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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Went to the new butcher /meat market today (will post pictures momentarily). Quite a few local rubs and sauces. I'll have to go back and gather up a few boxes of goodies.
  2. Tomorrow it's supposed to be rainy and nasty. Perfect weather for a low-n-slow. I already have the KK loaded and ready to go. Just have to wake up in the morning and put the torch to it.
  3. I must agree with you - very good friends
  4. Totally awesome. Tastes a bit like a cinnamon roll. Going to eat some tomorrow morning for breakfast before we head out to a new found butcher for the first time.
  5. I found Jesus. This was totally fun. Both me and Mrs skreef squealed with delight (okay we're weird). BTW - this has tomorrow breakfast written all over it.
  6. To many ideas to try, not enough time. I should be cooking in a T-shirt tomorrow.
  7. I already have plans for some of the goodies.
  8. The title says it all. Plenty of new and unique tastes to try. Thank you everyone for making this possible.
  9. I'm just really surprised it came through shipping without getting trashed. It was a serious surprise in the bottom of the box.
  10. My box arrived from Robert @5698k. What an interesting box. And it came through shipping unscathed. I learned something new today. I had never heard of a King Cake before. Mrs skreef knew all about them. Can't wait until after dinner so I can get my little surprise. TY for the awesome care package.
  11. Fantastic steaks and fantastic meal all around. So tell me how do you use fat like that on air fryer chips? I thought you spayed the chips with fat before going in an air fryer. Do you melt the fat down to liquid form first so it can be sprayed on? I guess you can tell I've never used an air fryer before.
  12. Welcome to the world of KK's. I live in Danville, GA only about 40 minutes from Gray. If you need help moving it let me know. I'd be more than happy to come help. I've move a few in the past. Charles
  13. Really awesome box, tony did it right. Well now we know we're good sending these kind of boxes into Australia. When we take these boxes to the post office usps asks all sorts of questions. It's just easier to answer no to the questions but I always wondered what would happen if a package got inspected along the way.
  14. ckreef

    Pork ribs

    Great looking ribs.
  15. Please tell me they don't actually broadcast TV commercials like that second link. Kewl grill but the whole thing sort of makes you want to blow your brains out - LOL
  16. Hey I want to stop by, eat lamb and get pissed. I'll even wave an Aussie flag
  17. My package beat Aussie's package but I figured Aussie Post would stuff it up and that's with USPS slightly stuffing my package up. Anyway here we go. Let me say you had me fooled with the red, tasted good but no big deal. I dove head first into the yellow, whoa, drink some beer. Couldn't stop now onto tasting the brown, Yikes!! Drink a lot more beer, didn't help - LOL Will have to make Mrs skreef some French toast this weekend so we can try the Bourbon Barrel Maple Syrup. Thank you @tony b for an awesome package.
  18. Great story. Looks fantastic. And those Tomahawks look really good too.
  19. Mrs skreef really liked the corn. Next time I'm adding some Ghost rub for a little extra kick.
  20. From what I can normally find locally (middle GA), the beef ribs totally suck and don't have enough meat on them to even bother with buying/cooking them.
  21. We've had some crazy cold weather (for GA) until Saturday. It was such a nice day today I had to take advantage of it.
  22. One thing I've done in the past is precook the fresh baby spinach until it just starts to wilt. This reduces the final cook shrinkage and makes it a bit easier to stuff.
  23. Or at least we ate like we were vacationing at the NY State Fair. A beautiful afternoon. Sunny and 60*, time to break out the Yakatori grill. Salt Potatoes. Spiedie marinated chicken and NY strip steak. I searched out how the NY State Fair grilled their corn. Last few years it's been Mexican Street Corn so here we go. Ready for the grills. Mexican Street Corn on the Akorn Jr. NY strip and chicken Spiedie kabobs on the Yakatori. I needed a bigger Yakatori grill so I could cook the corn on there too. Delicious NY State Fair food. Thank you @Jon B. For an awesome meal.
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