some sales agent. I can confirm that paying for five KKs from Dennis empties your wallet but does give you lots of pleasure. As does helping others to make the right decision for them. Pushing the boundaries always helps with the "see, I only got three and didn't get that awful colour you didn't like" argument. At 100kg the 16 is not likely to be a beach accessory but I am hoping to take it on stay-cation in the UK. I hate using rubbish bbqs at holiday homes. Yay! I can't wait. In fact, might start practising with a drink tonight.
    1 point
  10. Threw a few chicken breasts on the KK tonight and made a nice Caesar salad, one of my fav meals to make during a busy week.
    1 point
  11. Spent yesterday and today cleaning up my garden after two nights of killer frost, My coverings weren't enough to keep these killer frosts from doing what it always does. Now we have the tail end of Hurricane Teddy to deal with for the next two days.
    1 point
  12. Hey there @Wilsonj. Your post made me laugh. "I'll just have to settle for a KK". Ha. That is one way to get an expensive purchase past your family. And then you casually slip in the fact that you have upgraded to a 32. Awesome. Way to go. It is going to be SUCH fun when you finally get your hands on it.
    1 point
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