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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. OK, I decided to revert the not being able to reply function. I guess I just wanted to keep that area really clean, but as long as the first post is actually a recipe and keeps with the template - it will still be search-able and functional. So anyway, it is back to normal! Just please remember to keep the recipe sections for recipes (at least the first post on a thread) and any questions, request, infos or pics without a recipe to go into the cooking general, cooking technique or cooking pics sections (as applies). -=Jasen=-
  2. The flat should be all one muscle. There is usually a fat line between the flat and the tips (which is where you normally separate the two). I am trying to find a good pic to show. I am used to seeing the brisket flat grains all go in the same direction (sometimes it contains small portions of surrounding cuts if the butcher missed the mark and that could explain some grain irregularities). Also, if the butcher slices off a portion of it while trimming and it gets flipped outward, the grain structure would differ. I am gonna guess all of what you have is the flat, but it is just not a grocery store neat trim flat like the pic below. Notice the tip does get smaller towards the tip end; some butchers just trim that neat. -=Jasen=- Flat Trimmed Brisket
  3. Apparently, so does the "toot your own horn" mod. How soon until you get to get up and move around and all? Hope it's soon. Someone's gotta since ya'll ain't doing it - hehehe! Feeling pretty good today, thanks for asking. I got my staples out two days ago and I think that helped a lot for moving around. I have been out and about some, but cannot go far before it tells me to stop. Getting there though, slowly but surely. -=Jasen=-
  4. Sweet! The new merge topics mod I added works great! -=Jasen=-
  5. Welcome to the forum John! Hope to see come great looking cooking photos soon? -=Jasen=-
  6. Well, I cannot see the grain of the meat to tell if that is still part of the flat or if the butcher just included some of the tip with it. Oh yeah, as far as top and bottom go, that is your choice. Most people subscribe to the theory that the fat drips down into the meat and should be on top. While others think the fat does not actually get into the meat when it is outside and would rather it protect the meat from the heat source thereby placing it down. So you'll just have to join you own camp for that - hehe. I think it is a little of both. I think the fat will render a little outside, but once the cooking has begun and the meat seals, no more moisture will seep in (which is why I like the larding method). I also tend to like direct verses indirect, so the fat protected the meat from the heat source is also a very good idea. See, the mind is a terrible thing - so many choices to make. Everything clear as mud now? Sorry Sanny, Limp Brisket is a good thing in this situation! Now give your dog a Limp Bizkit- hehe! -=Jasen=- You know, this is a great thread for the technique area. When everyone finishes posting to it, I am gonna move it there.
  7. Hmm, what are you talking about, I can reply just fine - hahahaha! -=Jasen=- OK, I got an idea I will just lock the threads that should not have any posts and allow replies on the rest - hehe. OK, there ya whiner/wiener, you can reply! But I would still like the original posts in this section to be links with the title in the header. Then we can comment in the replies to it.
  8. http://www.igourmet.com/ Figured I would post this link for everyone. If you are fortunate enough to have a cheese shop or a specialty food shop in your town - great. But for those of us who do not, this place is great. I always have great, fast shipping and they pack the cold items with dry ice and freezy packs in a cooler box so they are still cold when you get them. Anyway, I use them at least once every two months as I must have real Parmigiano Reggiano and they have the best aged Gouda I have ever eaten! ( Beemster Classic Extra Aged Gouda - http://www.igourmet.com/shoppe/shoppe.a ... llAction=3 ) -=Jasen=-
  9. http://www.sausagemaker.com/ Excellent resource for all type of meat processing equipment, books or consumables related to sausage making! -=Jasen=-
  10. Wow, I would have to 'Slap my butcher up' if he completely raped my brisket of all the fat like that! He did cut it way cleaner than it should be as no matter how you are cooking it, more fat than what he left is needed. But you might be able to get away with cooking it with the fat laid back on top. I would more than likely cook this one faster and hotter as it will not take too low and slow without fat. Maybe even pull it after it hits 140, wrap it in tinfoil and put it back on to finish (most folks go with the concept that no more smoke is absorbed after 140 - if you want more smoke flavor, cool the meat to almost freezing before placing on the grill). Another option for this situation is called larding which you can do with bacon or left over fat. I prefer this to laying fat on top as once the meat start to cook on the outside, I do not believe any more moisture can get into the meat, so I prefer to lard the meat and put in on the inside. Here is a typical larding needle ( http://www.sausagemaker.com/index.asp?P ... ProdID=150 ). Though I realize this does not really help you now, you could get creative and come up with something that will work in it's stead till you can get your hands on one. BTW, that is a great all around website to order anything pertaining to cooking, sausage making, jerky, any cured meats, and meat prep! -=Jasen=-
  11. Well, Fetzervalve reminded me about this yesterday when he posted a link to the brining section. So here is the link to the main area that lists a few more article along with the brining! http://www.cookshack.com/index.php?cust ... mokin_Okie -=Jasen=-
  12. Re: PChop - Brisket PC is not just the pork man, but the beef man too! I will lay any small kernels I have on you till the big man arrives! I know nothing about the beef roll, but I have had pretty good luck with some briskets. At the time I sold my last grill, I had people at work begging for my briskets. Just for info, there are two cuts most people deal with - packers cut (whole brisket - flat and tips) and just the flat. A lot of people prefer the entire packers cut since it has more fat. Also people check out the tenderness before they buy, just hold it at one end and see how limp it is - hahaha - this is one time that it is good to have limp meat - hehe. Some folks try to decipher whether it is the right or left side, but I think the first test is more important. Trim that bad boy to a uniform fat cap, oil and season it with your favorite season (night before is nice). Toss it on a 240-245 degree KK until it peaks 185-190 on the flat, remove and cut the flat from the tips. Wrap flat in tinfoil (laying some loose fat on top) and place in cooler filled with towels to keep warm and rest. Place the tips back on the grill till they are tender 190 - you can bump up the heat some here. Remove and place in the tinfoil / cooler for a few hours to rest also. Anyway, my 2 cents. If I am not mistaken, somewhere on that same site you posted yesterday, cookshack.com, if a very good breakdown on brisket cooking along with that brining link you posted! Ok, I found it ( http://www.cookshack.com/index.php?cust ... mokin_Okie) -=Jasen=-
  13. Hey, great info! I had forgot all about the cookshack site and forums. I used to be a member over there when I had my Treager pellet grill. But you are right, they have lots of stuff there! Since T-day is upcoming, it might be a good time to mention another point for those thinking about brining. For it to work, you are gonna have to shell out the bucks for the non-injected turkeys (I have only seen them fresh around here). Since brining works as a result of osmosis, heavy SP/G solution pushing it's way into a lower gravity solution, it will not work if the bird has already been injected with a brine (you might get a little, but nothing like it should be). Anyway, just a tip for those who might not know! Oh yeah, Fetzervalve, I am moving this thread into techniques since it is not a recipe. I am trying to clean up the recipe section to make it easier to find recipes. Thanks, -=Jasen=-
  14. Darn, sorry to hear that. I am sure you will get fixed up very soon! Did you get the 6" or 8" wide cradle? I am looking for opinions from people who have either and how they like them. My debate is whether to get both or just get the 8". -=Jasen=-
  15. Re: i can't find it anywhere.... Was it the antiqued versions you are looking for?? viewtopic.php?t=777 -=Jasen=-
  16. Re: So now the confusion sets in Hello! I edited the posts above; the 17.5" is what Dennis recommends, not a 21.5". So the info in this post or the following link, is correct ( http://www.komodokamado.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=704 ). Sorry if I added to any confusions in my discussion above when I mentioned seeing possible room for a bigger cradle. Dennis' kit fits the 17.5", so anything different would not work with his kit. Though if any of you with a rotisserie get a chance, I would still be interested in a measurement of the additional space since I like to tinker anyway - hehe. Thanks, -=Jasen=-
  17. Hello Lee, just wanted to let you know that I moved this post as it is not a recipe. If you'll notice the new format (there is a template posted as an announcement in the top of every recipe forum). We are doing this in an effort to make the recipe section search-able. Thanks! -=Jasen=-
  18. Man that chicken looks good. I had one last night from Publix and it could not hold a candle to yours! I cannot wait to have my own rotisserie chicken! Just curious about something; how much room do you have on each side of that rotisserie? You have the 6" cradle right? I am thinking of getting mine a little longer as it looks like a couple more inches might fit in there? How much longer do you think would still work and slide in the holes properly? -=Jasen=-
  19. ThreeDJ16

    Tri tip

    Ditto. I was impressed at FM's flexibility. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! -=Jasen=-
  20. ThreeDJ16

    Tri tip

    OMG, at first glance, I am not even gonna say what I though I saw! -=Jasen=-
  21. ThreeDJ16

    Tri tip

    Re: Oh no... I am if ya, "Wannna git hi? Heheheheee, I got no idea what's goin' on!"!! -=Jasen=-
  22. ThreeDJ16

    Tri tip

    God I wish I had a little more fight in me today - I secede. -=Jasen=-
  23. ThreeDJ16

    Tri tip

    That is the nastiest sandwhich MickyD's ever came up with; and that is saying something. Man, I might have to ban you from this forum too, if this keeps up - hehehe. -=Jasen=-
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