As most of you know, I don't do much cooking as ckreef does but we were in Wally World getting our work snacks and a few condiments and i walk by one of those TV screens that was advertising that KC had some new product that can be a bbq sauce, rub or a marinade. And they had the Grape juice for the liquid to make a bbq sauce. I showed ckreef and we went and look for it and they had three different variety. So thats when i told ckreef I would cook a meal with the KC sauce. I decided to try this one. Sweet Honey.
So we went to a grocery store for a meat. Ribs on sale. So Ribs it is.
Got the Ribs ready. Use three little pig rub. Cut them in half to keep them over the drip pan.
Low and Slow
Looking good
I decided to make homemade mac and cheese. It pick up some of that smoke goodness.
Setting the sauce
The KC product was great to use. I will buy this again. The Grape Juice was a perfect match with this rub. Glad i saw the TV. Normally i never really watch them. Guess it was just perfect timing.
Thanks for looking
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