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Everything posted by Shuley

  1. Thank you for your kind words. Huli huli chicken is pretty darn tasty.
  2. Thanks, I had it in my head this would be super fast and easy. I was wrong, it took a while but it was very good.
  3. Thanks, it's a nice change up from typical bbq chicken.
  4. Thanks! And thank you for the sous vide potato idea! I will definitely use that again!
  5. That Canadian bacon looks fantastic!
  6. Glad to see your kk finally arrived.
  7. Chicken halves were on sale, I had frozen huli huli sauce left from the last time I made it, so I thought it would be a nice easy dinner. I was also inspired by Mackenzie to try a sous vide potato salad because my number 1 problem getting potato salad correct is uniform doneness of potatoes. Sous vide proved to be an excellent remedy. Also, I have been trying to improve my grilled veggie game. I'm a firm believer that veggies can be delicious, but I over look them often and don't take the time to make them stand up next to my protein. I saw a grilled version of a wedge salad so I thought I would try that. The recipe called to salt and oil Napa cabbage wedges for at least an hour Got the ingredients for the salad dressing. (jalapenos needed to be roasted on the kamado) I cut up and vacuum sealed some potatoes while I waited for the sous vide machine to come to temp. After a bit I was ready to throw in my chicken halves with some rub I made up. Started basting about 40 min into the cooking time.and done. Then I started grilling the cabbage. While that was happening the potatoes were done and I put them in an ice bath still vacuum sealed. This worked very well to get the potatoes to the temperature I wanted. Them the cabbage was ready to come off. Mixed the potatoes with everything and then I was done! This was my hubby`s plate (i know dark meat is most popular here) And my plate. This was one of the best salads I have ever had. Hubby and I both went back for a second wedge! My husband also said it was the best huli huli chicken I had ever done. I really liked the consistency from the perfectly cooked potatoes. Overall, this was a very successful cook.
  8. Hahahaha. Where do people get these ideas???
  9. That looks super tasty!
  10. That looms like a mighty good dinner.
  11. Awesome cook. I told you the moisture content particularly in chicken is just unreal! I had no idea what I was missing out on lol!
  12. Ok so this is probably a weird thing to comment on but man it looks like you got that red onion to soak up the marinade and just cook perfectly. The whole dinner looks good, but man I want those onions.
  13. I made left over brisket tacos with salsa that I had made from smoked jalapenos, tomatoes, and onion. Also added fresh garlic because that's how I like it. I don't know how this has never occured to me before. Of course brisket tacos would be good. I also made twice baked potatoes in the kk. I had never made twice baked potatoes but man they were good. My family loved them. Cooking/baking then on koko of course added a wonderful smoky hint. And they were stuffed with all the good stuff, bacon, sour cream, cream cheese, chives, garlic powder and cheddar cheese.
  14. Thank you. I was glad to make my son feel a little comforted.
  15. Thank you! The kamado makes Mac and cheese just soar to the next level.
  16. Thanks! I love smoke in my Mac and cheese now!
  17. Thank you! And I'm glad I'm not the only mom who makes their kids taste things.
  18. That sounds like another good idea! Do they get any less soggy than regular breadcrumbs.
  19. I never had homemade Mac n cheese as a child, it wasn't something my parents ever made. I feel like I am making up for lost time! That's not really fair though, my parents cooked a lot of good food. They loved in NOLA for 6 years before I was born so I got to have a lot of Cajun food which is not common where I am from.
  20. There is not antidote. Unless getting one counts lol.
  21. He was standing and just holding the handle hahaha.
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