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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Very scrumptious looking. A 5 star desert. Reef's Bistro
  2. About high heat - if you leave the top vent wide open you'll end up with a raging fire but all the heat is escaping through the wide open top vent. Shut the top vent down to two turns open and your KK temp will start to rise. . As for a complete burn in - 4 hours is not enough time set aside for this. You really should start the procedure early in the morning when you're going to be around the entire day. You can stable at various temps along the way to cook some food but in the end you need it around 500* and let it sit there a few hours to make sure the grill is fully heat soaked all over so venting occurs everywhere on the grill. . An incomplete venting won't hurt anything but it'll probably vent more next time you go high temp. Everytime you get that smell it's venting even if it's a month after your initial burn in. Just make sure you check it on cool down after you get the smell. Eventually the process will complete itself but many of us found it took 2 or 3 high heat sessions for the process to finally be over. Reef's Bistro
  3. Hopefully grilled Peach ice cream coming soon. Reef's Bistro
  4. Don't worry, it won't fall apart without the cotter pin. Just get one as soon as you get a chance. About 10 cents at any hardware store. Reef's Bistro
  5. Dang it man. That is awesome. Can't wait to see some more pictures. Reef's Bistro
  6. When we were out and about Saturday morning we came across a really cute, little CI Dutch Oven. The original idea was to cook a small two person peach cobbler ......... But then I got thinking ......... . So Sunday morning when I broke out the drill Mrs skreef said (with a pouty lip) "Bye Bye little cooker." Of course I replied with "But it's for the good of mankind!" . That's 5 decent sized chunks of smoke wood that I split (with a machete) so it would all fit. Get the kamado up to temp (250* in this case) then put the smoke pot right down on the coals. Install your diffuser, grate and food. Close the dome. It took the smoke pot about 5 minutes to heat up. After that it was about 3 1/2 hours of the best smelling thin blue smoke I've ever had. Constant the whole time. So glad I listened to CC with this idea. Reef's Bistro
  7. Now that I've found a small Dutch oven that will work in my 19" TT how many holes should I drill in the bottom. I'm thinking 3 x 1/8". Reef's Bistro
  8. We did grab two 1/2 bushel boxes of peaches. They had prime #1 grade, one box $35 or two for $65. They also had #2 select grade, one box for $20 or two for $30. . We got the two for $30. #2 selects are the imperfect peaches. May not be perfectly round but the boxes had a better mix of sizes. They work good for canning but they are not fully ripe yet so you have to let them sit on the counter for a few days. A much better price and only a slight Hassel to deal with. . Grill Peach Reef Jam coming soon. Will probably can some peaches too. Reef's Bistro
  9. Nice looking KK. Those tiles are awesome. . One thing I noticed. In the hinge picture (4th picture) I believe you are missing a cotter pin. Should go in the little hole at the end of the hinge pin to keep the hinge pin from slowly working itself out. Reef's Bistro
  10. The Reef's love kamado buns. Looks good. Reef's Bistro
  11. Very nice picture. Reef's Bistro
  12. I've posted pictures of this place before but this time I thought I would do a virtual tour of their packing machine. Me and Mrs skreef went there today to buy some cheap peaches. Lane Packing is the only peach packing facility in the US that still packs the boxes by hand. Fasten your seat belts the tour is about to begin. The peaches are picked and put in large plastic bins. Those bins are put in a large water refrigerator (large plastic covered doorway in the first picture). Once the peaches are cooled to the appropriate temperature they are brought out by fork lift and put on the packing machine receiving area. A machine picks up the bins and dumps them on the conveyor belt. The peaches then get split up and go through a machine that removes the fuzz, washes then waxes them. They then go through an inspection area. The really good ones are culled out and put on the small upper belt. Any remaining leaves or bad peaches are put down the small square trash shoot next to each inspector. The peaches meet again and go up to the grading belt/computer. This new belt holds each peach in a known spot. They pass through a laser/computer area (under the green plate). The laser inspects each peach. The computer registers it's size, grade and position on the belt based on the laser inspection. They then pass through the sticker machine. They proceed along. Based on what the computer registered about that peach it's kicked off and goes down the appropriate slide to the correct boxing station located on the other side of the cat walk. Here the peaches are hand boxed for different markets/customers. You can see the different boxes at the various packing lanes. This is a really kewl place to visit. We go here every year during peach season. They have a decent store where you can buy everything peach and more. If you live in GA or are passing through on I-75 take a small detour to check it out. Reef's Bistro
  13. Great pictures, great looking KK. The story of your wife is priceless. Reef's Bistro
  14. That's a really kewl idea. Great breakfast. Reef's Bistro
  15. Great pizza and that is a great entry. I love Tikka Masala. Will have to make this sometime. Reef's Bistro
  16. Whenever somebody asks I always tell them to post pictures directly to the forum. When everyone uses third party picture hosting it eventually wreaks Havoc on a forums content. Reef's Bistro
  17. Never had smoked trout. Interesting cook. Reef's Bistro
  18. Nothing wrong with that burger meal. I like mine md well but can go md in a pinch. Reef's Bistro
  19. That is awesome. Can't wait to see some pictures. Reef's Bistro
  20. Interesting you tune into probably the most important piece of information in the entire post. It's the piece of information that allows the edge to experience the most oven spring as possible. . For thin and crispy it really kills me to see people take a rolling pin to their pizza dough. Rolling pins are for pie crusts not pizza dough (with a very few exceptions). Reef's Bistro
  21. Meat looks good but that is a really fantastic view. Reef's Bistro
  22. Updated post #2 to complete the tutorial. I hope you have a decent high speed connection - LOL Reef's Bistro
  23. That's one of the best stretching of the truth I've heard yet when buying a kamado. LOL . Doesn't work so well when your wife cruises the forums. . Reef's Bistro
  24. TY CC - I was trying for step by step that would yield repeatable results. I've done this a bunch of times lately to make sure I had everything just right. Reef's Bistro
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