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Everything posted by Shuley

  1. This is exactly why I posted this. I didn't ever use the trigger function, the amount of fire that puts out is absolutely nuts. I would not recommend using the weed burner.
  2. I'm so glad it went the way it did and no one got hurt.
  3. I highly,highly recommend TFL. I never stopped in bouchon bakery, but they did supply the bread at bouchon (which is more of a bistro) and was right next door. It looked quite popular.
  4. Yes, I have never seen my mom eat so much salmon in my whole life!
  5. Thank you! I am so blessed to have such awesome parents.
  6. Cooking has been one of my hobbies since high school, and kamado cooking just took my cooking to a while other level that other methods just can't touch, at least in my mind. My KK can definitely produce better results that my previous kamado style grill-and I was thrilled with my results prior to getting my KK. I definitely think it can improve anyone's cooking!
  7. You have had some amazing culinary experiences. Interestingly enough, we were watching a documentary that featured Grant Achatz the night before going to TFL. Very interesting guy. If course I knew about his restaurants but it was interesting to hear his perspective. I would love to eat at a restaurant owned by Jose andres and wow your experience with Rick bayless sounds incredible!! I love watching him cook on his tv show. That is so awesome.
  8. Since getting my KK I have been searching for ways to light the charcoal and feel safe at the same time. I had seen someone used a weed burner here to light it super fast. I thought this would get the propane tank and the fire both a more comfortable distance from me. I got from harbor freight. I used it for about 2 months with awesome results and I loved the speed and ease of lighting. However,last week when I was lighting for a pizza, I was about half there when the hose That connected to the metal part SNAPPED Off, flying every Where, spraying propane everywhere. Thank god it did not fly into my grill or a spark hit it. Thinking I had simply loosened a connection over time or something, I had my husband reattach the hose and then we tested for any leaks. It appeared to be secure again. However within seconds of using it, the hose popped off again. I will never again light my grill using this method. It might just have been a faulty piece of equipment but it was enough to scare me so badly I will not use it.
  9. What are your other top 4?
  10. My parents watched my boys for two nights while my husband whisked away for an anniversary trip...one in which we ate VERY well...as in THE FRENCH LAUNDRY and BOUCHON. TFL was absolutely amazing and was totally worth every penny. They had previously asked me about about grilling salmon with wood so I made them a thank you dinner last night. With salad and Israeli couscous on the side!
  11. That looks super delicious. Mind sharing your corn risotto recipie?
  12. I can promise it wasn't my idea, but I'm glad I made something that made you want to try it!
  13. Should I quiver with anticipation or tremble with fear????
  14. Let me know if you ever want to have an adoptive sister lol.
  15. Looks like you made an AWESOME batch of huli huli chicken!
  16. Man that is a bummer....glad that SRF is so awesome.
  17. Hope you feel better. Roasted chicken hopefully will comfort you.
  18. Those are some delicious looking pizzas.
  19. I followed ckreef`s tutorial on KA pizza dough and had fabulous results.....even with my kamado not staying at the proper temp due to the fact that I used a heat gun to get the fire blazing for apparently way too long and then made me burn through a full fire box super fast. Even with that pretty massive mistake I had superb results. You have ruined my old pizzas for me. This was insanely good and I'm sure will only get better as I get more comfortable.... And don't use my heat gun too much! I highly recommend trying his method.
  20. Those look very versatile. Awesome idea.
  21. I can't remember what Catalina salad dressing tastes like. I haven't had it in forever!
  22. Hmmm. I don't know for sure. I would estimate a somewhere between 5-10 minutes when cooking at 350.
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