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Everything posted by DennisLinkletter

  1. Re: Questions about the 19.5 inch Komodo Kamado 19.5" weighs 482 lbs crated and 400 lbs net., the 23" is 648 lbs. crated and 544 lbs net. . You could slowly roll it back using it's wheels if the cobblestones were relatively level... Like the old Roman ones.. As shown above.. you could roll it on thin plywood sheets.. I've rolled one on 1/4" plywood sheets over gravel for 30 meters with my wife..
  2. Re: Total Cooking Surface Area? Great idea.. Thank Doc..
  3. Re: New Ultimate Contender? Thanks Doc.. Love the way you think..
  4. Re: Hickory Charcoal I have to say that I'd be disappointed to get all those smalls in a charcoal labeled Premium and costing almost $2 lb. undelivered. Looks like my charcoal will redefine what Premium lump Charcoal is.. I'm going to sell the smalls locally and only ship/sell the best pieces Stateside. @Chris and Peter.. Is that charcoal easily light and does off-gas and burn with a flame when first lit.. or is it hard to light and have no flames at first? Just curious if it's high in the volatiles and has a very obvious Hickory smoke profile or well carbonized with less flavor..
  5. Re: Total Cooking Surface Area? That's a good question and one I should know the answer to but it's not so easily measured.. Time to tackle this and get back to you..
  6. Re: New Ultimate Contender? Not a contender for the Ultimate but for the first time there is another insulated ceramic on the market but took them 7 and a half years to follow KK's lead. I have to say it looks like they did a good job with the grill. While I'm impressed with the investment cast lower draft door, that rear hinge assembly is aesthetically horrendous. But this spun stainless shell has been done before by Viking with their C4. The PJ seems to be just a bit larger and insulated C4. I imagine it will get the same complaint the C4 got in that people expect it to beep and whistle like R2D2 when you open the lid. PJ's Claimed Performance: - A 400°F (204.4°C) inner temperature only yields an exterior temperature of 140°F (60°C)." I can assure you that's not the temp taken at the top vent.. so I'm pleased to know that Komodo is still clearly has the best performance in the Kamado world.. Here are the details for comparison from the Naked Whiz website. This Komodo Kamado Supreme Textrued OTB was built mid-2006. http://www.nakedwhiz.com/productreviews ... ado/kk.htm Inside this review of the 23" OTB model, he measured the surface temps on the dome of the KK vs. a large Egg. Quote: At 400 degrees, the temperature of the dome on the Egg varied from 180 degrees at the lower edge of the dome to 245 degrees at the top of the dome near the upper vent. The Komodo Kamado varied from 110 degrees at the base of the dome to 160 degrees at the top near the upper vent. I'd like to see more but all in all I think they did a pretty good job..
  7. Re: How To help.. Chuck Tenders? Ahh Dave.. You are the BEST.. We're all sooo lucky to have an inhouse master butcher giving advice.. I'll prep the meat as per your instructions and then try out a few different scenarios.. I bout two packs so I can play around four times..
  8. Re: How To help.. Chuck Tenders? Here are the photos of what I got.. $2.34lb or 5.3lbs for $12.50 Much less than I'm used to paying here for anything that ever walked. I don't remember anyone ever posting about brining beef.. What's the twist/secret here? Is the marinade for flavor or to add actual moisture ala brine? So should I cook this like a pork tenderloin to 140º or slice it into steaks and grill it? Or should I cook it like a tri tip? Ahh I love new cuts of meat to play with.. I also bought a Peking-ish Duck to roti.. Dave.. THanks for the tip.. to upload images just click on the Upload Attachment button located on the lower left side of the post screen.. Then The Choose File button, Add the file and finally Place inline button..
  9. I was going thru the meat fridge at a large commercial market that caters to mid to low end hotels etc here in Bali.. They now have an imported meat area and I saw a couple of vacuumed bags of Chuck Tenders. The name sounded familiar and the price was right so I grabbed two thinking I've read about them somewhere.. Now I can't find where I read about them.. Anybody have any ideas what I should do with these?
  10. Re: Suckling Pig I almost bought one in the market the other day.. It was only $24 but I was leaving town and did not have any way to freeze it.. But I'm ready to try soon..
  11. Re: Big Apple BBQ Block Party - KK Debut Chris and Jeffery Steingarten…writer, food critic, judge of the TV Show Iron Chef IMG_0665.jpg[/attachment:3fxrjjcx]
  12. Re: Florida Charcoal 2011 Is this page limited to members who have dog photos as their avatar?
  13. Re: A Testimonial Thank you so much for taking the time to write such an eloquent testimonial and for the many kudos also. While there are many references here in the Happy Campers area, there are not many current ones. In fact there was only 11 left in all of 2010. Anybody on the fence.. Nudge, nudge.. Now's as good a time as any I don't think anything in the website or forum helps people take the leap of faith and pull the trigger more than these posts. Thanks again for your wonderful post Edward.
  14. Re: Argh.. Haas Avocados @ $10.42 a pound... And it's in the middle of the winter.. so they are probably also imported.
  15. Next up the even more ridiculous price of fresh cherries! Next up the even more ridiculous price of fresh cherries!
  16. Re: Argh.. Haas Avocados @ $10.42 a pound... It did take a while to get used to hearing a X million for this and that.. Everything is millions because a million rupiah is now $115. Buying a car makes you sound like Bill Gates shopping!
  17. Re: Argh.. Haas Avocados @ $10.42 a pound... It did take a while to get used to hearing a X million for this and that.. Everything is millions because a million rupiah is now $115. Buying a car makes you sound like Bill Gates shopping!
  18. Re: Argh.. Haas Avocados @ $10.42 a pound... Absolutely.. One went into a salad for a dinner party.. one for guac.. and one for my sandwiches. I love best foods on lightly toasted whole wheat with Haas Avo with a pinch of Lawry's season salt sandwiches. I used to almost live on them the last week of the month in college because I had a big tree in the back yard. Just writing about them is making me jones for one.. with some grated jack cheese barely heated in the microwave but the avo cold from the fridge.. Ahh love the contrast.. Ok I'm off to buy just one more today...
  19. Sometimes I crave for certain imported goods and really get smacked at the checkout.. Here I bought three non-descript Haas avocados for Rp 199,500 per kilo that's $22.93 per kilo or $10.42 a pound.. Basically $25.00 for three medium sized avocados.. To put that in perspective, I buy that beautiful AU imported wagyu wanna be Tri Tip for Rp 119,000 per kilo. IMG_2222.jpg[/attachment:3lrrh0su] IMG_2221.jpg[/attachment:3lrrh0su]
  20. Re: KK black swan fairytale.. Sorry, Dennis. You probably already hooked a few people! That's called chum.. I gotta land them with some other bait!
  21. Re: How to make a huge indirect cooking area No problem with the foil I used to about 380-400º dome. My deflector was soaked wet and the grill hot so I passed on using it.
  22. Re: Whatcha think? OTB Shaped Heat Deflector DJ reminded me that the mind is the first thing to go.. Then pointed out the fact that I've had this great idea before.. Seems that good ideas are repetitive.. or possibly just redundant? Click on this: OTB shaped heat deflector - Oct 2006 I'm also thinking that a large OTB shaped Baking Stone that just fits inside the handles of the upper would give one maximum baking real estate on the upper...
  23. A round heart deflector will of course not fill a modified heart shaped area... So does it not make sense to have an OTB shaped heat deflector? This is a photoshopped image.. The prototype was made to be the exact size of the inside of the heat deflectors outside/top flat area. About 15" deep and 16" wide. KK-OTB-deflector.jpg[/attachment:2q4lwv1h]
  24. Re: Three Extruder Machines are in the House! Please feel free to send me an email but I won't know my cost of goods until we actually crank out a few tons..
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