Tekobo - The decision definitely is 32 " now - hope you get your new sofa by Xmas - I would offer you our old ones if not , but I suspect that, at current decision making velocity we may not have chosen a fabric by then.
Can't stretch to a second oven - not for the moment at least, looks like your 16 " will be just the ticket - and as Paul says you'll be getting lots of practice with adult beverages. Just the thought is making me thirsty - and I haven't had breakfast yet.
I'm looking forward to hearing about your pizza oven order - I guess you'll get them in colours to match the KKs ??🤫
Braai-Q - That is great information - definitely, definitely the 32 ". I hadn't thought about the double drip tray - it will be great to be able to make gravy too. I will get the pizza stone - I don't think my oven is practical to use when it's cold although to be honest I haven't tried in the winter.
Absolutely makes sense for you to have something mobile to chase the sun - you will have a lovely set up.
Tony B - nice to meet another home brewer. I brew a fair range of beer, I've done Bitters ,Mild, Munich Helles, Belgian Trippel, Pilsner (if the weather is cold), Weissbier, Dusseldorf Altbier etc. Recently I haven't been following recipes and I quite like using American / NZ hops in Pale Ales. Brew in the garage with a few friends in the village - it's a full day - they take beer home to ferment and bottle. The star of the show is Stout. We have a culvert running through the garden- fed from a spring a couple of miles away. I pump the water from the culvert to brew with. It flows through the chalk valley so is perfect for Stout.
Colour has been chosen, by Mrs RD. I will get accessories as you suggest BQ. Jury is out though on the tables, it's quite a bit extra to spend . Money transferred from the savings account into the current (checking) last night.