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Everything posted by BonFire

  1. Believe it or not less concussions and head trauma than a gridiron player by far, hence no need for helmets our rules and code of conduct protect AFL players from head injuries, well try to anyways.
  2. Imagine the rump caps off this fella....or the ribs
  3. The point is only used to pierce your cook...and then removed...well thats what I've been doing, and as MacKenzie does I also pierce the meat (usually the fat cap on the rump) with a knife to make it easier.
  4. Get onto a nice rump cap and have a go at a Picanha, so easy and a crowd favourite
  5. Another passion of mine is music (if anyone noticed my avatar), found this fella last night after watching a movie, the originals usually are the best That picture just show's its not to far away...lol Congrats on the New KK, Terra Blue fan here Crank it up and lets get cooking
  6. Pitmaster X gave it the on his last instalment
  7. How was the cauliflower, got some left-over Harissa thats been sitting a while
  8. Great looking cook Aussie....how was the peach with the beef.
  9. Just witnessed the worst ever 2 semi-finals for the AFL GF next w/end (unless your a Pie or Eagles fan) while I'm doing ribs for the kids. All you Texans out there and US citizens, sus out the Grand Final, you have a fine player playing for Collingwood, Mason Cox
  10. I see you got good taste in cheese...nicely done mate
  11. I could almost turn vegetarian with that shot....nice bun
  12. Same like's with the Meater, and perfect for when you want to moniter a rotisserie......but lose range as soon as i go in the house
  13. That is a great colour, looks awesome, congrats.....
  14. BonFire

    Awesome Picanha

    Tekebo great looking cook, i think it comes out better in the KK.....I'm actually looking for a couple of rump caps for next week-end, family wants Picanha for a get-together. It'll be 2 weeks that i haven't cooked and my hands are shaking (work sucks) can't wait, your pics are getting me fired-up
  15. Good size squid rings, looks like our local squid but you never know these days......used to catch my own out of Freo once upon a time.....i need a boat
  16. Let us know how you go, also thinking about doing a brisket for my nephews Holy communion next week-end, either that or the fail-safe Picanha's....my sister is still deciding......
  17. I had a Smoke Daddy’s Big Kahuna from the BJoe days that I’ve retro-fitted for the KK, you tried any of that Pecan yet.
  18. Hi John and welcome, Alimac beat me to it but as regarding roti gear I've got both baskets but haven't used them yet (I'm sure i will though) if your cooker is out in the elements recommend getting a cover for it.
  19. mmmmm....lookin good
  20. Nice pics mate.....steak looks good too
  21. Hope he throws in one of those cigars
  22. Hey Aussie is that for real about using Vegemite to bring down the heat, cause i like it hottish but this stuff caught me off-guard....found it at my local IGA.....nice but hot As you can see it gets used.......sparingly
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