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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Re: KK as a smoker? The two different layers of insulation hold in lots of the heat. This means that you need to burn less fuel to maintain your cooking/smoking temperature, less fuel means less airflow. Your smoke stays in contact with the meat longer, giving you more smoke flavor and will loose less moisture. So yes, the KK excels as a smoker..
  2. A charcoal's density determines burn time.. The amount of available BTUs in charcoal is directly related to weight not volume. It's the charcoal's density that determines how long it will burn.. Just like a pine log does not burn as long as an oak log. I assure you that you would only get an hour or two out of balsa wood charcoal.. Iron wood charcoal would burn for a week or more. If you recall the 82 hour burn used 16 lbs of charcoal. Carbon is carbon.. it just comes in different density and volatiles. This is why people prefer hardwood charcoal. It's of course more dense, has more BTUs per bag and burns longer with the same volume. Your KK will be happy to burn it all.. All densities of carbon require the same volume of oxygen to burn at any given temp, so your results will be the same both densities. You did notice there was very little ash.. You did not burn much carbon.. This is also why hardwood charcoal usually comes in smaller bags but has the same weight as some larger bags. I remember buying a huge bag of BGE charcoal once that weighed nothing, carried it with one hand.
  3. Re: How to make a huge indirect cooking area Can't hurt, I'm sure there are brands of foil that might be thinner and might burn thru..
  4. I've always taken pride in having a good section of grills in ready stock in the warehouse in Carson CA. Since last November that has not been the case and our containers have mostly been sold out before they clear customs. Because of that I started showing grills that were on the water on the inventory page, I have just begun to add grills in production to the page also. As you know tiles from batch to batch, this way you can see exactly what your grill looks like early on. This next container will be our first where we are all caught up and will have hopefully enough grills to have some ready stock again in early Sept.. Here are some shots of grills being built that are still available... 23" OTB grills "Production Shots" - target ship date Late Sept These grills are still covered with the grout material and dirty.. I'll post photos of the grills finished also. GEN 2.4 Ultimate 23" OTB ETA -On the water ETA Mid Oct Matte Ocean Blue MIx KK-GenII-# $3,640 Matte Marine Blue Close Up GEN 2.4 Ultimate 23" OTB ETA -On the water ETA Mid Oct Matte Ocean Green MIx KK-GenII-# $3,640 Matt Marine Close Up GEN 2.4 Ultimate 23" OTB ETA -On the water ETA Mid Oct Speckled Glass Green KK-GenII-# $3,640 Glass Green Close Up GEN 2.4 Ultimate 23" OTB ETA -On the water ETA Mid Oct Matte Terra Cotta KK-GenII-# $3,640 Terra Cotta Close Up GEN 2.4 Ultimate 23" OTB ETA -On the water ETA Mid Oct Rust Mix KK-GenII- $3,640 Rust Mix Close Up GEN 2.4 Ultimate 23" OTB ETA -On the water ETA Mid Oct Terra Blue KK-GenII-# $3,640 Click here: Terra Blue Close Up GEN 2.4 Ultimate 23" OTB ETA -On the water ETA Mid Oct Dark Autumn Nebula KK-GenII-# $3,640 GEN 2.4 Ultimate 23" OTB ETA -On the water ETA Mid Oct Matte White KK-GenII-# $3,640 Grills in Production - Late SEPT ship date Bronze Metallic Matte Ocean Blue Matte Ocean Green Terra Cotta Rust Mix Matt Black Glass Green White Terra Blue Autumn Nebula Cobalt Blue Creme Pebble Harvest Gold Pebble Olive Gold Pebble Cobalt Blue Please call (424) 270-1948 to confirm availability
  5. I join American’s everywhere in remembering the past and those who paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we hold dear. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families most closely touched by these tragedies. May we always fight for and cherish the freedoms which distinguish our country so their passing will not have been in vain.
  6. Re: Side Accessory Plate Grill Hangers Heylo Roland, I'm assuming you don't like them from an aesthetic point of view because from a utilitarian point of view they are great.. I just began including them in all KK's sold because I love mine sooo much. I can stand in front of my grill, grab the HOT main grill and hang it on the left side of the KK without moving my feet. Can't imagine a better way to do a reverse sear. We are playing with putting some kind of hanger under side tables too. Yes the rods hang on the outside rod of the grills, the grills usually do not touch the body.. I don't use the rack for storage but love it for a place to put a hot greasy grill.. I have a bunch now in ready stock CA.. Like always I don't even know if we did a costing for these..
  7. I just received this Email and thought it's best to post it here for the guy and send him a link.. I believe he's from down under.. Thanks all for you help.. Hello Dennis, i am going to be in USA from 9th-30th sept and was hoping to go and look and taste test some food from a Kk . Is there a demo shop or store where i can see this amazing product before I leap in and buy. I have many experts around me who " can't see the value in the cost" so i feel the need to do my due diligence. we will be in la, vegas, NY, Wash DC, Milwaukee and Chicago if there is an outlet displaying your unique product somewhere. hope to hear from you soon. cheers, Mark
  8. . I've cooked a lot of piggy.. I've over brined ribs and ended up with a ham-y tasting rib but never actually made a ham from scratch.. I found one of Syzygies posts about how to calculate brine.. I assumed the 14 lb bone-in was 70% water, I then made up brine at 3% of the total. I then put the meat and brine along with about a cup of chopped chipotle chilies and about a cup of maple syrup into a food service bag. Then filled it half way with water and put a brick sized block of ice into the cooler.. I had three of these and would swap them every 10 hours or so.. I brined for 4 days, rinsed and let equalize for a day.. Put it in indirect at 225º with a big tin foil pouch of coffee chunks.. About 6 hours later it was 150º.. I cranked it up to about 400º for 20 minutes. I then pulled it and let it rest. 20 minutes later I checked the internal temp and it was 165º Perfect! I went next door and came back to find my son and wife had trimmed off some thin slices and it was hemorrhaging and loosing lots of beautiful piggy juice.. I turned it up so the missing meat was on top and it seemed to stop the juice loss.. We broke it down into the three muscle groups and then put it into the fridge so we could slice it cold the next day.. t was beautiful looking as well as tasting to say the least...
  9. Re: V Pills for those on the go If you're too old for Porsche performance, then I'll have to change analogies for you.. Viagra, be all that you can be..
  10. Re: New KK on the way to Manassas VA Ahh Manassas VA.. Home of Dizzy Pig Rubs too... I'm guessing you'll be getting the fresh stuff from them. Please say hello to Chris for me.. Dizzy Pig Rubs
  11. Re: V Pills for those on the go And I thought you talking about Viagra... Why walk if you can drive a Porsche!
  12. Re: Limoncello Rosemary Or you could step up and buy a still... err I mean distiller from amphoran. It is great for making distilled water, biofuel or vodka if local laws permit that kind of stuff.. I bought one for a friend who makes very high quality grill lighter that is about 93% It can be diluted and used as a delicious oral antiseptic.. I don't understand this... Serving size: 1oz Is that 1oz at a time?
  13. Re: Komodo availability - Good & Bad News The guy who bought it shipped it to NYC..
  14. Re: Komodo availability - Good & Bad News Since last fall all the planets have somehow aligned to create great sales for KK. Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you.. In the first week of May we passed total sales 2009.. In the second week of August we passed total sales 2010..
  15. Re: Komodo availability - Good & Bad News That was Matte / Slate Black.. Great color possibly unavailable/discontinued now
  16. Re: Komodo availability - Good & Bad News That was Matte / Slate Black.. Great color possibly unavailable/discontinued now
  17. Re: Hotter 'n Hell 100, 2011 Let me be the first to congratulate you.. If your posts start to sound a bit loopy I'll just figure you cooked your noggin a bit.. I'm guessing this is just one of things you only have to do once in life. I think I'd rather do the polar bear thing... Congrats again..
  18. Re: Roti install question Help The motors are hard for Joe to source so he holds them for KK customers.. Just give him a call and he'll share his secret stash with you..
  19. High temps and charcoal size As we all know there are only two factors when it comes to temperature, fuel and air. For high temps it essential to get lots of airflow, emptying out a bunch of smalls and the powder from the bottom of a bag will completely cut you airflow.. It's important to use medium and larger pieces.. You can pour your smalls on the very outside of the basket to get longer burn times if doing a long high temp pizza cook but make sure you leave the middle open for lots of airflow. Remember high temps require a lot of BTUs and this will chow thru your fuel. The harder/denser your charcoal the longer it will last.
  20. Re: Would you have cooked this Chicken? So I have this Dutch friend who used to sell chicken processing plants for years here in Asia. I sent him these photos knowing that he's probably seen it all.. This is his reply.. "Oh and that yuckie chicken...gross!!! But it is not gangrene but most likely a broken intestine with some yuckie green shit that was left inside when the intestines were pulled out at the processing plant. And NO I would not have cooked it either."
  21. Re: Happy Camper in South Dakota Thank you for the Kudos and taking the time to leave this post.. I have to laugh at your "found the brand of ceramic" statement, you obviously have been on the BGE forum where you get deleted and tossed off the forum for mentioning other grills.. We only ask that you do not badmouth the other grills or their owners here.. I have links to all the other ceramic grills listed in the Links area of this forum.. I figure the more you see them to compare.. the better KK looks.. Welcome to the forum..
  22. Re: Gas Lighter Useful or Not Worth It? Thank You Correctamundo...
  23. Re: Would you have cooked this Chicken? Yikes that's really scary and nasty.. Did you try to wash off the green stuff? Looks like just a little plant material..
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