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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. The meal looks good but that green crap looks nasty as hell........just sayin......
  2. @Tyrus I like both of those The kitchen section is like the BBQ section. I walk through them every time I go to a store, "Just in case"
  3. No, you had it right. That's a Lloyd Pans Detroit Style Pan. Lloyd Pizza Pans are the best IMHO. Going to buy me a Lloyd PSTK Chicago Deep Dish and Grandma pan. I might also buy me a few PSTK cutter pans. Was going to order them this weekend but I didn't get around to it. The pizza wasn't bad either.
  4. Another pan pizza. Bread Machine, 5 day refrigerator rise, sour dough. 1/2 meat lovers (mild Italian sausage, diced ham, diced pancetta and pepperoni). The star of the show was the 1/2 Greek (sliced tomatoes, fresh basil, fresh garlic, feta cheese and a little fresh squeezed lemon juice). Fresh squeezed lemon juice on a pizza sounds a little weird but it was just a hint of lemon that went really well with the tomatoes and feta. Mrs skreef doesn't like it when I go Greek but she really liked this version and thought it was my best Greek to date.   Not the best looking pizza but it tasted spot on. 
  5. ckreef


    Now you all got me wanting to try some of Fogo's other versions.
  6. ckreef


    Never ordered the first 2 but the Marabu is a bitch to light. It's an awesome alternative for the Konro but I light it in a chimney. Fire starter, thin layer of RO them fill the rest of the chimney with Marabu. (didn't we have this conversation before? My memory is fading - LOL) If you liked the Super Premium just not the size try the Premium Black Bag. Same lump but reasonably sized pieces.
  7. ckreef


    Don't freak out if you don't get shipping notification. Sometimes their web processing system is lacking but the lump will show up on your doorstep. Also with multiple items they will ship them independently so sometimes part of your order will show up one day and the other part the next day.
  8. ckreef


    In GA if I order some today it will show up Tuesday or Wednesday. When ordering you really need to order in multiples of two bags or a single bag. If you order 3 they strap all three boxes together which I'm sure pisses the delivery guy off. My usual order is 2 LG Black Bag and 1 bag of Marabu. Everything is individually boxed. They strap the 2 boxes of Black Bag together and ship the Marabu boxed seperatly. It's free shipping for 2+ bags and where you live should ship as fast as GA.
  9. ckreef


    I've never had a problem with Fogo and shipping. Yea I'm sure a small amount gets crushed a bit but probably no more than the big box store employees abusing bags lump. Of course I'm only one state away from Fogo.
  10. That's what I'm talking about
  11. What are you talking about - that's breakfast of champions. If it was only good enough for doggie dessert you should have filed it in the circular file to begin with. Just sayin........ Not commenting on this cook.
  12. ckreef


    The Super Premium is awesome lump but you'll end up with some really LG pieces. Might have to break a few of them up with a hammer especially in the 19". Black Bag is the same lump as Super Premium just smaller pieces.
  13. ckreef


    The Argentinian Quebracho lump is the second hardest lump Fogo sells with Marabu being just slightly harder. I only mention this for lighting purposes because I know Marabu can be a bear to light by itself.
  14. Looks good can't wait to see some pictures.
  15. Fantastic looking cheesecake. Me and Mrs skreef has made them numerous times in the KK. Cheesecake is one of those things that will soak up a bunch of smoke. Next time try using regular lump (not Coco char) without any chips. Most lumps give off a little smoke flavor which will probably be enough to give the cheesecake a kiss of smoke.
  16. ckreef


    If you find the pieces too big try the Fogo Premium Black Bag. Same lump just smaller pieces. Still decent size just not the XL pieces you find in the Super Premium version.
  17. First pizzas look awesome and think they'll only get better from here (except the occasional screw up of course).
  18. ckreef


    Fogo Black Bag. Decent sized pieces and fairly consistent bags. Free shipping so that's not an issue. Not thrilled with the Fogo Super Premium. Same lump as the Black Bag except really large pieces.
  19. My 19" pan is only used as a serving plate. The 16" pan turned into a chimney transfer pan for the Konro.
  20. That's the 32" lower grate he's cooking on which probably makes it look a little smaller.
  21. I decided to take the 4 retaining "c" clips off. (pulled them off with a pair of pliars) Three reasons for this: 1) for our application they are not needed to hold it together. It'll stay together on it's own. 2) way easier to clean the 3 individual parts.  3) there's times when I'll probably do a mixed grate and skewer cook and will use the middle section by itself.
  22. That's the one. I think I paid the $29.99 at a local Lowes.
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