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Everything posted by ThreeDJ16

  1. ThreeDJ16

    Tri tip

    it's ok deej. there's a learning curve. plus, you don't need a grill to really bbq anyway... 1st, get a crockpot... That sir, is blasphemy and I will not stand for it.....I call you out with pistols at high noon! -=Jasen=-
  2. ThreeDJ16

    Tri tip

    Ah man, grilled asparagus, I love them too. God you are making me hungry and I cannot even grill. -=Jasen=-
  3. ThreeDJ16

    Tri tip

    Looks wonderful! Make me one - please, please ? -=Jasen=-
  4. I kinda like that idea, but it also has some downsides. It makes a thread very hard to read if you have not kept up with every single post in it since you will be reading it backwards. I am not really even sure how to do it, but maybe some kind of post tracking mod would be better here - that way you can choose what topics you wish to follow (or all) and maybe even get a sort option - I will look into that. But as far as changing the default sort order of the forum, I am not sure everyone would want that. Not to mention, as you can obviously see at the moment, I better not mess with anything too complex as I swear I still have no idea how that quote got into this thread. -=Jasen=-
  5. Wow, how the hell did that happen? I must be outta it; I got no idea where that quote even came from. Oh well. -=Jasen=-
  6. That feature is out on drugs right now, but will be back soon - hopefully. -=Jasen=-
  7. ?? Totally mystified? I was just messing with you since you have so much time on your hands. Man, it doesn't take much for that right now. Hell, even Curly could mess with me right now - hahaha! -=Jasen=-
  8. Thanks. Now can you install that mod that makes your post count go backwards and the one that lets you ignore people? And yes they do exist and have been done before. ??
  9. Damn, ya lazy thing! Anyway, go to the main forum page. Just above who is online and you will see it! -=Jasen=-
  10. Please use the following guidelines for posting recipes so we can make the recipe section more user friendly, search-able and consistent. Thanks! Subject: Recipe Name Message Body: -Ingredient 1 -Ingredient 2 -Ingredient 3 -Ingredient 4 Preparation Instructions
  11. Please use the following guidelines for posting recipes so we can make the recipe section more user friendly, search-able and consistent. Thanks! Subject: Recipe Name Message Body: -Ingredient 1 -Ingredient 2 -Ingredient 3 -Ingredient 4 Preparation Instructions
  12. Please use the following guidelines for posting recipes so we can make the recipe section more user friendly, search-able and consistent. Thanks! Subject: Recipe Name Message Body: -Ingredient 1 -Ingredient 2 -Ingredient 3 -Ingredient 4 Preparation Instructions
  13. Please use the following guidelines for posting recipes so we can make the recipe section more user friendly, search-able and consistent. Thanks! Subject: Recipe Name Message Body: -Ingredient 1 -Ingredient 2 -Ingredient 3 -Ingredient 4 Preparation Instructions
  14. Please use the following guidelines for posting recipes so we can make the recipe section more user friendly, search-able and consistent. Thanks! Subject: Recipe Name Message Body: -Ingredient 1 -Ingredient 2 -Ingredient 3 -Ingredient 4 Preparation Instructions
  15. Please use the following guidelines for posting recipes so we can make the recipe section more user friendly, search-able and consistent. Thanks! Subject: Recipe Name Message Body: -Ingredient 1 -Ingredient 2 -Ingredient 3 -Ingredient 4 Preparation Instructions
  16. Please use the following guidelines for posting recipes so we can make the recipe section more user friendly, search-able and consistent. Thanks! Subject: Recipe Name Message Body: -Ingredient 1 -Ingredient 2 -Ingredient 3 -Ingredient 4 Preparation Instructions
  17. Please use the following guidelines for posting recipes so we can make the recipe section more user friendly, search-able and consistent. Thanks! Subject: Recipe Name Message Body: -Ingredient 1 -Ingredient 2 -Ingredient 3 -Ingredient 4 Preparation Instructions
  18. Please use the following guidelines for posting recipes so we can make the recipe section more user friendly, search-able and consistent. Thanks! Subject: Recipe Name Message Body: -Ingredient 1 -Ingredient 2 -Ingredient 3 -Ingredient 4 Preparation Instructions
  19. Ok, in an effort to make the recipe section easier to use (so you can actually find something), the following changes are being implemented. I am disabling the reply function in all the recipe sections except 'Cooking General' and 'Techniques'. This way, you do not have to search through all the other, non-recipe stuff. If you wish to discuss a recipe, post the discussion in the 'Cooking General' section with a link to the recipe. I will clean the existing recipe (as I can ). Please feel free to help and edit your own posts to fit the template or section - it would be appreciated greatly! We also need a standard format to use for posting recipes for consistency - I will post a template at the top of each section, but any suggestions or comments welcome! Please remember, if it does not fit in the template (recipes only), then post it in the Cooking General or Techniques sections. -=Jasen=-
  20. And here's a video of D_J testing his red beans and rice recipe: Red Beans and Rice Oh, you liked those Red Beans and Rice too. BTW, that was a totally nasty video; sick, sick, sick! -=Jasen=-
  21. Why am I not surprised? Yep, PC only. And I don't do twitch games.... slow moving mmorpgs only.[/quote:cl1ossns] Why am I not surprised either - hehe. Here are a few pics of Gerard and buddies, sitting around playing Warcraft! -=Jasen=-
  22. OK, I got both of you added to mylist! You'll should not have to add me to your list if you accept my invite that has been sent, but if you do, it is "drunk3j". What system are you'll playing through? The 360 or the original? Majestik is on the original and I am on 360. I still have my original but it is highly modified so I cannot put it on xbox live or my account will get canceled. I mainly use it for streaming video from my computer to TV. If any of you are interested, you can add me to about any of the IM services if you have them - ICQ, Yahoo Messenger, Skype or MSN (that info is in my profile). That makes it easier to set up a game. We had plans on adding IM service to this forum, but it looks a bit more involved. Gerard, I remember you said something about online gaming? You strictly PC?? -=Jasen=-
  23. Pat pat. Yah. And TV will suck the brain right out of your head. You're smarter on the pain pills than you would be after a day of TV. Either way, it probably ain't saying much for me - hehehe (figured I would be the other guys to that one)! -=Jasen=-
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