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Everything posted by jdbower

  1. I love that comic, even if I did find a disturbing reference to my in-laws in it once... This one is probably my favorite since there are a lot of math teachers in my life.
  2. And it can even be kosher for those Jewish rednecks. Shalom, y'all! When I was in college my now-wife was eating a salad with this really weird vegetable in it, turned out to be little squid.
  3. Oh dear no, unless of course you're an unemployed artist of some sort is one of my favorites!
  4. Well you just need to get a better browser Works fine on FireFox 3.0RC2
  5. You could have taken him to the Korean BBQ by the H-Mart, I suppose
  6. Did he let you drive his tractor? Curly's a great guy and I'm glad you had a chance to see a great part of our country!
  7. Most hardware stores that sell propane like Lowes or Home Depot have a good selection of propane accessories, you can probably even bring the KK part and make sure they match things up.
  8. And an even nicer "Mini-Me" with one of your covers over it! Do you have enough measurements to start cranking them out once Dennis goes GA on the smaller model?
  9. Very good! My sources show the temperature is actually between 218-246C (425-475F).
  10. I can see it now. From mysterious far eastern spirits infused with the essence of a venomous snake to "DJ's Southern Style Critter-Liquor".
  11. Good old German food - if you can shove it into an animal casing it's edible! For my fellow New Jersey-ites there's a great German place in Howell called Fritzy's which is well worth the trip.
  12. A great source for side dishes! http://www.thailandunique.com/ I'm sure the canned bamboo worms aren't as good as fresh, but what can you do? If DJ orders the snake whiskey pictures must be provided.
  13. For low and slow cooks the wood mostly smolders rather than burns. When you get to high temp grilling (anyone remember the reason for the book title Fahrenheit 451?) soaking can extend the time it takes to heat the wood and keep the smolder going longer, but you'd be better off with a smoke pot to reduce the oxygen to the smoke wood. A nice side effect is after the cook you get a few more chunks of charcoal. FWIW: Wood generally only smolders 120-150C (250-300F), but rotted wood can ignite at the high end of this scale. Most wood ignites between 190-260C (375-500F). Granted it's hotter in the pit than the dome, but remember we're also restricting the oxygen flow into the cooker to compensate.
  14. Willkommen! Wie gehts? You have indeed chosen wisely and it's nice to have another pin in the map. It would be interesting to see a mashup of where KKs live, I know you've got at least one neighbor in Switzerland. I can't wait to see pictures of your new cooker when it gets home, perhaps with a nice German Leica? Please tell us more about your existing cookers, we like hearing about those as well. Glückwünsche!
  15. Personally I'd keep the Ultimate as a full featured product including all accessories even if it means an increased price. However, I could also get behind broadening the market with the other cookers by having "barebones" models with only the necessities. It may even tempt Sanny to upgrade
  16. I actually recommend a WhiBal card, like a KK they're very durable.
  17. The fact that the snow stayed on the cooker so long once it reached cruising temperatures is a testament to the insulation on these things. I'm impressed!
  18. I've got a ThermaPen, it's a great instant-read probe. I also have a Maverick RF monitor that I picked up someplace, probably Amazon or Target. It works well enough and has two probes. Of course, once you start looking into this deeper you may find yourself wondering why you'd stop with just monitoring the temperature and go for a BBQ Guru or Stoker to also control the pit temp.
  19. You're a cruel, cruel man for posting pictures like that without sharing - veal prime rib sounds delicious and tender enough you probably don't need a knife!
  20. Why is the thought of DJ with tiny camera probes so unsettling to me? I wonder how much these cost, one must have one's gadgets, after all!
  21. Sounds like fun! Whizzy's page Guru's tips
  22. So over there your rats get grilled. Here in Jersey our rats get cement shoes and sleep with the fishes!
  23. Anyone else disturbed that there's a picture of a dog and then a picture of meat on the grill? Good doggie...tasty doggie...
  24. Re: OTB Components Great pictures! It's always nice to see what these things actually look like. Oh, the humanity!
  25. Welcome aboard! Isn't "madly passionate Spaniard" a bit redundant? All the KK models are very nice and share a lot of design features. I'd go for at least the Supreme to get the high end stainless, but remember that this will outlast most other solutions so don't be afraid to spend a little extra. I hate knowing there's a better model with more features that I could have had so I'm an Ultimate kind of guy, but the reality is that all four models will cook equally well. You've probably seen the comparison table here. You're just in time for cheaper shipping to Australia, but watch out for those drop bears!
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