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Everything posted by Curly
Can you post the link to where a pic is (I'm really incapable of finding stuff, just ask my wife). I would like to give LeadDog the first opportunity to make fun of it, so I'm not saying a word. LeadDog has so far got the Ugliest Cooker Award and has been looking for someone to hand off to
Oh man, that's cold...we're gonna love you over here
In bags, really, we get ours as individual pieces so we need to put them in something. Hmmm, where can I get some of those bags? Just kidding, ours also come in bags! I used to be real anal about sorting the lump pieces by size so I had a large bin a medium bin and a small bin. The small bin also held the left over smalls from previous cooks. When I did low-n-slows I used up all of the smalls. I was so cool back then. It was all the rage, I'm telling you...I'll even bet Gerard was in the cool crowd of sorters, there may still be folks that do that. I had the Huck wok thing going too, I was so 'IN'. So I still have the bins. But now I just dump a 10 lb bag into one of the bins and dip from the bin to fill my KK. I was using the "leave it in the bag" method but Chubby the Chewer would chew the bags up and get the lump everywhere. I'm now very laid back about my lump. I just dump it and forget it, no special way to build the fire. And no, the bigger thing is not a cooler, it's just a big storage bin. It mostly houses my large container of torch gas, my torch, my gloves. Oh yeah, those brown leather gloves laying on top...well, you can't do that with Chubby. I now have one glove without a thumb And I'll tell you, God gave us opposable thumbs for a reason...and that wasn't to have them burned everytime you try to lift something hot without a covering on that opposable thumb
Well, I'm not sure what an Eskie is, but they are all storage of some sort or other. One I keep my lump in, and I think the closest thing to the camera is a log that's on end. Funny, I don't remember that being there, and don't know where it may have gone
No, I'm gonna have to keep Chubby, and he's kinda gaurding the cookers...he thinks the one on the right is his. Sanny will need to invite you over for a ceramics demo...and the wife, of course. She's famous on her street for her bread , maybe other stuff too, but this is a bbq forum
Build a covered porch...you'll never reqret it Cold I can take, but cold and wet is bad The one on the right never gets used anymore so I guess I'm gonna have to let it go
There ya go. Just ask the little lady if she wants the pizza and bread oven and the sear grill at (not in) the new house or not. So, what are you gonna do with the old house
JDBower, Welcome to our forum. Come on in and share some of your recipes and cook pictures. If you have none, then sit back and enjoy the others, but feel free to jump in and participate. Curly
Yeah, 4 guys with a couple of 2 by 4's to slide through the straps that should be with it.
You can easily do 2 on top and 2 on bottom.
Re: CozyCrafted Pepper Mills Cozy, I've seen a lot of your stuff (and been to your web site) and can't believe you sell it at such great prices. I'm a woodworker (not a turner) and I know you are giving the stuff away...but nobody over here will ever complain about low prices so keep it up.
Got some baby backs for 2.99 a lb so will do 4 racks tomorrow.
So, you're trying to tell me that lady was 13 in 1945...which means she's 75 years old in that photo? If you got her genes you're gonna age well, I would easily take 15-20 years off that age if I were to put a number on her. Pretty lady too
She must be where you got your love of Blue...blue wall, blue shirt
Re: Looks like the gourmet's are catchin on... I hope that don't mean pork will be going up
Whole Sirloin Tip - $1.78 lb Last week I saw whole Sirloin tips on sale for $1.78 lb. So I bought the biggest they had, 10.5 lbs and brought it home and got 12 - 1 1/2 in steaks out of it Now granted, these don't have the flavor of a ribeye or t-bone, but at about $1.50 a steak, a poor man can eat a lot of steak. I used the foodsaver to marinate 2 of them in Stubbs beef marinade for a couple hours, then sprinkled them with RTS Dizzy Pigs and threw them on at about 650 degrees. 4 minutes each side, then shut it down and 4 minutes dwell. Dang good steak I must say...I'll definately buy those Sirloin tips again, they are very versatile too, roast, steak, fajita, you name it.
Yeah, my brother-in-law has shown great interest...and about $200 is all I'd feel comfortable taking for it. It'll prolly end up with him. And like you, it's gonna be cash and carry. I'll have to get the cash first in case he drops it getting it off my porch Mine doesn't have side tables, but it also only has one tile missing...which leads me to believe that it's one of the good ones. If the tiles haven't started shedding in 5-6 years of constant use sitting uncovered, they were prolly done correctly. Maybe I'll try to trade it for a small BGE and have me one I can take on vacation (or camping) with me I'd definately rather have a small matching tiled KK, but I believe it'll be several (or more) years before we see that new line out.
You know, you can't get a small BGE for that amount. That's such a deal for who ever get's it. It's tempting to just keep it around to do a fast cook while the good cooker chugs along on a low-n-slow. But, as good as that sounds, my #7 has sat around unused since I've had my KK, so I should just let it go for $200 myself. The good thing about letting them go so cheap is that you don't have to feel guilty as you lay in bed thinking about what it'll look like when the tiles fall off. Especially if you are sellinig it to a friend or relative...which is what I will probably do if I can sell mine.
Re: mesquite lump Wow, never seen one that was good to 700 degrees My wife used to like her meat cooked to about 700, but I've learnt her that it's a lot better in the 140 range
Ahhhh, a voice that only your dog could love Hey, I'm just pickin at you, I'll bet it sounded great Can you send me a mpeg or MP3 or whatever the sound file is . I can play my sax while it's playing...I had 8 lessons about 5 yrs ago...I really suck.
At least you have the legal degree to fall back on
Yup, black is good too. But there won't be leaks from around the gasket, so the only smoke staining would be around the damper on top, and maybe around the base. :::: I just like blue, is all. My house is blue outside. My cooker is blue. My cooker's jammies are blue. The walls of my kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and dining room are blue. Porch furniture is white with blue cushions. Flowers in the flower boxes are pink and blue. My first two cars (both buicks) were white with light blue interior. Then I went Japanese, and the only choices were white with tan or grey. Even my sky is blue! See, I LIKE blue. Don't be so blue girl Well, I kinda like blue the best too. I'm not allowed to make purchases alone anymore cause everything I buy, shirts, cars, pants, motorcycles, whatever...ends up being blue if they have it in that color. Bobby Vinton Oldie Blue on blue, heartache on heartache Blue on blue now that we are through Blue on blue, heartache on heartache And I find I can't get over losing you