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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House! Break um open... Have a party! No my hammer mill and ribbon mixer components are still in the shop being made up..
  2. Re: How to make a huge indirect cooking area I had set the grill on the ground and the kids playing in the pool splashed it.. I think the chlorine or something in the pool water gives the stainless a rudy semi rusty color. I've seen red drops on the front draft door before. It comes of with stainless cleaner.
  3. As you know the indirect area is only as large as your heat deflector or drip pan.. Here is an easy trick to make almost all of the main grill shielded. Just wrap a strip of foil from front to rear on the lower grill As you can see only a small strip left and right stays open Just to show how much more space is up top (the rudy color is from pool water) I did add a drip pan on top of the foil to catch the bulk of oil This is plenty of airflow for 400º ;)
  4. Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House! I know better than to commit to a date so, I'll just say mid to late spring..
  5. Re: Introduction, a bit late and my new love Welcome to the forum, thanks for sharing. Love to hear you consider it the most beautiful thing in your life, after my dog and second wife. Thanks for the Kudos!
  6. Re: New HandHewnFloors.com Site up and Running It's basically free to the States because it can piggy back in KK containers which are only half full.. Customers only need to pay trucking from Carson, CA.
  7. I lost my HHF website when I had my computer stolen last spring.. I had taken it down to change where it was hosted just before my laptop was stolen. I got caught up with life and never got it back up until this week New HandHewnFloors site Server is down..  Copy of site is here
  8. Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House! The extended slump in the economy resulted in the shipping companies taking 10% of their fleet out of service and slowing down the ships by a couple of days to reduce costs. This resulted in all the ships being overbooked.. So then they increased the rates of course and started taking boats out of mothballs as not to leave money on the table. I'm pretty sure we'll be full fleet in no time.. One 40' box now costs over $6,000 landed west coast.
  9. This took forever to actually come to fruition but persistence payed off and they guy finally sold them as he promised last spring.. IMAGE REMOVED The machine at the rear with the orange top has only produced 5 tons, the middle machine has never even had a motor bolted up to it.. the front machine has only been set up.. They are all dirty with charcoal dust but we're now set up to produce lots of charcoal if sales lead us down that road.. As I've explained before the problem is that the producers of the carbonized shell are all simple villagers who have no idea what they are doing.. Mostly just burning down shells to carbonize in 55 gallon drums and then covering to extinguish. They always under-carbonize because they do not want the material to become too fragile because smalls (which are easily mixed with impurities) sell for less and of course they sell by weight. Most comes in between 12-25% ash but it's also common to see still brown un-carbonized pieces. This is why all the producers of coconut shell charcoal in Asia's quality is so inconsistent. My plan is to re-heat/re-carbonize the shell to guarantee I've burned off most of the volatiles and to get a product with about 4% ash. I'll definitely loose charcoal doing this but it's the only way to make a premium consistent/uniform product. I'd love to be able to start with fresh shells but the transportation would be be cost prohibitive as the carbonization process reduces volume by about 70%.. Would not be very green either. My hammer mill and ribbon mixer are being made up as I type..
  10. KK black swan fairytale.. Please do not fall in love with this color as it is a collection of the darkest Autumn Nebula tiles that are too dark to use with the standard Autumn Nebula tiles.. These are basically the rejects from many, many boxes. Just like the all brown terra blue grills.. Sort of a KK black swan fairytale..
  11. Re: Komodo Teak Side Cabinets Teak and Marble OTB Worktop Table and Cabinet - 64"x28"x33.5"H
  12. Re: New Blue The Cobalt Blue is amazing, but I recently saw something, and can't track it down again on the web site. Something like shiny metallic bronze. It was out of stock, and had a premium price tag. An I ringing any bells? Yes Bronze metallic .. I have one in ready stock here Bronze metallic in ready stock
  13. Re: Rough draft of the Roti Drip pan Photos tomorrow.. I brought two double walled drip pans home to Bali.
  14. You’ve heard of iMac, iPod, iTunes, iPhone and iPad. It’s time to meet iGrill. That’s right, iGrill. This cooking thermometer looks well packaged and might have some potential to even someday be upgraded to a Guru-esk device.. It now looks like the best priced and best quality remote on the market.. if you have an iphone When the meat is ready, the iGrill will beep the host’s iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch via a Bluetooth connection. The marketing pamphlet from the marker of the iGrill, says, it is “redefining how we socialize.” I like the way they think.. I have already called too give them some new development ideas.. the easiest one is making the second sensor for the grill temp.. The big boss was at MacWorld and will call me when he gets back..
  15. Re: Rough draft of the Roti Drip pan I'm in Java this week in the factory and the guys made up the two drip pan prototypes I asked for.. There was a little miscommunication in that they made the what I wanted the total with the inside width.. so it's wider than I wanted. They did come up with a clever bracket that sits on the lower grill lip.. Seeing it sitting there gave me another idea.. Having it sit a bit to the front and so the bulk of it is forward of the mid-roti line.. I need to do some fat drip analysis this weekend to see how far from center a bird will drip.. But moving it forward gives it much more direct straight up heat for aggressive fat melting.. Photos over the weekend!
  16. Re: New Blue Yup that's the deep dark very even Cobalt Blue.. Seriously a Home Run Color.. Wish I had a 500 boxes of that tile..
  17. Re: How long are your butts taking? Gotta get me a Stoker.. Time for a new toy..
  18. Depends how much junk is in your Butt.. The more junk.. i.e. connective tissue is in your butt the longer the cook. They used to think that the process of the collagen breaking down and being converted to gelatin was actually cooling but it seems that the plateau is just from evaporation.. so once you hit 155-175º you can bring it up to 350º to which will get you to 190º more quickly with the same results.
  19. When all is said and done, KK's growth is directly tied to it's ability to get to the top of Google's search pages. I've been working hard at SEO (search Engine Optimization) to rank higher for many new keywords. For years I ignorantly did not even have the word Ceramic on my site. Were doing much better and have gone from averaging 450 unique IP hits a day on Webalizer to over 1,000 in the last year. I had a week this month of over 1,300 days, not sure where the traffic is coming from but not complaining. Favor/Help please.. If you have a Facebook page please click on the FB button up top of this page to join/like KK's page and maybe even leave a comment from time to time.. I'm just starting to use Twitter (button up right too). Not that I really understand its popularity but I know that Google's giving both these social sites more and more relevance. If you are active on any forums, I'd appreciate you putting KK's site url http://www.komodokamado.com in your signature, user profile and and in posts/blog comments when ever possible. This adds back links and gives KK organic ranking/power and is REALLY helpful. Thanks VERY BIG in advance for your help in promoting KK to the world..
  20. Re: HI ALL - FROM MAUI! Welcome to the forum, thank you for joining.. Looking forward to seeing your KK in it's new home.
  21. Re: Buying 23 inch versus 19 inch I'm Happy to chime in here.. when I set out to make a smaller grill.. I set out to make it 20% smaller than the 23" or 18.5" As work on the mockup took on a life of it's own it grew into a 19.5". So the 23" is actually only 18% larger.. Does not sound like much difference when in fact it "feels" more like 25-30% smaller for some reason.. My furniture analogy is to compare a 6' and 8' table or buffet.. the 8' does not sound that much bigger when in fact it is much larger in a room.. I always tell people if you have no space or budget restrictions/constraints absolutely go for the 23". You will never notice the additional fuel consumption. You're obviously an avid charcoal chef or you would not be willing to make the financial commitment the 19.5" requires.. Delivery is almost the same for both.. So when all is said and done, I guarantee you will never regret stepping up but might feel like you bought the sports car without the V8 sports package. I've only built 27 of the 19.5" OTB's and we're now building in the 700's for the 23". When you hear people ranting and raving about the Komodo Kamado, they are talking about the 23" I wanted the 19.5 to have the same grill height, just because it's smaller I did not want people to hve to bend over to grill on it. This gives the lower a less voluptuous, more stretched look.. Which is a bit less asthetically apealing to some. These are cement castings when we were working on the molds..
  22. Re: Greetings and Thanks! Hi Mike, Welcome to the forum, pleased to see you here. Yes, I'm blessed with an amazing group of inspired KK driven chefs. The forum has evolved from being the center of development to the backbone of Komodo's information distribution for sales and an amazing reference for recipes and ceramic cooking techniques. I look forward to your cookin' on your KK and posting shots of the rewards..
  23. Re: Kingsford Article - Were those big butts? Paswesley.. I found a post where you said you did 6 butts, three on top and three on the main.. Were those big butts and do you happen to have an image of it? Thanks in advance for your help..
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