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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Here's a new twist/idea.. Three rings down there will be two removable 1/4" SS rod grates where the plywood is shown. They will be notched and sit in place effectively cutting the basket in half depth wise. There will be two half moon stainless sheets. One will be a complete half moon the other will have a hole cut for the sear column.. n68342 n68343 n68344 n68345 n68346 n68347
  2. Re: 23 OTB weights 23" OTB Gen 2.4 weights Lid 108 lbs Base 318 lbs Firebox 32 lbs
  3. Re: Forum Upgrade-Upload multiple images at once! So is everyone happy with the new uploader? Above I show images from 5" to 30" ... Hopefully you all will start uploading images on the forum. If you look at s=many old posts the images are gone because the image hosting service changed or disappeared.. this even happened to my images when Apple "graduated" to a new format.. When you click on an image it of course lets you view the image to as large as your window and you can then click to open in a new window which gives you full size. There are also next and previous buttons. If the uploaded photo is not huge there is also small thumb nails across the bottom of the screen of the entire page.. which is cool for the cooking photos posts. All in all its pretty slick.
  4. Re: Forum Upgrade-Upload multiple images at once! It resizes but the secret here for uploading speed is to simply set your "camera" to a lower setting. Unless you are going to print them on paper or manipulate them in photoshop, there is no reason to shoot huge files. but this absolutely resizes as you can see... ;) 5"X5" n67038 10"x10" n67034 15"x15" n67035 20"x20" n67036 30"*30" 1.7mb n67037
  5. Re: Forum Upgrade-Upload multiple images at once! Heylooo? Any feedback on this new multi image uploading? Is this easy enough?
  6. Re: Komodo Kamado was #2 on Google for Big Green Egg The end of November and early Dec, Komodo Kamado was #2 on Google for Big Green Egg.. I've slipped down to 6-7 but I'll be back! n67030
  7. Re: Cooking salmon These were all mguerra's pineapple, soy sauce, brown sugar and cayenne recipe.. Thanks Doc.. And a chunk of Tuna that looked pretty.. I usually cook them a bit less but then again I'm a big fan of Maguro.. ;)
  8. Ok here is a big improvement.. Click "Upload Attachment" n68336 Then click "Choose File" which lets you select an image from your computer To add additional images just click the + to the right of the file name on top to add as many images as you want. When finished click "Add the file" at the bottom and up they all go. n68337 Then you place them where you want using the "Place inline" button n68338 Better eeh? ;)
  9. It has taken 8 years but today Komodo Kamado is #1 on Google for Kamado! ;) n68335
  10. I would like to wish everybody Happy Holidays, a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.. My family and I are grateful for all your support and business this last year as are the entire crew of workers who build the grills and carbonize the charcoal..
  11. Re: Poll - Main and lower handle position/placement I'll try a taller set but leaning them in in the original position is probably the still the best solution.
  12. The new Naked Whiz Review noted that they would like to see the positioning of the handles on the lower and main grids improved. I remembered that years back we had many discussions about this and I remembered while tight putting you fingers into the outside was do-able. When I went outside to my KK I found two versions, one where the curved handle was almost vertical and the other where they were angled into the grill. Looking back to early OTB images I found that the early handles were straight and angled into the grill. This gave one much more gloved finger room. Sometime along the production evolution we made the handles curved and then at sometime the workers stopped installing them at the original angle. Could have been a new employee, not sure but today's production is definitely much more vertical and gloved fingers no longer fit easily if at all. Here is the early straight handle.. The straight section gave one a couple of fingers worth of space. KK-GrillHandle.jpg[/attachment:1l20vbmq] I took my current grill/grid and gave the handles a couple of small wacks with a small sledgehammer and was very pleased with the results. I hit them in the vertical part of the handle and it moved rather easily. I did this with the grill sitting on grass.. KK-GrillMod.jpg[/attachment:1l20vbmq] KKGrillMOd2.jpg[/attachment:1l20vbmq] While this is not how the grill can now be lifted it demonstrates how much space has been createdKKgrillMod3.jpg[/attachment:1l20vbmq] The refractory body of the grill leans away from the grill/grid, this creates even more space for you hand as shown here. KkGrillmod4.jpg[/attachment:1l20vbmq] These shots from the Doug's grill shows that our current production had the handles has lost the lean and is very vertical. Definately less than ideal. Thanks for the head's up Doug. WhizGrill.jpg[/attachment:1l20vbmq]WhizGrill2.jpg[/attachment:1l20vbmq]
  13. Re: Taste Seasoning for KKs? We all know that burning fat definitely has/adds it's own flavor profile to food. This is obvious when you cook chicken, common sense would lead me to believe that once his grill got hot enough to cause the fat to burn some flavor would be created.. Especially while doing his 350º hot and fast butts and briskets because 350º about where I start to get smoke off my drip pan. What amazed me the most is how sparkling white and factory fresh the inside was after his burn off.. I've obviously never gone long enough or hot enough to get those results.. Amazing! n67008 n67009
  14. Re: Rotisserie Motor Brackets I supply everything except the motor which you can source from Joe at onegrill.com He saves a few of the correct 50lb motors for KK customers, so don't worry if they don't show them in ready stock online..
  15. Re: Coals take how Long??? What I meant was the chance of a someone else/a stranger to the grill walking up and opening it while it happens to be in this ignition/flashback stage is not going to be a common occurrence. Flashbacks are a VERY REAL danger but because you do not have to lift your lid with a KK.. you can open the lid with your arm full extended and give it a few bounces.. this will dilute the gas that's built up inside to the point where no flash occurs.. I bounce the lid every time I shut it down and re-open over 400º
  16. Re: Covering your KK Dennis, I'm assuming you're using glazed tiles on the KK? They shouldn't fade. Dye-sub tiles will fade, and pressed tiles and other forms that aren't fired might fade, but kiln-fired glazed tiles shouldn't really fade. Is it your experience that they do fade, or just going by the "most things fade in the sun" rule? I've never seen photos of faded tiles on a KK but I have seen tiles from the same factory installed in pools here that were faded. But then again I'm 8º south of the equator so the sun is MUCH more intense here.. I believe with time UV will fade everything..
  17. Re: Los Angeles Port Closure - Union greed does it again... We have the container in the warehouse.. All the sold grills are going out today.. That was some unnecessary stress!
  18. Re: SF Bay Area Buy Yes your order is good to go.. I fired off the pickup request on Friday.. But I did not receive the POD/signed BOL for tracking so I can't confirm until Monday if they have it. Never know on Fridays..
  19. Re: Coals take how Long??? The grill is airtight with the latch in the second position. The coals will stop burning when the available oxygen has been burned up. With a low and slow cook that will take minutes, with a raging bowl pretty much right away. But the grill will stay hot for hours and hours and will reignite if you open the grill and give it more oxygen. But you can photograph a raging bowl, shut it down and the next day you will see all the charcoal is there.
  20. Re: Los Angeles Port Closure - Union greed does it again... I believe it's the Port of Los Angeles who imposes the fines/late charges. My agent told me she's seen this happen in the past and it's a nightmare. They don't care why and they have you bend over the proverbial barrel. The Port of Los Angeles is the #1 containerport by volume in the United States, in 2010 the port handled 7,800,000 TEUs/Twenty-foot equivalent container units. That's over an average of 21,000 per day. So I'll guess that Christmas season is at least 30,000 a day. If a 40" box is $200 a day. To keep things simple let's say a 20' box is $100, so they will be pulling in about $3 million per day.. Of course they don't care! Smucks!
  21. These Grills are on the water.. ETA last week of Dec..... Some great grills here they won't last long! I have included a close up of the tiles also.. Please remember these are production pictures and so you will see some extra grout and tape on the grills LZ3166 LZ3168 LZ3169 LZ3170 LZ3170 LZ3171 LZ3172 LZ3172 LZ3173 LZ3173 LZ3174 LZ3174 LZ3175 LZ3175 LZ3176 LZ3176 LZ3177 LZ3177 LZ3178 LZ3178 LZ3180 LZ3180 LZ3181 LZ3182 LZ3182 LZ3184 LZ3184 LZ3185 LZ3185 LZ3187 LZ3187 LZ3188 LZ3188 LZ3189 LZ3189 Please call (424) 270-1948 to confirm availability
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