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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Re: You're teasing those of us who can't use a roti/EZQue!! Of course! and Guru ready. It will be a smaller Gen II.. but it's really pretty big. Much bigger than I thought it would be when I drew it on my Mac..
  2. So it burns out in X hours and then cools.
  3. Re: I hear an idea in the making That's the ticket. "a powered/air type dispenser".. with a small bead.
  4. It's fine, although for bars, bathrooms and kitchens I recommend using silicone in the groove part of the tongue and groove. This creates a barrier to prevent spills from getting under the flooring and creating odors..
  5. New Peek... 3/8" Main Grill The 3/8" looks really beefy in the smaller body.. I'll I said was, SAH-WEET!
  6. Strips of wood I'll get some shots to make understanding easier but basically there are strips of wood countersunk and screwed to the bottom of the table that fit down into the stainless folding assembly. These fit snugly and click into the assembly.
  7. Any shape or material side table. Thank you.. I'm sorry I don't understand the "no changes in that area of the KK in future models?" question.. Are you referring to the side accessory plates? I like the wood also but the folding stainless table support could hold any shape or material side table. So if someone wanted a tiled one that's very do-able also. The table is designed so you can remove the table, take it to the kitchen.. fill with meat and carry it back out and insert it into the table support assembly.
  8. I sent three Gen II's to a resort in St Lucia and the warehouse made a mistake and sent two cobalt blue and one mottled grey instead of three blues.. So now I have this grey Gen II in a Lake Wales FL warehouse.. I really need to get it out if that warehouse.. Anybody in the South want to save a few hundred in trucking? GEN II Ultimate OTB Warm Mottled Grey JRE 320 w/ matching dark grout KKGENII-G84 (w/optional Gas burner)
  9. How does this look? Yes, it has officially been recognized as the worlds longest gestation for an accessory but you gotta admit it is finally KOmodo quality.
  10. Homemade Thai Sea Horse Whiskey I actually drank Sea Horse Whiskey with my brother in law just because he handed me the bottle on New Years and I was not about to be squeamish or even hesitate. It did have a "special bite" that was either from being total rotgut home made whiskey or the 10 sea horses in the bottle.. Been there, done that.. worse than eating the worm in the bottom of a mescal bottle.
  11. More than you wanted or cared to read.. Mr Bradbury thought it was the temp that books would self ignite and the combustion would be self supporting.. i.e. bring it to that temperature and it will spontaneously ignite. I don't think this is necessarily the exact temp.. too many different types of paper But Fahrenheit 451 sounds better than 232.778° Celsius, 910.67° Rankine, 186.222° Réaumur or 505.928 Kelvin It's also the temp of bakers used to call a "Quick Oven"
  12. Thai- German Schwein Haxe Now I remember DJ singing about German Schwein Haxe before but I had no clue what it was and never Googled it. But with this new series of posts I had to do a google image search and laughed when I saw the big knuckle because I used to buy them in Bangkok all the time. 100 meters from my house there was a high end shopping complex where all the hotels had take away food stalls. Thailand is a magnet destination for the Germans and so their is lots of German food there. I truly believe that the Thais are their polar opposite. They are actually yin and yang but that's another story.. But back to the Schwein Haxe.. one of the stalls always had about 10-15 of these large chunks of very tender tasty pork. One of the things I really miss about Bangkok.. I give a big two thumbs up for Schwein Haxe too..
  13. German Sales - 5 Total I would like to add that after we announced that we were shipping to Germany and looking for people to piggyback the shipment to reduce the clearance costs we recruited another 4 people. Two of them from our own TLinder who lives just over the border. Ah the power of the net.. Thanks everybody for your help.
  14. Argh... It is entirely possible that the machine shop here changed something which is causing your problem. I thought we finally had a good shop.. I've sent someone off to ACE hardware to buy a new hose to compare.. I have not had a mismatch reported for months so I'm hoping it's a fluke. I have new valves in stock in CA and will fire one of to you. Last thing I want is for you to stop cookin' and postin'
  15. I've been trying hard to hang onto the original pricing from last spring but everything especially stainless steel has been skyrocketing. I'm also now using more imported materials but two recent events have just become the two straws that broke the proverbial camel's back. May 1st the shipping companies announced a BAF (fuel surcharge) of $796 and a GRI (general rate increase) of $240 for a 20ft container... Total increase $1,036 This brings the cost of a cleared 20ft container to $4,408 (or a whopping $367 per OTB) This week fuel prices in Indonesia were raised by 30% causing strikes and demonstrations. This will no doubt increase costs across the board. Now here's the question to Gen II owners.. How much do you use your lower grill? Now that the upper grill is reversible and can be used down below is it really that important to have the lower in the lux package? NOTE: I will discontinue building the Supreme and Supreme Plus packages with the release of the new 19.5" OTB. So if you or a friend are interested in these, now is the time to pick one up.
  16. Bark. Bark.. It's an obsession.. When the magic all comes together.. the mustard can absorb the meats flavors, the smoke, heat (from chillies) and rub to transform into a hard chewy pretty much beef jerkeyish material which I hold close to my heart. The best pieces once spotted, never last more than a few seconds before they are slipped into my mouth.. These are the ones above a thin layer of perfectly low & slow smoked and cooked pork fat.. Dry and hard on the outside but soft and melt in your mouth buttery on the inside.. The hard spicy jerky thing with the soft melting fat meat thing is what Q is all about to me.. those little nibbles... So loaded with flavor it overwhelms you.. I can never eat after pulling pork cause I fill up on these bits.. I can't see one and not eat it cause each one is better than the one before until you feel sick from eating too much! Ahh it's killing me just thinking about it.. I think I'm in the right business because I tell my lady that I have to cook Q every weekend and more cause it's work related! Yea right... research! The lean areas can be trimmed and kept to be eaten like (beef) pork jerky too.. So DJ I hear ya about highlighting the meat's flavor but also love that crispy pork flavored stuff.. Bark Bark..
  17. fantasy photos.. food porn! That's easy.. a BIG PIG! As I said, that's a beautiful full rack.. I can only dream of getting my hands on some like that here.. Oh well, thanks for posting the fantasy photos.. Truly food porn! PS Next time try liberally slathering them with standard French's mustard and then your rub.. The mustard will absorb your smoke, loose it's mustard flavor and turn into a dark black, delicious bark.. Adds another dimension to your Q.. BTW Great job with your first rack cook
  18. Argh... Those are huge! I'm green with envy.. those ribs are huge. I'm guessing 2.5- 3 lbs each. Lotta meat there.. they must have been great. In semi-porkless Islamic Indonesia, they never let the pigs get larger than a big dog.. It's tough to get ribs over 1 1/4 lb. JUst found out about a business in Hindu Bali called Swine.. maybe I can special order some big meaty ribs.. I'll even hand carry them home on the plane.
  19. The mold is finished.. Yes, I made the base a bit wider.. I'm very pleased.. I think it's great!
  20. Yes, I made the base a bit wider.. but I think it's great!
  21. Re: how about the equivalent of a #9 I'm sorry, I just realized I did not mention the lil bit open contraption you asked about.. Mostly because I thought that our Firemonkey answered it perfectly.. A simple tether attached to the latch or handle that could hook on the latch catch would do the trick for you..
  22. with a trailer and tow-able for feeding the masses.. The traditional round design becomes awkward when it gets to 25" and up. Also that's a lotta arm (and maybe some of your ribs) over the heat for grilling. I think that Primo's idea to go oval maked more sense. And of course my stretched OTB would take the cake.. A 22" deep and 32-36" wide OTB could cook a lotta ribs or butts. Maybe make it with a trailer and tow-able for feeding the masses.. A guy's gotta dream..
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