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Everything posted by Shuley

  1. I always leave the meat probe in when it's a long wait. If you have heated up your cooler with the water, it should be fine. Remember the danger zone is usually regarded as being between 40-140 for 4 hours. So you should have a lot of time.
  2. Shuley


    After a nice few days away prior to our official anniversary date, I asked my husband what he wanted for dinner on our real anniversary. His request? Bacon wrapped, heart shaped, smoked meatloaf from the kamado. Of course! Before cooking. During cooking and baking some cornbread. Finishing up and grilling some scrumptious avocados! And with some mashed potatoes Tasty and homey meal for the love of my life.
  3. That would be a good idea. I'll have to look into canning one of these days.
  4. Yes. Salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, garlic powder and olive oil. And I finished with lemon juice and olive oil after grilling.
  5. Your technique is superb.
  6. Thank you! Ckreef`s crust has been a game changer for me. My young sons love pizza so this is frequently in the rotation for me!
  7. Thanks...and his crust has such flavor as well as perfect texture. I made 4 pizzas on purpose so we would have some for left overs.....not that much though lol.
  8. Dannnng I'm so hungry...2 more hours until dinner. That looks FaBULOUS.
  9. Did the temperature correctly this time and reaped the rewards. My husband said “ this is the most perfect pizza I have ever had” they turned out really really well thanks to ckreef`s tutorial. Never going back to rolled dough.
  10. I really didn't think I would get to eat at the french laundry any time soon. My husband is very sweet to me.
  11. I have super awesome parents! So glad to be able to thank them with something they like.
  12. First Then Then And lastly, my plate These pork chops had just the right amount of smoke, without being over powered and the smoked apricot sauce went perfectly. This eggplant was fantastic and mashed potatoes are always good. The pork chop sliced up with some of this sauce and mayo made a wonderful panini for lunch today! Super cheap and insanely delicious.
  13. Shuley

    BBQ time

    Looks like an awesome spread.
  14. I will never use harbor freight for anything like this again. The funny thing is it made me feel much safer because the flame was so much further from me than my old torch....how ironic.
  15. I'm not sure if it was the angle I was holding the burning part or what. Since I don't know, I am not comfortable. I hope yours never gives you a problem like mine did.
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