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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Mrs skreef thought it was the best I've ever made. I suppose that's what counts the most.
  2. Another great beef rib cook. Now that I have a source for good beef ribs I want to try a Asian vinegar mop version.
  3. Drumsticks are awesome. Looks delicious.
  4. Brunswick Stew. It's been on the KK with Hickory wood and no lid for the last 5 hours.
  5. Great looking cook. Never had goose before. Doubt I would ever find one where I live.
  6. That's pretty much same as my knife except mine has a 10" blade. Also custom handle by Ben. I think mine was also blue #2 steel.
  7. I have a knife just like that. I compared the stamps, different blade Smith. Paid $85 for mine from CKTG. It's one of my favorites. If someone breaks into the house and I can't get to the guns that's the knife I'm grabbing. Always thought it would make a perfect slasher knife - LOL
  8. Looks like a good time was had along with some good food. Great pictures.
  9. Awesome and interesting adventure. Can't wait to see the outcome.
  10. Looks delicious. It's been a while since I did a whole fish.
  11. I'm excited to see this too.
  12. Good looking cooks. Rotisserie chicken is the only way to fly the bird. BTW I do all my rotisserie chicken cooks in the 400* - 450*. I've actually done a "Kill a Chicken" experiment with my KK Rotisserie. I pushed the boundaries of how hot and how long and never did have a bad bird.
  13. TY Tyrus - I am so glad I found the new meat market. I've never bought beef ribs that meaty before. And the thin ribs I've bought in the past always came out dry and tough. These were just moist and succulent. That rack cost $25. Although they weren't cheap they were worth every penny.
  14. This is slightly ironic. A friend from Australia (@Aussie Ora) sent me a package of American BBQ Slow & Low Smokin Texas. I guess we're going to find out what Australia's version of American BBQ tastes like. I rubbed it down Saturday night, tightly wrapped in saran wrap then put it in the fridge until Sunday morning. Here it is ready to go on the KK. Note: that is a serving platter. Those ribs measured about 12" x 12" and almost 3" thick. I cooked it for about 5 hours at a dome of 210*. At this point I figured if I actually wanted to eat these on Sunday I better bump up the temperature to 240*. Here they are 2 hours later with an IT of 170* I then tightly wrapped in foil and another 2 hours later they were at a IT of 200*. Pulled the package off and wrapped in a cooler to rest for an hour. Ready to serve. These were the best beef ribs I've cooked to date. Of course they were the best beef ribs I've ever bought (TY M & T Meats). The Grill Mates Australia division did a good job with the rub as it tasted fantastic. Besides how else was I going to make American BBQ without some Australian rub - LOL. I will say the KK performed flawlessly. During the 5 hours at 210* me and Mrs skreef went to town for almost 1 1/2 hours. Came home and still sitting at 210*. It was running so good I think I could have easily kept it at 180* (of course the meat would probably still be on the grill at that temperature - LOL)
  15. ckreef

    Beef Stew

    Great looking stew.
  16. We'll know in about 20 minutes when the fancy French potatoes are done.
  17. The pictures only showed a small portion of their spices, rubs and sauces. They had jars stuffed in every available spot. They are also a BGE dealer with a lot of BGE accessories and one grill on the floor. I know we're not BGE people but I thought it was kewl.
  18. You crack me up. I'm going to remember that one.
  19. You know if they keep knocking at your door you're going to have to feed them - LOL
  20. In a shallow dish we put some EVOO, a touch of balsamic vinegar and some Bush Dukkah then dipped our bread in it. Most excellent. I can think of a few uses for that.
  21. Looking good. I have Dino bones about to go on the KK as I type this. Not sure if I can get them to the Aussie Ora award winning status but I'm going to try.
  22. From what the website says they have their own hog farm where they introduced Berkshires into the herd to raise the quality of the pork they sell. They also have their own Abattoir which I'm sure is why they can offer non standard cuts. They also had Veal Tomahawk steaks. They looked awesome. In hind sight I should have bought a couple of those. If they have them next Friday I'll pick up a couple.
  23. Can't believe I didn't know about this place. It's huge and only 45 minutes from the house. We got there fairly early today. There were about 10 people in the place. When we left there was over 30 people in line waiting to be served. It was a steady stream of cars going in and out the driveway. With this much meat on display you need that much traffic to keep everything fresh. The prices were decent. You can have your selection wrapped in paper, vacuum sealed or marinated then vacuum sealed, your choice. The pictures should say it all. Check out this tuna. It's the biggest chunk I've seen in person. That single back piece measured about 8" x 6" x 2". Missing is a picture of the huge selection of fresh sausage. They had a few unique cuts. Never seen this double chop cut before. That is over 1 1/2" thick. On the KK as I type this. Yea I spent a bit of money today but in reality I showed restraint because I wanted to buy so much more. It's in a location where I can stop by at work so I'll be back weekly. Here is the monster chop almost done. I reverse seared it then finished it off with a raspberry pepper glaze. Fantastic.
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