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Everything posted by Shuley

  1. It was definitely more moist and tender. Because I used a higher quality meat, it's hard to say which variable had more of an impact. Now that I can get prime brisket, not sure that I would waste a trial putting a regular Wal-Mart brisket on the KK to see how different it would be! LOL. Maybe if I get bored.
  2. That looks like an awesome first fish cook!
  3. Ok...so I have a gigantic fig tree in my backyard....now I may have to attempt stuffing some figs. I don't care for them plain.
  4. Boy does they look good.
  5. I'm doing my first brisket on the KK today. Curious how it will turn out. It is also my first prime brisket.... So that is a factor also. Not usually my style (to change 2 variables at once) but they were the same price.
  6. You are going to have a ton of fun. And your head will explode from moistness. I thought it was hyped up and would be a small difference. Needless to say....it is NOT a small difference.
  7. So I had some friends over the other night for dinner... And one of them ways very little meat. I decided it was good a time as any to make a veggie pizza. Pretty simple. I just pre cooked all of my veggies (red onion, red bell pepper, green bell pepper, olives and artichoke hearts) then added a more generous layer of parmesan than I normally would. Also fresh basil when it came off. I also topped my pieces with jalapeno. I did pep for my boys. My (super bad) plate shot. With Cesar salad and I made a yellow watermelon and feta salad with mint and balsamic glaze. Pretty solid.
  8. Yeah....I'm doing a brisket tonight so hopefully I get more sleep this time.
  9. Wow it does!!!! It was 9 lbs!
  10. Thanks! You are right, I have done ribs a fair amount, but it's still exciting to figure out the difference in the kk
  11. Pre wrap time was a little over 2 and a half hours...wrapped for 1 hour. Then back to set the glaze for 1 hour. The probably could have gone a little longer. 225 the whole cool, and thank you
  12. There were a crazy number of delicious looking entries this month!
  13. Well....this month has me stumped! Thank you though. I like that this challenge made me try something I had been thinking about for months.
  14. Ooooohhhh those look sooooo good.
  15. No pictures! Sorry! I was just doing a quick simple meal of grilled salmon, risotto,and a salad last night. I fired up the kk before going to the store, set my vents and went to get my fish. Well, once at the store, things didn't quite go to plan. All of the salmon they had was pre cut into fairly small portions. I grabbed 3, and they were out of asparagus. (who knew it was so popular???) my son has been on a prosciutto wrapped aspargus kick, and I'm glad to encourage vegetable eating. So I nixed the vegetable and went home. Surprise! My kk was right where I wanted it to be-350. These were very small portions of salmon, but I seasoned them how I normally would. Kosher salt, fresh pepper, dill, and mustard powder. I put them on. Well, since I'm normally used to doing a large piece of fish,I kind of guestimated my cooking time. I was way way off. The first time I took the temperature, the fish had to be way over cooked. I pulled them off and hoped the risotto would save dinner. Well, even though according to the thermometer my salmon should have been dry as a bone, it was delicious! And moist?!???!!!! I couldn't believe it. My husband said it was the best salmon he ever had in his life. Other than maybe a really good salmon nigiri. Thank you, koko kamado! You saved dinner!
  16. I am curious too. I bet I will have to extend my cooking time.
  17. My hubby also enjoys fall of the bone ribs. It`s just a matter of personal preference.
  18. Thank you! We definitely had a great meal!
  19. Thanks! I am planning on trying unfoiled next time. It seems like that is more popular with kamado cooking.
  20. So these were my first attempt at ribs on my kk. Seasoned these up with 2 parts pappy`s to 1 part brown sugar and getting koko kamado up to and stay at 225 was easy. They stayed in the fridge all morning and then I loaded them up on the main grate. I sprayed with Apple cider vinegar and liquid aminos. I tried this really cool technique where you brine/par cook the vegetables and then grill them. These went on the akorn 1st about 500 degrees...I really like having two kamados so I can do veggies 91st different temps. Veggies done...the potatoes benefited but the carrots were outstanding. I also did foil these ribs (i know it is heresy to done, but I wanted to keep my method identical, so that I will have a benchmark and can change one variable at a time. Next cook I will attempt with no wrapping.) After I unwrapped it was time to brush with glaze. And done. So I forgot to do a plate shot. And my plate was so loaded that it wouldn't have made a good picture. In addition to the ribs and grilled veggies, I also made a creamy dill cucmber salad, and my brother in law brought smoked shredded pork belly with bbq sauce and a garden salad. All of our kids were rib monsters that night!
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