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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Gas burner NOT Gas Lighter I always try to steer people way from buying the KK burner as a charcoal lighter.. First of all it lights too much charcoal for anything other than high temp cooks or searing. It's a big cast iron burner that lights the whole bottom of the charcoal basket when you only need about a tennis ball worth of charcoal for 235º Also for low and slow cooks, it's best to light from the top and have your burn travel down into the fuel as opposed to from the bottom and having the new fuel tumble down into it as the charcoal is burned up. But if you want to come home and crank it up with a couple inches of charcoal to get to grilling temps quickly it works very well. Tony uses a 10psi regulator (or adjustable) and bakes pizza with his at 650º
  2. Re: Totalled the wife's new car......but I redeemed myself One can rent high performance sports cars at a premium but this must be the only standard price rental that can do 0-60 in 6 seconds.. I'd have a tough time keeping my foot out of it. Ticket time for sure!
  3. Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House! That's the only way he's going to get a good load.. before he retires or is forcefully retired. Did I write that?
  4. Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House! It looks like I'm going to be sending more teak flooring to the Four Seasons Hotel there.. Maybe they will let me slip some extruded and coffee wood charcoal into their container for you..
  5. Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House! . . Time for a teaser! ;)
  6. Re: Totalled the wife's new car......but I redeemed myself Now I'm loosing seriously loosing sleep.. For comparison, In 1974 Porsche introduced it's first production turbocharged 911. The now famous "Porsche 930" had a 3.0 Ltr engine that produced 260 hp. Your car does that and a bit more with 2 not 3 liters!
  7. Re: Totalled the wife's new car......but I redeemed myself Good looking ride.. Never seen that model here in Indonesia. 2.0 ltr engine.. 175 horsepower, 0-60 in 6 seconds and a top speed of 155mph... IMPRESSIVE!
  8. Re: Syzygies's pork butt: what went wrong? All time references are just for scheduling and to give you a heads up as when to start looking... It does not matter how long it's been only the temp of the meat. Meat's texture changes as the temp climbs.. you could hold a slab of meat at 125 for three days and it would still be rare. You did not abandoned anything, you pulled when it reached the desired temp.. Good job, Good choice..
  9. Re: I'm interviewed about KK on Kingsford's Grilling.com Thanks for the kudos guys.. As you can imagine I had a little chuckle with some of my answers..
  10. Re: little help please Spices like coffee are like coffee the fresher the better and ground just before use.. Freshly ground cardamon will fill the house.. You won't believe how much more flavor and aromatics from fresh. I get all my spices from World Spice in Seattle. Their fresh dried parsley is amazing on tri tips too..
  11. Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House! Yes, I was given and tested samples that were a better quality than what eventually showed up. Because of this I unintentionally misrepresented the charcoal's attributes and so I discounted the charcoal. It was still good charcoal but not what I wanted to be selling under the Komodo name. I gave refunds to some customers and others just asked my to make up the difference next time I had charcoal. I'll accept orders from these people first.
  12. Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House! Please send me an Email with coconut or charcoal in the subject.
  13. Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House! First charcoal goes to my customers who bought at the higher price. Then to the customers who bought at the higher price but was refunded the difference between the adjusted price and original. Then to KK owners, then to the rest of the world. I have finally gotten confirmation from the shipping company for the container to go out next week. It will be on a different line with a 26 day schedule. Still working out the density.. Best density is 525 grams per 20CM log, average is about 450 grams.
  14. Re: Anyone hear of this Komodo cooker? When we get thru two setbacks with the hinge and cast aluminum lip. I'll make the announcement in the O.A soon.
  15. Re: Anyone hear of this Komodo cooker? I like that.. puts a bit of humor into the comment.. in the world sounds to boastful.. I always say arguably the best also.. A little modesty goes a long way here.. THanks for the Kudos.
  16. Re: Anyone hear of this Komodo cooker? From what I know the only ceramic type Kamado grill on the market whose candle lights any of the same area in build quality is the Pro Joe but since they do not sell wholesale direct to the public as I do they are selling them for $8,000. My KOmodo has much more features, better design and even though I've never seen a Joe I sure overall KK leaves it far behind. For sure aesthetically for most, Viking tried to do the spun stainless thing.. few took the bait. So I say with great pride that the KK has no equal or competition for the title best ceramic grill and possibly/arguably the best all around charcoal grill built... in the world but that always sounds lame, (the in the world part) even if it's true
  17. Re: Anyone hear of this Komodo cooker? I love the fact that they do not even realize the type of grill is KAmado not KOmodo.. But if they want to spread the word and advertise for KOmodo.. Fine with me.. Hopefully someday they will call them all Komodos instead of Kamados!
  18. Re: Bronze Behemoth Game On! 2 Interesting side note.. Meathead from amazing ribs has a physicist running some experiments with heat and meat and found that the plateau is from evaporation and not from a cooling effect from the breakdown of nasties.. This absolutely supports foiling when the meat hits 160º. This was determined by cooking a sponge and it also created a plateau..
  19. Re: Ok, got a tracking number Please remember you to not need to disassemble the crate, only unbolt it and lift up and off. Congrats on the arrival of your new KK.
  20. Re: Pizza at 650 F Great advanced pizza making post.. Thanks guys.. This gives me something to aspire to.
  21. Re: Incredible Technology Thank you for the Kudos.. I love hearing these stories
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