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Everything posted by tekobo

  1. I think you have your answer right here. I am tempted by the two KK option but I wouldn't have them on two levels. Give in to your inner child. Do what makes you happy.
  2. Thanks for the reminder about my Pullman tin. I tried it on one of my seeded loaves. The result was a less dark and crusty, easy to eat and easy on the eye loaf. It's the one on the left in the second photo.
  3. This one is for Mac. Sea bream marinated in chermoula.
  4. Nice looking dinner @tony b. I realise how badly I've caught the barbecue bug when just looking at pink butcher paper gets me salivating, let alone when the meat is revealed! Looking forward to your reveal Mac. I am in the throes of preparing for Heston Blumenthal's "perfect" burger recipe. It involves aged short rib, chuck and brisket. Another 25 days of aging to go on the short rib. It had better be worth the wait.
  5. Great that the move was a lot easier than you feared. Your KK looks great in that colour. Congratulations!
  6. I am totally with you Christine. My main kitchen counter is kept clear of any permanent fixtures. I subscribe to @Syzygies (or his wife's!) set up, with more obtrusive items kept in other rooms for use there or brought into the kitchen when needed. It works well and means you have good kit when you need it but you don't have to look at it all the time.
  7. Smelly old tomb or not, those baguettes look fantastic. Bravo P. Here is my offering for today. Two of the loaves were made with cooked porridge and almonds. Yummy toasted lightly. The third loaf included grated old bread, the heavy seeded rye to be precise. Yet to cut into it but I am interested in what that does for the taste and texture.
  8. Go girls! That fish looked so good. I blame you, Steve, for the standard of jokes that followed. Although I have to admit that Mac's baby bear is very cute (and scary!).
  9. I guess we can't all have everything. I am envious of your outside space and ability to fit in all that fun cooking kit.
  10. Five day old sprouted rye and seeded loaf. Looking and tasting great. Here it is when it was first baked. I gave away the loaf that was sitting in the space in the middle. The Husband wouldn't let me give away any more, it is that good. Straight out of the beeswax paper Breakfast Pssst @ckreef, @Wingman505. See that meat slicer in the background in the first shot? You know you want one.
  11. This is super hard for me to comment on because I love both my 23 and 21 and I would happily buy every other size of grill in Dennis' arsenal if I had the space and the money. The only sure fire advice I can give you is: get a KK, you won't regret it. Then you need to balance heart, head and money. Some would say get one KK (to start with ) and get the biggest you can afford. Others would say get two because cooking at different temps and over different time frames is even more useful. Here's some stuff to help with the head part of the equation: Welcome and good luck!
  12. Trust The Husband to turn up and pull down the tone of my serious meat thread. I will now get things back on topic if you don't mind. We broke into the second dairy cow fat encrusted steak after about 90 days. Not for the faint hearted. The smell was just fine but I had to scrape off some discolouration. I never normally bother to reverse or forward sear because I like my steak blue and am happy to crust up the outside at high heat and eat. The Husband prefers rare so I thought I would try out reverse searing. It had been so long since I last did it that I forgot to use the basket splitter. The meat came out a bit more cooked than I intended but we both liked it. Had the texture of ham and the taste of blue cheese. Definitely a "do again".
  13. Thanks Tyrus. Forgot to apologise for the pink hue on the first photo. Guess who has just recently bought a pink phone case? The chilli was very tasty in any case.
  14. This thread of yours just keeps on giving @Christinelynn. All the entries made me laugh. Looking forward to a "retrospective" in which you tell us everything @Wingman505 unwittingly accedes to over the coming months.
  15. you know you want to...
  16. I cooked some chilli overnight using a recipe that @Braai-Q kindly gave me. Here it is in the KK last night Here it is for breakfast today Here it is for lunch today Luckily I just got a call from a Spanish friend saying he is bring round a long promised paella care package for our supper. It will have been cooked on a BGE but I can forgive a paella bearing Spaniard pretty much anything. More chilli tomorrow. Thanks @Braai-Q aka my African Brother from Another Mother.
  17. Nice rub on your drumsticks Mac. What is it? Also, all those brisket photos are making me very very hungry!
  18. Great looking cook Tony. I have been puzzling about your pork wings. I suspect they are what we call ham hocks. I have four in the freezer (left over from a whole pig purchase) and would love to try out the pork wing recipes that I have found online.
  19. Here is a whole new rabbit hole for you to go down Charles: buy a decent meat slicer and buy whole cured cuts. The cured cuts store almost indefinitely if you vacuum pack them each time you finish with them and, sliced fresh, the meat always tastes better. And you are saving the world from silly waxed paper liners! Win win.
  20. Too late! Sous vide pork belly, seared on KK with air fried sweet potato and mushrooms and not a pretend breakfast egg in sight. The Husband doesn't like fatty belly so I had this all to myself. I added fermented hot sauce that I made last year on @tony b's advice. I didn't like it when I first made it but, six months later, it is tasting really good. I was going to get rid of the two "perfection" books of his that I have, but that burger recipe made me think twice. I do have two go to Heston recipes. This one for oxtail and kidney pudding is so good that I make it once a year, over two days, and invite a select group of friends to a totally decadent dinner. https://www.sbs.com.au/food/recipes/heston-blumenthals-oxtail-and-kidney-pudding I have made this very slow roast in the IDK a few times and once in the KK. It is good and relatively simple. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2011/dec/14/slow-roasted-rib-of-beef-with-bone-marrow-sauce-recipe
  21. Hey there @Christinelynn, it is always great to talk to Dennis. When you get to that stage, you know good stuff is about to happen. I am the wrong wife to advise on this dilemma though. I talked about KKs for so long that my husband finally gave up his Argentinian bbq and bought me two KKs. I bought him a new Argentinian bbq in return last year. Although Sinbad the cat knows it was really so I could learn to play with fire. That said, @Wingman505's transition to two KKs was super fast and you definitely deserve a reward! You have already won the Best First Post Ever award. A very warm welcome to our world.
  22. I've been catching up on everyone's cooks. Drooltastic. It is 06:43 here and I now have a hankering for meat and red wine. A good start to an excellent day methinks. Will exercise first to justify it. I have been sorting through cookbooks to reduce my collection and picked up one of Heston Blumenthal's "perfection" books. He devotes quite a few pages to the perfect burger. His perfect burger minces chuck, aged short rib and brisket. I was planning on trying it out before I saw Tyrus' post. Now there is NO way I am mincing my brisket. Yum.
  23. I have no idea what the difference is between hex and square but, looking back at the shopping list for my KKs, I got hex. Pull that trigger!
  24. You must be so happy with the results @Troble. Loving the lighting! I also love the glimpses of all those plants. It would be great to see them in the daylight and to follow their progress as they fill out. Awesome.
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