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Everything posted by Shuley

  1. That fish looks absolutely beautiful. I am just wondering what cooking at a temp like that would result in texturally? I have never done a low and slow salmon, is the result like when you buy packaged smoked salmon?
  2. My kid is also a nut so there is that lol.
  3. Thank you very much.
  4. I decided to use the lower grate for chicken and corn. I like the results better on the main grate but I thought this would save me a few minutes as we had spent all day at a museum and driving to said museum. Plated with homemade Chipotle sauc e, smoked salsa and homemade herb butter on the corn. My son says I need to work on my plating. Hahaha. He knows what's up.
  5. Shuley

    Bahn mi

    Thank you! I was very impressed with the even cooking my kk could do.
  6. Shuley

    Bahn mi

    True. You don't need a KK to be obsessive about cooking, but if you have a KK you are probably obsessive about cooking.
  7. Shuley

    Bahn mi

    Thanks. There was no komodo dragons blood involved though
  8. Shuley

    Bahn mi

    Thank you very much.
  9. Shuley

    Bahn mi

    Thank you very much. The marinade for the pork was actually pretty easy. I think I'll do that part again!
  10. Shuley

    Bahn mi

    Thank you. I obsess a little sometimes.
  11. Shuley

    Bahn mi

    Thank you for your help with the baking questions! This sandwich sure does pack a punch when it comes to flavor. I really wish I had easier access to them at home. At least I know how to make them now.
  12. Shuley

    Bahn mi

    Thank you very much.
  13. Apricots and pork belly sound like they would go well together.
  14. Thank you! I probably stole the idea from you in the first place!
  15. Thanks. I would recommend trying grilled avocados. If you like regular ones, I can almost guarantee you will like them grilled!
  16. Thanks, so glad I tried them! Really enhances the flavor.
  17. Thanks. I didn't even think of it until we were eating and my husband remarked that this was a meal full of good fats. So I think we were treating our bodies well also!
  18. Shuley

    Bahn mi

    It took me a while to decide what I was going to cook for this month's challenge when it hit me that one of my favorite Asian dishes used a barbecued component. I love Vietnamese food and among my favorites is the delicatable bahn mi. My favorite version of bahn mi is the bbq pork bahn mi. So I set out to make one for the challenge. Most components came from the bahn mi cook book and I slightly modified them for my tastes as well as the kamado. First things first, the meat.components for the marinade, plus seasame oil that I was toasting. Vacuum sealed boneless pork short ribs and let them marinate for a few days in the fridge. Then I set out to make the pickled veggies. Daikon radish and carrots and the pickling liquid. I also had to massage the veggies with sugar and salt which felt kind of weird and I couldn't get a picture of.Those sat for 2 days in the fridge. I also baked bahn mi rolls. This was my first real baking experience in a KK and man it is way more even than my oven! Hahaha. Anyway here were the ingredients. Ready to mix!Ready for the first rise.formed the rolls.while That was rising I filled up the kk with coco char. O had never used a full basket of just the coco char but I was hoping it would help give my bahn mi rolls a little more of a neutral flavor. I didn't want tons of smoke flavor on them.after That was stablized to the right temp and the rolls had their second rise, on they went.spritzed then as soon as they went in and I actually didn't have to rotate the pan because they were cooking very evenly (this was on my old rectangular baking stone which gave me enough surface area for the whole pan of rolls)next component was homemade mayo. I had only made this twice before and this was my only successful attempt. I had some left over pasturized eggs from when I wanted to bake with my kids, so I also didn't have to worry about any of the food safety stuff. Ingredientsfinal product.I also needed some maggi sauce,which I could not find. Luckily there was a recipe for a homemade version.simple Ingredients just boiled for a while. Letting it cool. When it came time for the meat, I added some fresh charcoal and a big chunk of pecan. Then got everything to 225 and added the meatthey we're on for about 2 and a half hours when I foiled them with butter, Brown sugar, and sesame oil.after a little less than an hour I took them out and started basting with the remaining marinade.sliced Those beauties up. Then it was time for assembly. Sliced the bread and scooped out some contents to make room.Which Made spreading the homemade mayo on evenly slightly difficult.drizzled on the homemade maggi sauce and layered on the meat.love That garlic chili sauce on there (this is optional, but I always put it on in restaurants)pickled veggies.thin sliced cucumber and cilantroand here's the whole sandwichsoooooo good.my 6 year old said it was the best sandwich he ever had in his life.
  19. I ended up spritzing heavily and forgoing the water pan. I had pretty good results.
  20. I had seen someone make some grilled avocados and I was curious about that. Made some grilled salmon, grilled eggplant, and risotto. Everything turned out well except the eggplant. My good friend had it in her garden and let it go too long. It was very bitter. Oh Well, everything else was great. I will definitely do grilled avocado again. Grilling it gave it a whole other flavor that I enjoyed a lot.
  21. That looks Way better than the salmon I am making tonight.
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