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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Re: Limoncello Rosemary Or you could step up and buy a still... err I mean distiller from amphoran. It is great for making distilled water, biofuel or vodka if local laws permit that kind of stuff.. I bought one for a friend who makes very high quality grill lighter that is about 93% It can be diluted and used as a delicious oral antiseptic.. I don't understand this... Serving size: 1oz Is that 1oz at a time?
  2. Re: Komodo availability - Good & Bad News The guy who bought it shipped it to NYC..
  3. Re: Komodo availability - Good & Bad News Since last fall all the planets have somehow aligned to create great sales for KK. Thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you.. In the first week of May we passed total sales 2009.. In the second week of August we passed total sales 2010..
  4. Re: Komodo availability - Good & Bad News That was Matte / Slate Black.. Great color possibly unavailable/discontinued now
  5. Re: Komodo availability - Good & Bad News That was Matte / Slate Black.. Great color possibly unavailable/discontinued now
  6. Re: Hotter 'n Hell 100, 2011 Let me be the first to congratulate you.. If your posts start to sound a bit loopy I'll just figure you cooked your noggin a bit.. I'm guessing this is just one of things you only have to do once in life. I think I'd rather do the polar bear thing... Congrats again..
  7. Re: Roti install question Help The motors are hard for Joe to source so he holds them for KK customers.. Just give him a call and he'll share his secret stash with you..
  8. High temps and charcoal size As we all know there are only two factors when it comes to temperature, fuel and air. For high temps it essential to get lots of airflow, emptying out a bunch of smalls and the powder from the bottom of a bag will completely cut you airflow.. It's important to use medium and larger pieces.. You can pour your smalls on the very outside of the basket to get longer burn times if doing a long high temp pizza cook but make sure you leave the middle open for lots of airflow. Remember high temps require a lot of BTUs and this will chow thru your fuel. The harder/denser your charcoal the longer it will last.
  9. Re: Would you have cooked this Chicken? So I have this Dutch friend who used to sell chicken processing plants for years here in Asia. I sent him these photos knowing that he's probably seen it all.. This is his reply.. "Oh and that yuckie chicken...gross!!! But it is not gangrene but most likely a broken intestine with some yuckie green shit that was left inside when the intestines were pulled out at the processing plant. And NO I would not have cooked it either."
  10. Re: Happy Camper in South Dakota Thank you for the Kudos and taking the time to leave this post.. I have to laugh at your "found the brand of ceramic" statement, you obviously have been on the BGE forum where you get deleted and tossed off the forum for mentioning other grills.. We only ask that you do not badmouth the other grills or their owners here.. I have links to all the other ceramic grills listed in the Links area of this forum.. I figure the more you see them to compare.. the better KK looks.. Welcome to the forum..
  11. Re: Gas Lighter Useful or Not Worth It? Thank You Correctamundo...
  12. Re: Would you have cooked this Chicken? Yikes that's really scary and nasty.. Did you try to wash off the green stuff? Looks like just a little plant material..
  13. Gas burner NOT Gas Lighter I always try to steer people way from buying the KK burner as a charcoal lighter.. First of all it lights too much charcoal for anything other than high temp cooks or searing. It's a big cast iron burner that lights the whole bottom of the charcoal basket when you only need about a tennis ball worth of charcoal for 235º Also for low and slow cooks, it's best to light from the top and have your burn travel down into the fuel as opposed to from the bottom and having the new fuel tumble down into it as the charcoal is burned up. But if you want to come home and crank it up with a couple inches of charcoal to get to grilling temps quickly it works very well. Tony uses a 10psi regulator (or adjustable) and bakes pizza with his at 650º
  14. Re: Totalled the wife's new car......but I redeemed myself One can rent high performance sports cars at a premium but this must be the only standard price rental that can do 0-60 in 6 seconds.. I'd have a tough time keeping my foot out of it. Ticket time for sure!
  15. Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House! That's the only way he's going to get a good load.. before he retires or is forcefully retired. Did I write that?
  16. Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House! It looks like I'm going to be sending more teak flooring to the Four Seasons Hotel there.. Maybe they will let me slip some extruded and coffee wood charcoal into their container for you..
  17. Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House! . . Time for a teaser! ;)
  18. Re: Totalled the wife's new car......but I redeemed myself Now I'm loosing seriously loosing sleep.. For comparison, In 1974 Porsche introduced it's first production turbocharged 911. The now famous "Porsche 930" had a 3.0 Ltr engine that produced 260 hp. Your car does that and a bit more with 2 not 3 liters!
  19. Re: Totalled the wife's new car......but I redeemed myself Good looking ride.. Never seen that model here in Indonesia. 2.0 ltr engine.. 175 horsepower, 0-60 in 6 seconds and a top speed of 155mph... IMPRESSIVE!
  20. Re: Syzygies's pork butt: what went wrong? All time references are just for scheduling and to give you a heads up as when to start looking... It does not matter how long it's been only the temp of the meat. Meat's texture changes as the temp climbs.. you could hold a slab of meat at 125 for three days and it would still be rare. You did not abandoned anything, you pulled when it reached the desired temp.. Good job, Good choice..
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