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Everything posted by tekobo

  1. You're supposed to buy extra - LOL Well, I did buy extra: However, the peaches were a bit hard and cold when they arrived so I left them for about a week to ripen. Turns out that was a bit too long and I had to cut and throw away a fair few that had started to rot. I missed @ckreef's instruction to grill hot and fast. Instead grilled hot and slow and ended up with a quite smoky but delicious outcome No photo of syrup. It's in jars in the kitchen and I am sitting in the garden. I would say it is a little darker than the photos of Charles' and probably a little smokier. All the better to glaze pork ribs with. Yesterday's lunch, with chopped chilli on top. Yum.
  2. That would have been a sight to behold! Looking forward to the big reveal.
  3. Thanks Mac. I have had challenges with moving shallow drip pans with liquid before so I can see how this pan, deep and with handles, is an improvement.
  4. Your butt looks good Mac but why will you use the double drip pan again and not, say, a foil covered tray?
  5. The lean protein subscription made me laugh. Particularly as they also sell Wagyu. Looks great. I look forward to hearing of others' reviews. And who doesn't like a discount??
  6. Yes, but it was worth it to be sure that the guy would help us. It also saved us the trouble and cost of hiring, picking up and returning a pallet truck of our own. The beauty of email is that I am reminded of the same level of angst by the email trail between The Husband and I, trying to work out if the lip at the entrance to our back yard would warrant hiring an all terrain pallet truck, etc etc. Happily all these trials and concerns fade into the background once your KK is safely installed. Sounds great if you can seal the deal.
  7. Thanks Bruce. That bacon is indeed super yummy. You'll have to come on over to Europe some time to have a taste!
  8. I would say that is your best bet. People rely on the kindness of the driver and that usually works but I didn't want to risk that when my two were being delivered. I made contact with the agent and they "negotiated" an extra £55 fee for us to use the driver's pallet truck. In practice, the driver wheeled both KKs down a road and an alleyway with no problem at all. If they flat refuse to confirm that they will let you use the pallet truck then you could hire one for the day - happy to send you details of the ones we investigated at the time. Paul's right about this but sometimes the transport company puts the KK pallet on top of another pallet, making it impossible to use the inbuilt ramp safely. This happened to me and I think also to @Pequod for one of his KKs. See here for our comedy sequence:
  9. Made the syrup up today. Will wait for it to mature.. I realise that I am simply trying hard to be @ckreef. I don't actually like sweet things, haven't eaten a waffle in years and have pancakes about once a year and yet I copied Charles' recipe and dutifully made up the syrup. This is where I must diverge and adopt @Aussie Ora's philosophy. That peach syrup is going on my next rack of ribs. It'll probably take a bit of chilli too. Looking forward to it.
  10. Very tasty looking cooks Charles. The application of dough and cheese makes all foods great.
  11. That is a beautiful cook. Yummy!
  12. I've just finished grilling the peaches. I am not sure how many are going to make it into the syrup - they smell and taste heavenly!
  13. Great KK @buzilo and great cook. I am looking forward to trying your steak recipe. And I'm really curious about your keto dessert.
  14. Yummy looking meal Mac. Only three hours to breakfast here...
  15. tekobo

    Salt Cured Sirloin

    Hi @Basher. I had similar happen to me when our wine fridge broke down and I didn't notice. Ruined the goose legs that I had curing. We had some monitors called "sensor push" that you place in your cool room and you get alerts on your phone if your set parameters are exceeded. The only problem was that the sensor didn't work through the walls of the wine fridge and the room it was in. The sensors do work in our replacement dry ager and having reports on temp and humidity levels gives us peace of mind. Anyway, it sounds like you rescued these in good time. Looking forward to the results.
  16. Margaritas on tap and great looking tortillas. What's not to like?
  17. @Houlester I was new to kamado style cooking when I first chose my KKs and I didn't imagine how many different things I would want and be able to do once I had them. You may well find that your needs expand beyond those that you have currently identified. If you have not already it is probably worth looking at a range of cooks on the forum to see if a 21, 23 or even a 32 would best suit the new things you might want to do. For my part, the half grate that Dennis introduced in the 23 has revolutionised my use of that grill and, if I had to only choose one of the two I would go with the 23 at the moment.
  18. @SSgt93 - lovely food shots. It would be good to get a bit of grill envy in to the bargain. Some more photos showing how you are managing to cook with so little grill space would be great. Keen to see how you are managing the fire and the space on the 42 for different size cooks.
  19. I guess you have plans for the ....or not option.
  20. Those pittas and the baba ganoush look just great @BalconySmoken
  21. Looks good and I imagine much more fun, camping out in the ODK by choice, than if Dorian had rendered you without power for more than a few hours. Hurrah.
  22. Ha ha. The ability to move the food closer and further from the fire with ease is one of the fun things about this grill. There was an option to split the bed so that you could move the two halves independently. I/we decided not to go for that option because that would have involved reducing the space available for grilling. I am expecting to use a combination of moving coals around on the bed to create cold and hot zones and raising and lowering the grates to control and vary the temperature. The ODK should be ready in time for The Husband's birthday in late October. I have bought him the Seven Fires book by Francis Mallman who he likes. I have bought myself a book called Charred & Scruffed by Adam Perry Lang. Interesting views about grilling meat and he does do "clinching" a lot. Lots to explore!
  23. Here is hoping that your wife's general fitness will see her come through this without needing anything too invasive. Good luck.
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