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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Does anybody know if this was the torch that forum members used to build the long hang over the side of your grill lighters? http://www.harborfreight.com/electric-start-propane-torch-91061.html
  2. Looftlighter and a cheap hair drier that has great airflow..
  3. i'm not sure... LOL I can't remember seeing one in the first two rounds of making the prototypes but I'm sure I asked for them once we had the wrinkles ironed out.. I'll get some made up if not.. Price point.. LOL again.. I'm terrible by always procrastinating getting COGMs made up.. Hate them!
  4. DennisLinkletter


    Home food where you eat more than one bite is definitely different from selling the judge on one bite. Thanks Tony that photo is perfect to demonstrate what I look for with the bounce technique .. if you like them a bit more done wait until they just tear.. Remember that they are going to cook a bit more while resting too..
  5. Now that's a beautifully browned birdy.. Definitely X rated food porn.. Gotta go cook one now!
  6. I just realized/remembered how good my momma's meatloaf was.. That being said, I have not eaten it in 35 plus years. These lil' meat balls might be the best way to introduce these flavors to my kids.. If you chopped your own meat in a food processor you could safely serve them a bit rare.. For those who have not chopped up meat for hamburgers in a food processor you need to try it. Soo much better than store bought burgers... I use chuck, sirloin and Tri tip of course! Cut them up by hand into 2" cubes then use the processor. Super easy and the texture of the burgers is completely different.. more like old school cut up at your table steak tartare cooked...
  7. No it's the bottom of the pan.. the double actually has two sheets of SS with about a half inch gap between them.. Like a double boiler without the water..
  8. We are making them up in all sizes now for the spring rush.. They are an optional accessory and will be offered in single bottom also because the double are a bit spendy.. Trying to get the cost down by ordering a larger volume of from the German CNC folks. They're massive and eat up/contain a lot of 304 stainless.. Single 23" 12 lbs Double 23" 18 lbs Single 32" 18 lb Double 32" 27 lbs Remember that piggy fat's smoke point is 370ºf and beef's fat at 400ºf so you can burn your drippings if you bring it up over these temps..
  9. Here you go.. The long overdue new website should be up very soon.. Upper Grill Area 156 sq" Main Grill Area 178 sq" Lid Weigh 53 lbs / 24 kg Base Weight 118 lbs / 54 kg Net Weight 216 lbs / 98 kg Gross Weight (crated) 269 lbs / 122 kg
  10. It's about 4 weeks to the west coast.. I'd say 6 weeks is safe to Toronto.
  11. From the smoke rising at the beginning of that video, I'm betting that you only had the lid latched in the first position. You need to press down the handle and firmly press the paddle on the latch towards the grills body. A bearing will roll up and over a cam in the catch and pull the lid snugly closed..
  12. I always fly with it's easier to ask for forgiveness after the fact, then permission before! LOL
  13. Love this... This shot clearly shows that in the middle of the grill where the lips and straps are it's only the dense (strong) refractory material. The insulation is everywhere else and obviously working well. Please note that the grill was heat soaked for hours and then got this hot after doing pizzas at 650º
  14. This is what I see, do and get.. Please let me know if this is different from what you get. The attach files is lower left.. use basic if you don't have flash
  15. Welcome to the forum.. Please feel free to give me a call if you have any questions or there is anything I can do to help you get cooking on a KK..
  16. DennisLinkletter


    Love to hear this... as you know it took me years before I figured out the whole heat transfer formula... Glad to read in black and white the result of the efforts..
  17. Those tires look like they are solid rubber! Such badass Darth Vader ride.. Congrats again..
  18. It should still be there.. Anybody else not have this option? On the lower left there should be a "more reply options" button.. this gives you the full editor with the upload features.. Please let me know..
  19. MK1 and I are close friends and living this purchase vicariously thru him has been awesome. Nothing better than new toys that put a sheet-eating grin on your face! Congrats again!
  20. We can make up anything even a matching front to back front door. just LOTS of work cutting and grinding all those ends.. Stainless is very hard and a pain to work with. As you know I cut and grind every rod to match the grill's shape.. Nobody does this.. all grill manufacturers just cut them at a 90º The side door will be problematic because of the handles..
  21. We've discussed this years ago but recently received this email.. "I think if the SS bars, apart of at least the two larger grates on my 23" KK, were oriented 90 degrees from how they are now it would offer even better performance; notably when grilling things that need to be flipped with a spatula. So in other words the grill grate bars would run front to back of the KK instead of left/right. This would also be a little easier for scrubbing the grates..." this email.. So last time I was at the factory we welded up a lil' jig and made this up.. Making up the 27 shorts for the door would have been a nightmare so maybe this is a good solution.. I like the original grate for cosmetic reasons.. if I need a different spatula angle of attack I just walk to the side of the grill and scoop in from the front.. Whatcha all think?
  22. Love it.. that's the first shot I've seen of a 32 BB with both the main and upper full.. People always ask me how many racks it will hold and I always say I'm not sure..
  23. Unless you keep them covered, the teak will silver. There is a bleach solution you can use to expedite and make the silvering process more uniform.
  24. Awesome cook.. Love that socarrat too.. Beautiful shots thank you
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