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Everything posted by Shuley

  1. I am not the biggest potatoe fan, but those look delicious!
  2. I'm glad I'm not the only one! I'm hoping the more often I do it, the more confident I will get.
  3. Thank you. If I had just stuck with what I knew was right....I would probably have given myself enough confidence to think over night cooks are no big deal. Hopefully my next one....maybe if I start it earlier?
  4. Thank you! I am mostly having a lot of fun. Overnight cooks have just always made me very anxious.
  5. Shuley


    Is there an attachment or anything that would make this possible?
  6. Shuley


    Ok this is starting to sound superior now. I keep seeing all those basket cooks on people's JTs on KG is there any kind of option for this set up?
  7. That looks very good. Could you taste the pineapple flavor in the chicken meat?
  8. You are in for a treat.
  9. Firstly, I love your term “appiteasers” I have never heard that before. Second, I love that everyone just showed up at your house looking for food. Did you have enough for them? Hahaha. Third, I will have to try that spiral cook method.
  10. Shuley


    Do you see a benefit to this particular design?
  11. Shuley


    So the basket can't “hold” anything, correct? I guess I am confused by this design,Dennis seems to be very thoughtful in the design of his grill, so I am sure there is a rationale for maing a rotisserie that looks so much different. Will it fit a turkey?
  12. Ok, so there were a lot of qualifiers in my First cook statement hahaha. Our good friends have a 4th if July shin dig every year and this year they wanted me to bring a pork shoulder. I was a little nervous about cooking for an event not at my house and it was also my first overnight cook on my new kk. The only thing was I lit too much charcoal from the beginning (new weed burner) and then I guess because it was an overnight cool, I did not have confidence in my vent settings. I logically knew that my fire would go out of I closed it anymore, but when I woke up at 2:30 AM and it was still sitting right at 300, I went and closed them more. Shouldn't have done that. At 515 my alarm went off because the grill was down below 200. I set the vents correctly again, and then everything was fine. I just need to quit listening to those nagging thoughts at night!!! Oh Well, I'll get it sooner or later. Probably the more over night cooks the better I will be about it. Turned out well. I didn't take any other pictures.
  13. I am also a fan of The wrap and cooker method. I have actually been leaving the probe in the meat to see what it's doing in there, and it is amazing how long it takes for the temp to change. Interestingly, on my pork butt yesterday it stayed in the 160-150 range for hours.
  14. Wow. You were very productive!
  15. A trip to Spain (primarily for food related reasons) is also on our bucket list. I'll probably wait until my kids are older, though.
  16. I agree with you. Experiences are better than things anyway. Well except my kk!
  17. Happy 4th! I have to say how much I love seeing the 4th through my kids` eyes. Makes me feel like a little kid.
  18. Thanks for the advice. Glad it doesn't get very windy where I live very often.
  19. Thank you! I just have to get a variety of temps under my belt, so I can know the vent settings for each temp. I'm liking how consistent the settings seem to be, regardless of outside factors.
  20. Thank you very much! Glad I can trust my grill while I'm gone!
  21. Yeah, I will probably have to try that too! Probably a less tangy flavor profile.
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