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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Unlike your kids in 'Murica.. My wife and kids love cartilage.. and happily crunch away.. What we toss they treasure. Once my mind was opened I realized it has a great uniformly crunchy or rubbery texture, no obvious flavor and is fun to eat.. Can't figure out why it's considered inedible in the US..
  2. Sounds great.. and it's on Kindle.. Wish Legends was on Kindle also.. Thanks Dave!
  3. Low carb diets.. I hope i get this right.. My dear friend MK1 told me that a low carb diet will prevent you from making too much insulin which then creates fat.. What ever your diet is you create a carb/insulin baseline.. If you cut out all carbs you will still have a baseline but it will drop to the point where even the carbs in vegetables will come into play and you could actually create too much insulin without eating the traditional carbs.. So here's the good news.. You need to keep you baseline high so you loose weight and don't create too much insulin.. How? One day a week you need to spike your carb intake.. that's right.. scarf down those carbs with a few beers! Your insulin will spike a bit and keep that baseline high so the rest of the week it's soo high you limit your insulin production.. Sounded good to me.. I hope I got that right.. Probably a term wrong here and there but that's the essence.. and you get to spike your carbs once a week! LOL
  4. I'm guessing the sugar in the ginger brew made the blackened grate marks a bit blacker.. Those look like they were painted on! Great/grate cook! PS did you actually cook them on the upper grill sitting on the lower grill or did you toss it in after to shoot them in the grill and get better light?
  5. Here is a gallery of a house we just finished in Bali.. We did all the teak faux/wrapped beams, ceilings, cladding, flooring and decking.. Dropbox gallery of HHF teak project http://www.HandHewnFloors.com 0
  6. Grill Stone - Cleaning Blocks.. Has anybody tried these? I think they might be the solution for people who want SS colored/looking grates.. http://www.amazon.com/EarthStone-750AZ003-GrillStone-Grill-Cleaning/dp/B000LF61TI
  7. My office manager is dying to make this and wants to know what cheese you used...
  8. Beautiful Butt.. I see where two large chunks of the skin/fat fell off into your mouth.. Inspirational butt to say the least..
  9. Great cook Wilbur.. that bite on the plate has me drooling.. The difference between other charcoal grills and your KK is that there is no gap between the body and firebox or holes in the firebox for the air to bypass the charcoal. This prevents the grill from getting too hot and cracking or warping. When you open the chimney on your KK and hot air exits, a vacuum is created and that same volume of air is forced thru the charcoal. With other charcoal grills the air takes the path of least resistance and goes around the charcoal. This forced airflow on the KK is why it is more responsive to adjustments and gets hot faster.. Remember that you really don't have airflow until you close and latch the lid..
  10. Now that's a chunk of Piggy! I would just make sure the entire piece is shielded / indirect. You may need to make a shield using tin/aluminum foil from the front to the rear of the lower grate leaving just the area near the handles open..
  11. Please use the forum to host images.. This forum has lost hundreds of images from hosting companies that change their urls when merging with other companies or users close accounts or they just closed accounts etc.. I believe the new images posted are larger now..
  12. I have remotely activated his KK's flashback recovery alert system.. First time he takes the grill to high temps, the damper top will spin closed, front draft door will also close and after 8 minutes the grill's latch will open creating a huge flashback that will be picked up by infrared sensors in our satellites that will send exact coordinates to the local popo.. His goose will be well cooked!
  13. Your concrete is fine.. They are high density black rubber wheels, I would not worry about them being scuffed, if fact they are hidden up in wheel wells and can’t be seen.
  14. I think we found Howard's stolen grill.. tough because the Craig's list grill is soo dirty but If you take a point of reference like where the latch is then look for a pattern of let's say two lighter tiles then a few darker ones.. and then the other grill has the same.. it's like a fingerprint with that terra blue tile. Please look at the tiles Ive underlined and compare left and right and I think you will agree that's the grill.. dirty but the same grill.. And it's one hour away with side tables too.. I got a hold of Howard and he's checking into it.. Joshua Tree - Palm Springs
  15. My 2 cents is it's not worth the futzing it would require.. If you can afford the delivery on a KK.. You can buy an Annova at $199
  16. I'm sorry I'm just seeing tan less flavorful meat between the grate marks not the dark brown flavor loaded crust which screams Maillard reaction. I always thought grill grates were to make up for the weenie little wire grates that don't hold enough thermal mass/heat to carbonize enough meat to supply the carbonized flavor associated with traditional old school steakhouse crosshatched steaks. By the way, this carbonized grill mark flavor can be supplied by crushing up a lil' charcoal and mixing it with your salt.. Carbon is carbon.. taste a lil charcoal and you will see.. Back to the Grill Grates.. the other thing I did not understand is why aluminum.. I makes sense for me maybe with fish to slow down the cook as it's so easy to over sook fish for those who don't understand how hot charcoal gets.. Please help me understand if I'm missing something with these Grill Grates.. I'm in the process of designing stainless sheet grates with two sizes of long slots/slits cut in them for vegetables and fish and one smooth one as a griddle..
  17. Nice meat Question.. I understand if you are cooking on your egg with the tiny wire grates what the grill grates does for you.. But if you have 3/8 stainless rods why use the grill grates? As you were creating grate marks, I can't imagine the aluminum could hold as much thermal mass/heat as the much denser stainless.. I'm guessing those aluminum rails would cool off quickly..
  18. Wanted to share this Looflighter GiveAway.. If you follow the link you will also get $15 off discount on a 20 lb box of my extruded CoConut shell charcoal on Amazon.. Here is a way to try out this fuel.. We have subscriptions, multi-warehouse distribution as well as great deals on pallets in the works. (Coffe wood charcoal too;-) Charcoals come in as many flavors as there are species of trees. Some have strong flavor profiles and others very light. Why gamble with your cook? With non-species specific charcoal you never know what it’s going to taste like. Coconut shell charcoal is smokeless and flavor-neutral so you taste only the smoking wood you pair with your cook and not a combination of the wood charcoal’s flavor and smoking wood mixed together. Get absolute control of the smoke flavor profiles you create... add applewood and taste only apple smoke not apple smoke mixed with the mystery smoke from some unknown hardwood lump. • Virtually smokeless and flavorless because it’s not from wood and does not contain the organic volatiles of wood charcoal • Almost No Ash (2-4% by weight) prevents the clogging that occurs with other charcoals • Environmentally sound/green by-product of the Copra Industry • Burns Clean – Bake breads or cheesecake without any smoky / charcoal flavor • Extended burn-time due to density (lets you put more lbs of char into your grill) • Burns HOT – up to 978° Because of it’s density, CoCo Char takes longer to bring to ignition temperature and light. There are tricks and tools that make lighting it easy and fast.. Trick: Light a few small pieces of standard lump on top of the CoCo Char. Tool: Looftlighter It looks like a large wand and is basically a hot air gun.. The hot air (1,256ºf) will easily light the lightweight lump in seconds and the additional airflow will make the lump glow madly and create enough BTUs to light the CoCo Char quickly. Using this trick and tool will get your CoCo Char ready to cook in minutes.. The bad news... they are a little pricey. The good news... we're giving a few away! All you have to do for a chance to win your very own Looflighter is click here PS please feel free to share this on other forums or social media..
  19. Love this.. Robb Report would be the first place I'd run ads if we had that kind of advertising budget.. LOL
  20. Anytime you have food close to or in that stream of hot air coming off the heat deflector it's going to be much hotter regardless of how you light it.. That air is basically direct..
  21. Please try using a proxy or VPN service. This is browser based http://www.vpnbrowse.com This one can be downloaded http://www.hotspotshield.com My guy thinks it’s not you or the forum but the network propagation.
  22. Ahh Shucks.. Thanks for the HBD greetings.
  23. Please let me know if you are having issues logging on and what they are.. Please also Clear Cache and Cookies.. old info may be steering you to the wrong places.. It's actually hosted on the same server but using a different URL
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