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Everything posted by Shuley

  1. Thank you so much for the tips. We will be busy with wedding stuff but I'm really hoping I can sneak off to try your recommendations!
  2. For freshness sake,you really might want to consider home roasting. Compared to a KK it is a small investment, it is easy, and I cannot emphasize the difference that freshness makes. For example, when I pull an espresso shot with beans roasted 48 hours previously, the amount of crema almost doubles what a typical store bought bag of coffee produces. Even when I attempted to buy specialty coffees,I could not get them nearly that fresh(maybe it's gotten easier the last few years). Coffee is something I LOVE and something I consume everyday. You might want to think about it. I have never regretted buying my coffee roaster.
  3. I do different things depending on what I have on hand at the time. This one was lemon zest and juice, finely grated garlic, cilantro,salt and pepper, and some fresh grated parmesan cheese. Tarragon sounds like it would be good as well.
  4. Next time my child comments on my plating I need to tell him this!
  5. Grilled corn is the only way to do it.
  6. Grilled corn is the only way to do it.
  7. Those look great. Dang that is a serious amount of meat on those ribs.
  8. Not sure I have ever had duck fat not on duck....now I am intrigued.
  9. That is an awesome plate of food. What is the sauce on the side?
  10. They all look good so far. For smoked pork chops, do you do a reverse sear kind of method?
  11. That skunk just wanted a lil brisket!!!!! I can't blame him. I have yet to try the butcher paper method. In fact I almost never use foil until after I pull it now.
  12. Omg. Your comment made me think about cold and dry Italian beef..not the best.
  13. I am not sure if most people include it or not. If I estimated....I probably used 1.5 -2 tablespoons of Worcestershire and about 1 tablespoon of liquid aminos. I think it would be fine without it. Just amps up the savory flavor a little.
  14. Liquid aminos come in a bottle like this. pappy`s I think must be a regional thing, so I love it. The first time I made Italian beef I made my own rub that worked well...and it wasn't really going for the pappy`s flavor. I went light on the salt because the jars of pepperoncinis has a lot of salt. Black pepper, ground mustard, garlic and onion powder, and I think that was it. Honestly you could probably just do salt and pepper. The pepperoncinis and juice from the meat end up making it fairly intensely flavored. On a side note, someone told me about a crock pot version of this before I ever tried this, and they used a ranch seasoning PACKET. Sorry, I had to clarify packet because when she was telling me about it I was envisioning the dressing and it just grossed me out. I have yet to try that.
  15. Thank you! It's been a wonderful ride thus far! I have never been to Oklahoma before! I am super excited that I will be visiting Texas this fall for my cousin's wedding. I have not been to any of the Midwest for anything more than a layover before.
  16. The Italian beef is super easy. You will think there`s no way that will taste good. I rubbed it the night before with pappy`s. Wrapped over night. Got my kk to 250, put it on the grate for about 1.5 hours to pick up some smoke flavor, then pulled it and put it in an aluminum pan. For about a 4 lbs. Chuck steak it's one jar of pepperoncinis and their juice, 1 slice onion, a few whole cloves of garlic, and a couple splashes of Worcestershire and liquid aminos. Cover with foil and put back in for about 6 hours. Then pull the beef and put back on of you want some of the liquid to evaporate. Really the au jus produced is very tasty. I served with toasted rolls with provolone cheese and a horseradish dill sauce (if desired...this time I didn't even use the horseradish sauce because the jus is so flavorful....however many people in my family love that.)
  17. The Italian beef is super easy. You will think there`s no way that will taste good. I rubbed it the night before with pappy`s. Wrapped over night. Got my kk to 250, put it on the grate for about 1.5 hours to pick up some smoke flavor, then pulled it and put it in an aluminum pan. For about a 4 lbs. Chuck steak it's one jar of pepperoncinis and their juice, 1 slice onion, a few whole cloves of garlic, and a couple splashes of Worcestershire and liquid aminos. Cover with foil and put back in for about 6 hours. Then pull the beef and put back on of you want some of the liquid to evaporate. Really the au jus produced is very tasty. I served with toasted rolls with provolone cheese and a horseradish dill sauce (if desired...this time I didn't even use the horseradish sauce because the jus is so flavorful....however many people in my family love that.)
  18. Thanks, I know it seemed unorthodox but im glad I insisted.
  19. Thank you. Not much better than having bbq with people you love.
  20. Thank you! It was a pretty nice day.
  21. Thanks! I got Aaron Franklin's book, man it is a fascinating read!
  22. Wow beautiful plating. Looks delicious!
  23. So I turned the big 3-0 yesterday and if course I wanted to do what I love to do now-barbeque. My family thought I was nuts but whatever. I love what I love. I also got to utilize my early birthday present- my kk. I decided on doing pulled pepper beef, Italian beef, ABTs and chicken wings. Sides were from family. I did twice as much Italian as pepper beef which ended up being good because I prefered the Italian beef.on they go to pick up some smoke. About an hour and a half later Then added the other ingredients. foiled and back on at 250 for another 6 hours. I fired up the old akorn for ABTs and wings. Wings half way through. ...I forgot how uneven this grill can be and did not do a good job rotating the wings. Half were awesome and the other half were a little too done. The ABTs were gone in a flash and the wings disappeared shortly thereafter. I didn't get Any pictures when they were done. I did of the beef. Pepper beef. Italian beef. My birthday plate. With funeral potatoes, macaroni salad and green salad. I did a half sandwich of each of the beef so I could have a side by side comparison. Fun cook.
  24. I was looking into making a smoke pot for my 23. What would be the ideal size cast iron pot? 2 quarts was my guess.
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