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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. Hey Gerard, was there maybe some non-carbonized pieces in it? I have noticed when buying Cowboy, every single bag purchased in my area had several pieces in it. Sometimes some pretty darn big pieces, but they were usually obvious. Maybe some of the pieces your getting had the bark left on; that would make them funky? I try to sort through mine and take out anything odd. I would never say that my charcoal does not smoke when lit; heck there is always some smoke. Just never thought it to be a problem with a high temp cook since the smoke does not hang around the food long. I also tend to do high temp cooks uncovered (so maybe just did not notice it). But even doing a low and slow, I add smoke wood because charcoal alone was not enough smoke. Now that I think about it, doing spatchcock chicken at around 325-350 covered, the wife has not complained about it being too smokey (and trust me she would). Agreed, maybe the Naked Whiz can give us some direction. Though I am probably wrong with my charcoal method - hehe! For some reason that tends to happen........still not changing anything though! -=Jasen=-
  2. Re: Burn Off Just curious on that one, I have never heard of having to do this with natural charcoal (that was the main selling feature for me on natural lump), only brickets. I personally start cooking with natural lump as soon as it is lit and never had a problem with it being too smokey or smutty. Matter of fact, cooking at high temps, if I waited 20 minutes to start cooking, I would not have much charcoal left. I use Royal oak (Firemonkey is correct - they make BGE charcoal too) and unless I find the occasional piece on non-carbonized lump, there usually is not a lot of smoke flavor on high temp cooks. Now low and slow there naturally tends to be more, but not overpowering unless you add wood. You would probably have to use coconut charcoal to drastically reduce the smoke flavor. -=Jasen=-
  3. Ceramic is definitely juicier cooking! And on the delivery thing, not sure how it works over there, but here in the states you request a lift gate truck to make a home delivery (unless you have a way of removing it or plan on picking it up from the terminal yourself). -=Jasen=-
  4. OMG those look good! I cannot wait to be able to cook those thing! Jeez you are making me sooo jealous. Just curious, have any of you ever tried that Cajun Magic BBQ flavor season? Looks like it would be good in this cooking setup! -=Jasen=-
  5. Yes, please try not to screw it up it again. hehe. He screwed it up I guess . Prolly got a few cracked welds that didn't hold or sumthin Nah, I still have lots of bad back days were I have to take those damn percocets and yesterday was one of them. When I sat down to try to mess with upgrading the forum, I realized my head was not in it and felt it would be much smarter to wait for a good day rather than take a chance on Dennis' forum. But in the mean time I have been experimenting with a test forum I have setup. So hopefully soon, though it is really not a big deal. There are a few security upgrades and a few patches to help keep out spammers - probable nothing the rest of you will ever notice. Thanks, -=Jasen=-
  6. Oh well, did not get it last night due to difficulties. Hopefully tonight. -=Jasen=-
  7. Yes, please try not to screw it up it again. hehe. Oh, so that means you want to do it then? No really, I don't mind? -=Jasen=-
  8. Ok, one last reminder for anyone who has not seen this. I will take the forum down for a little while tomorrow night. Hopefully if all goes well it will be back up shortly there after - but as my luck goes - we will see. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Now, isn't everyone glad all that is over with for another year? hehe -=Jasen=-
  9. Good to hear! We just heard about it on the news a little while ago. Better keep yourself and family home for the rest of the festivities! Any word on what group is behind it yet? -=Jasen=-
  10. Hey dude, Happy New Year to you. We still got about 14 hours to go here! Yeah, that is just the tip of my glass collection, I got bunches. But as I said, they get used and not just for show - hehe. Now on Belgium beer, you can have my share. I just never developed the taste for most of the beer they produce - argh - especially Lambic. -=Jasen=-
  11. Couple of the beers I like! A few of my glasses / mugs. My collection increases and decreases often as I use almost every one of them (so bad things tend to happen sometimes when you have lifted them one time to many). One of the few glasses I don't use. Cheers! -=Jasen=-
  12. Oh, ok - around here we just call them coozies or koozies. Yeah, I have some of those, just rarely use them as I am more of a beer glass / mug person ( http://www.beerglasshopper.bigstep.com/ ... html?pid=7 ). It is pretty warm here in Augusta, Georgia too (3:30 am and still 57 degrees F). We might get some cold weather next week - I hope! -=Jasen=-
  13. No clue on the "stubbies". I am mainly into German beer and a few lesser known American breweries. It has been raining around here most of the day and will continue tomorrow, so most of the outdoor festivities will be dampened - hehe - literally. Enjoy the BBQ! -=Jasen=-
  14. Hehe, looks like the wild life is waiting to be fed! Better give them something before they attack! I guess it just looked higher in the first pic - optical illusion being I am looking through the bottom of my beer mug! -=Jasen=-
  15. Happy New Years to you to! ~ 23hrs left here. Wow, that looks like a very nice porch you have! How about some more pics? Looks pretty high up, you have a nice view out too? -=Jasen=-
  16. ThreeDJ16

    Starting a KK

    Don't quote me on this, but I think the parts from Dennis for the EZQue might come with the supreme now - not positive (always best to check with the source). And you would only need to get the basket and motor from EZQue later. -=Jasen=-
  17. ThreeDJ16

    Starting a KK

    Do not have my KK yet, but soon. It will be connected to the gas bottle all the time as was my last ceramic grill. This makes using very convenient - just turn on gas, light and two minutes for low/slow or five for high temps - too easy! The hose will attach to the valve at a 90 degree angle and go underneath the grill. The bottle will be stashed around back out of view. I am also looking into having Johnnyboy make me a gas tank cover to match. So I think the setup will look very nice. It looked just fine on my last grill (I painted the gas bottle to match it - but they are very fussy about colors on bottles now). Anyway, here is my hose, regulator and a valve (there is a valve already on the burner - I chose to add this myself) I made up to connect to my gas attachment - scroll to the bottom of the thread - viewtopic.php?t=196&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=30 . -=Jasen=-
  18. Just a little FYI, next week (after the holiday - probably Tuesday or Wednesday), we are doing some software upgrades to the forum. Hopefully it will not be down long (and I will probably do it late night). But due to the large amount of modifications that are on the forum, some features may not be available till we can get them all back installed. You can let me know afterwards if something was forgotten - good chance of that - hehe. -=Jasen=-
  19. ThreeDJ16

    Starting a KK

    Dennis is not actually sending the hose and regulator with the burner. So you would purchase that locally from an LP Gas distributor. The end of the hose that attaches to the valve/burner would be your focus. I think Dennis is now using a 3/8" male flare fitting leaving the valve, so you would just need the mated fitting. You can also remove the fitting from the valve and adapt it (with pipe fittings) to what size you may need. There is a post in this section about pipe standards. Or you can say "No Worries" and just lite with the chimney starter - hehe. That is why it is optional. -=Jasen=-
  20. Re: My hats off to Dennis AH HA! I THOUGHT you were THAT Steve! Glad you revealed yourself! Wow, what a ringing endorsement from someone that may know the tiled cooker competition better than anyone else here. If Dennis ever decides to have a testimonial page, he should have your post there. Eh Gerard, this is the testimonial page - hehe. There will be a link here on his new web site (there was one on his old web site - hehe - till I changed around the forum - opps). -=Jasen=-
  21. ThreeDJ16

    Starting a KK

    If you are truly lazy as I am, you get the gas start option! But you could also opt for the weed burner, or just do as you mentioned with a couple pieces of fresh charcoal on top of the used. -=Jasen=-
  22. There is an opening to allow for adding coal. But you should not have that problem too often as if you fill it properly and depending on grill temp/outside temp, you can go for as long as 24 hrs. That is the great thing about thick ceramics! And never be sorry about questions! That is what the forum it for! -=Jasen=-
  23. Hehehe! Sanny, I do not think Curly needs any help with the confuser, that has him thoroughly whipped! -=Jasen=-
  24. Theoretically, once the heat deflector is in place to prevent direct heat and the grill has reached thermal equilibrium, there should be no difference in cooking temps due to radiant heat from the ceramics. But in reality, nothing ever perfectly follow theory; though I bet if anyone ever did an unloaded (or exact matched pound/density food per level) temp test of each level, I doubt there would be a huge difference in temps. Since the bottom level next to the diffuser and top level next to dome has the highest surrounding ceramics (more radiating surfaces), those areas would have a faster cooking time than the main level with all other circumstances being the same. I think generally people use the bottom rack for a drip pan (instead of placing it on the diffuser which tends to scorch the dripping making a nasty smelling mess). Which then gives them the main grill and upper grill left for plenty of food. Hope that helped some! -=Jasen=-
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