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  1. Looks like the Komodo Gods were smiling and sending good vibes my way. Someone changed their mind on a 32" and now my name is on it. Best of all, it's leaving on the October shipment! I may buy a Powerball ticket with that kind of luck. I know the first question on your mind is "Hey Poochie, can I pay for it?" No thanks, but I appreciate it. And speaking of Dennis, he said he'd send a free Bambino to anyone who correctly guesses the color. Just pay $3500 shipping and handling charge. Time to clear a spot in my outdoor building for the new arrival. Someone who owns the double drip pan, please tell me about it. I don't have it on my list of accessories yet.
    2 points
  2. I won't keep you long Jeff. You mentioned the heat deflector under the deck, this gives rise to the thought of the dark stains forming on my beams above the Santa Maria. Keep that in mind down the road, this condition kinda creeps up on you. The extra height is a plus for you, but the smoke will become noticeable later . Too bad about the brassero, it would have been nice if they mentioned the change beforehand rather than it being a surprise. But, I'm glad it's all working out, they're alot of fun to use and require way more attention than other grills but as they say, Life is a journey, enjoy the trip. Well, as far as the diet thing goes, I can't help you there, but I figure it this way, "it's the reason they provide all those extra holes on your belt".
    1 point
  3. Bigger is better. get the biggest one that will fit.
    1 point
  4. That is a tough decision, my point of view would be get the largest size you can fit into your space. Better to have too much grilling surface than too little. Good luck and what ever you decide upon you are going to be in for a thrill.
    1 point
  5. I'm getting the lump basket divider, shelves, rotisserie cradle, and pizza stone. Cold smoker and double bottom pan aren't on the list. Yet. I'm going to guess that it'll be delivered by December 1, but with the crazy way things are at the port in California, there's no telling.
    1 point
  6. Congrats on the windfall!! You are going to love the BB 32. So when does the reveal happen? And more importantly tiles are pebbles? Anxiously awaiting……
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Since I'm usually cooking for just myself, it seems to be overkill for a lot of my meals especially since I have the 23" KK, a Weber kettle, and a gas grill and all of those are upstairs on my deck and convenient to the kitchen, but it's been great for the bigger events. I'm still learning how to cook with wood -- I tend to use to much wood and build too big of a fire (like the August one); I over compensated on this cook and used too little. The grill is under my deck with the brassero hanging out from under the deck but the bottom of the deck is 12' up. I've considered putting some metal roofing or other metal over it to help deflect the heat but I think I'm ok without it. I'm mostly happy with the grill; my only real quibble is the brassero. On their website and videos, The brassero hangs on the back of the grill with no legs leaving the floor totally open and making it easy to pull embers out and position them, but my brassero is on legs and stands on the floor. It's also more enclosed than shown on the website/videos. It functions fine but I really liked the original and it irritates me that they didn't mention it during our discussions and haven't noted the difference on the website. I called and discussed it with then after I received mine and they said they made the change because others had complained about the original design scratching up the back of the grill; they offered to work up some brackets that I could mount to the brassero and hang it. As you can see in one of the pics above, I cut some fire bricks in half and raised the brassero some which makes it a bit easier to access embers underneath and that helped some. My big issue now is that I have too many things I want to try on all of my grills (plus I have pizza ovens as well) and I'm on a diet! Cooking for one tends towards having leftovers too so one cook can sometimes feed me for days - the last pork butt I fixed in my KK fed me for a week. I'm planning on spatchcocking and roasting a whole chicken Saturday in the KK and trying out the new cold smoker that was delivered yesterday; that's 3 or 4 meals before my next cooking adventure.
    1 point
  9. The bar within walking distance from my house stocks Pliny. Good stuff! Always takes a little longer walking home!!
    1 point
  10. Grandma and grandpa were sitting in their rockers on the porch. All of a sudden grandma slaps grandpa so hard he falls off his rocker. “What was that for, grandma?” Grandma: “ That’s for 50 years of bad sex” Grandpa gets back on his rocker then proceeds to slap grandma off hers. ‘What was that for, grandpa?” Grandpa: “That’s for knowing the difference!”
    1 point
  11. Did another small cookb using oak on the big grill last Saturday. I didn't make too big of a fire this time but did have to add wood during the session. I'm still experimenting with different sear techniques and used the griddle for the sear this time. Cooked all the sides on the grill as well, including baking a couple of potatoes in the embers. Very tasty!
    1 point
  12. This choice beef tenderloin cooked rare with a compound butter is quite honestly the best steak I’ve ever had. Washed it down with some Pliny, what a lunch! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  13. Pizza again. Typical kitchen sink style, 500° KK dome, 485° baking steel, 6 - 6.5 minutes. Per previous comment, note deflector(!) in use under the baking steel on upper grate.
    1 point
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