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Everything posted by tinyfish

  1. Three burgers had mushrooms, bacon(cooked), onion, red peppers and cheese Three burger had mushrooms, bacon and cheese.
  2. Great minds think alike MacKenzie. That burger looks great.
  3. Tonight's dinner beer can stuffed burgers with fries.
  4. Charles what a delicious cook. The crust on the pork looks great.
  5. After Vancouver you won't here anything till the Toronto warehouse call you.
  6. I can't be held responsible for anyone's addiction. Please use it with caution.
  7. I was hoping to see the finished shots.
  8. Just the name alone sounds delicious.
  9. Best not even to wear socks on delivery day. Have a spare set of underwear handy....
  10. Wilbur killer cook. Each dish better then the last.
  11. I have a homemade tool i use. great minds think alike.
  12. Congratulations. Someone looks very happy in the picture. The KK looks huge.
  13. KK covers are top notch. I have blue ones for both KK's and table.
  14. We keep some things secret north of the border. Don't let Bosco get you hooked on La Bomba hot spread. Its a Canadian thing too.
  15. Looks good and tastes good.
  16. Congratulations thats one fine looking brisket.
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