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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. ] Re: Easter 2011 cookin' You may think I'm a figment, since I've not posted for so long. But my cook isn't imaginary! It's sidways, but not fictional.
  2. Sanny

    Rib Roast

    Re: Rib Roast Please expand on meaning of no bullseye, MR throughout.... MR possibly short for marbleing? Thanks "No bullseye" means there's no ring of grey overcooked meat, with a pink center. It's entirely perfectly medium rare. Often, if one cooks at a higher temp the whole time (rather than reverse sear, or the Cook's Illustrated method of quick pan sear, and extended low temp cook), one gets grey overcooked meat at the outside. All the pics on this thread are magnificent! Gotta put a plug in for the CI method of low temp chuck roast. Be sure to cut it very thin, but it's a perfect way to cook an inexpensive cut.
  3. There's coffee on my butt. Ok, ok, so it's intentional. I'm doing a pork butt today, and rubbed it with a modified coffee cardamom rub. I added some cayenne and a bit of roasted sesame oil. I'm going for that vaguely asian thing. We'll see. Not sure what would be a good sauce for the sammiches, though. Depends, I guess. Might not need any, or maybe a teriyaki sort of angle would work. Of course, I also put on a rack of ribs - just happened to have some in the freezer, taking up valuable space where I want to put some of the cooked pork butt! I made a rub of some Indian spices I have on hand, so we'll see where that goes, too. Anyone else cooking "stuff" this weekend?
  4. Re: Komodo availability - Good & Bad News That's the kind of news we LOVE to hear about your product, Dennis! That is, unless we're wanting one and haven't ordered in time for the grilling season.
  5. Re: HAPPY DAY TO ME !! YAY! We're happy FOR you. Woo hoooooo!
  6. Re: San Francisco Flower & Garden Show March 23-27 Wow! That's some excellent exposure, Dennis! Good job.
  7. Re: KK black swan fairytale.. Sorry, Dennis. You probably already hooked a few people!
  8. Re: New KK Owner in Nevada
  9. Re: Sai my Endorphin Junkie.. You sure that's not chili soup in coconut milk, with some chicken in it?
  10. Re: A "New Blue" KK headed to Seattle, WA FM is a TV celebrity? Who knew? And here we thought he was just another pimped out pretty face. Welcome, Dan! Congratulations on your new KK, finding the forum, and becoming the "go to" pulled pork guy in your town! All worthy achievements!
  11. Sanny

    Sirloin Roast

    Re: Sirloin Roast Maybe the flour is to help the outside dry? Meat cannot brown until it is dry. Otherwise, it just steams. Good luck with the soon to be born bundle of joy, Jacksyee. Best to Mrs. Jacksyee, too.
  12. Re: POSK Stuck Damper Remover I love it when you talk workbench tools, Johnnyboy! It's so sexy! lol
  13. Sanny

    It's on!

    Re: It's on! Johnnyboy's Jammies are the BEST covers for your new cooker! I've had one for several years, outside in snow, sun and everything in between, and it's still perfect! Best accessory for an outdoor cooker. Welcome to the family. Now, just don't pull the pin on that hoppy lookin thing, and we're good.
  14. Sanny

    Cucumber Water

    Re: Cucumber Water Oh, Scouterpuff, you're so romantic.
  15. Re: New Forum Feature Poll I like the way it is now. This way I can see all the topics with orange folders (new stuff in them). and to find the various other categories. And, I like the "active topics" thingy on the right - easy to find the new stuff. Still getting used to the new forum, but it's getting more familiar.
  16. Re: New to forum from AU DAY-um! That's something else!
  17. Sanny

    Hi to all

    Re: Hi to all Hey, TxBG! That's a fine lookin cooker! It looks like the Kingsford bag! How cool is that? Give your Ace Hardware store a call. The one near me (in tropical NJ) has big bags of Cowboy lump all year round.
  18. Re: Not much cooking going on You're a good and conscientious man, Tony. Well done.
  19. Re: Very Sad Story + Photo. Need Advice. That's a DREADFUL story! How much they cost depends on what brand, what style, and what size. Dreadful that you had to find its broken body in an alley. What a heartbreak.
  20. Re: Thanksgiving 2010 No pics here. All imaginary. But that's ok. I saw Charlie Brown last evening, and he's imaginary, too, even if he does have pics.
  21. Re: Thanksgiving 2010 Thanks, all. Mother and I had our supper together. I made a turkey, after all. I cut it into parts and roasted it at 275 for under 2 hours (Cook's Illustrated's recipe) over mirepoix. Then used the drippings and flavor of the roasted veggies to make the gravy. Excellent birdy. Mother made the family recipe of dressing - white rice, wild rice, ground sausage, ground meat. And pumpkin chocolate chip cake for dessert. Even better - I made the King Arthur Flour soft wrap bread (http://www.kingarthurflour.com/recipes/ ... ead-recipe) for the leftovers. Smeared with some hoisin, and I have Peking turkey! All good. I hope all of you enjoyed the blessing of family (born, or chosen). xo
  22. The TG quandary... Ah, what to do. TG was canceled at our house. We had moved it to Saturday to accommodate favorite friends, but they just called to say they cannot come after all. So, we said screw it. No point in TG supper for just 2 of us (my mother and me). We'll have a festive supper or something instead. Might make home made pasta, maybe go see Harry Potter movie. BUT, it seemed sad not to have a turkey for sammiches later in the week, right? So, I bought a 10 lb bird to cook at some point this weekend. Perfect oppty to experiment on the cooker, no? No risk of screwing up the Big Event on a new recipe. Spatchcock/butterfly? Brine and roast? Or just leave it in the oven in the kitchen to make the house smell yummy? Haven't decided yet. Brine is probably a given, since that was so delicious last time I did that. Film at 11...
  23. Re: Largest turkey for the roti Speaking of Mad Max, our Whizzy (The Naked Whiz) has posted the Mad Max stuff on his website for all the Thanksgiving gladiators. http://www.nakedwhiz.com/ceramic.htm
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