I ordered side tables for my 23 Ultimate and they arrived today. Thank you to @Komodo_Kamado_UK for the home delivery service.
@MacKenzie was more impatient that me and sent me a message to check if I had opened the boxes after waiting patiently for precisely 3 hours and 8 minutes for an update.
So, I opened the boxes. Meat hanger for the 32 Big Bad and side tables for the 23 Ultimate.
I was worried when I approached the 23 Ultimate. I have the grate hanger permanently attached on the left and the rotisserie motor bracket on the right. Was I going to need to take both off because they would not fit with the side tables in place? Happily the answer was no.
On the right hand side we fitted the rotisserie motor bracket over the top of the side table bracket. I texted Dennis a photo while I was doing this and he suggested the rotisserie motor bracket should go under the side table bracket. Wouldn't work for me because of the small vertical screws on the rotisserie motor bracket that you can see in the right hand side picture. I will see how things work but I may need to size and cut a new shaft to go between the rotisserie motor and the KK to take account of the extra depth introduced by the new side table bracket.
I took off the old accessory hanger on the left hand side and installed the new one under the side table here:
So, I get to keep all the functionality that I used to have AND I have new side tables. Very happy. Looking at the time stamps on the photos, we went from unwrapped table tops at 18:10 to fitted tables at 18:40. Not bad.
How do I know that Dennis is NOT going to insert a post telling me that I have the tables the wrong way round? Because I already got that from him on WhatsApp and fixed it before posting. So there.