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About mguerra

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  • Birthday 09/28/1954


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    Kerrville, Texas
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    Flying, Fishing, Golf
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    Kerrville, Texas
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    Flying, Golf, Fly Fishing, Pyrotechnician

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  1. That deflector was originally designed to protect the wood knob on the bottom vent. They were getting scorched, cracked and breaking off. Dennis is always updating and improving things, so I don't know what the current vents use for knob material, but if it is still wood, probably best to leave that deflector in place.
  2. Anytime you can reasonably and safely do so, decompress any seals and gaskets you have. For the KK, when the fire is out, move the lid latch to position one and pop the top vent loose. Gaskets last longer if you can decompress them. Washing machine door, dryer door, dishwasher door, scuba regulator, fishing reel drag, needle valves, anything with a gasket or o-ring that you don’t have to tighten down on all the time, don’t. When reasonable, I leave the KK lid fully open. Look around at all your stuff and you’ll find applications for this concept. For example, I keep a spare Polaris backup valve for the pool. There’s an o-ring in the case halves and in the outlet for the reverse jet. I keep it disassembled with a coating of waterproof grease on these o-rings. I only reassemble it and compress the o-rings when I put it in service. When you take your garden hoses out of service for the season, release them from the spigots to decompress the o-rings and if you have any quick connects with o-rings, release them. Pelican or Seahorse cases, plastic ammo boxes, the list is endless. Look around and you’ll find lots of seals and o-rings you can extend the life on.
  3. Get a shop vac. Everyone needs at least one. Not just for your KK.
  4. I use the big ceramic heat deflector. If it takes longer to heat up the KK or uses more fuel I haven’t noticed, and couldn’t care less. We argued about this in another thread as I recall. I like that big block of radiating thermal mass in there. And if you actually use it a few times and then use foil a few times you will see that foil can allow some scorching. There’s no way in hell a couple thousandths of an inch of aluminum can provide the shielding of that huge paver. Y’all told me foil would work, why you thought it would work, I tried it, and my briskets got a little scorched. Well, there’s one way to find out and that’s to do it both ways a few times. I have. And I’m sticking with my big ass stepping stone. The only downside is it’s a little heavy, oh heaven forfend! I like it so much I ponied up the dough to buy a spare. Y’all send me yours…
  5. How do you get the bulk out of it from the top?
  6. I dismantled the crate and used the lumber to build fireworks mortar racks…
  7. I have been studying on this a bit more. Apparently it is a very common practice in the barbecue joint world to rest briskets for as long as 14 hours prior to service. It results in very succulent and juicy meat. However, they do rest the meat in warming ovens or other devices that hold the temp at about 160 to 170° . And so there is no food safety issue there with the temp dropping below 140. If your home oven can hold it at that temp you can do it. One of our local barbecue places has a warming cabinet with many shelves in it and they store their cooked briskets in there wrapped in saran wrap and they are indeed extremely juicy and moist.
  8. Let me rephrase my question: SilverSuziQue, are you in the olive oil club? I see in one of the photos a bottle that looks like it’s from T.J.Robinsons olive oil club.
  9. Are you in that guy's olive oil club? T.J. Robinson, that's his name.
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