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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Livvy turned 14 in June And here's her birthday picture. Don't let on, but I think she dyes her muzzle so the white hairs don't show.
  2. Re: First Tri-tip cook
  3. Well, yah...he was playin doctor.... Said he was checkin my blood pressure.
  4. What's so funny, Susan? I mean, Curly's cousin and I have a "thing." Or we would have, except Trish got in the way, and stole him from me. That's when I went and started dating the candy striper. I might knit Curly's cousin a sock to go over that ankle bracelet. Maybe something with his prison number in it. He's mighty fond of that number. More people call him by that, than his name, after all. Well, the first part of it. Only his mama calls him by the whole thing, when she's ticked at him.
  5. Well, yah... when I bought myself a laptop, I bought a Mac.
  6. A few years ago, I bought my dad (in his 70s) a basic Dell laptop. It's still doing fine, and he loves it. Nothing fancy. But does what he likes it to do. I just bought him an ipod touch, and he LOVES it.
  7. I don't think they would be too flattering on him.
  8. "Need" is such a pesky little word. Four letters and all. If one were to really look at "needs," would one even have a KK? So, let's not bring THAT into it!
  9. Re: Korean Baby Back Ribs
  10. Shoot. Curly's Chubby has you beat. He brings the whole deer onto the front porch!
  11. Show of hands.... Who has a cooker by Another Manufacturer, and has loaded the rack only to find that the lid won't close? The taper of the lid means that taller food (say a full cooker of ribs on edge, out to the sides of the cooker, perhaps around a butt or two) bangs the lid. :::showing hands:::
  12. Lookit that!! Syzy doesn't have a wet black nose and floppy ears, after all! Imagine that.
  13. Wow, that's pretty. ELEGANT, even! Bond... James Bond.... I think a black Johnnyboy Jammy, maybe with a bow tie embroidered on it...
  14. Johnnyboy Besides that, he's a KK forum person, not just someone selling stuff on the boards. That's like family, after all.
  15. Everyone should have jammies for his/her cooker.
  16. My dog would hate me if I ever came home with a boneless pork butt. Poooor little Chubby...
  17. Re: seriously long lag screws Those are seriously long lag screws on the crate that arrived today. What's up with that? I don't get it... what's wrong with a long screw?
  18. Re: Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it.
  19. If they were fantastic, then they weren't on the cooker too long. Some like a more toothsome rib, which would allow some pull off the bone. They might say too long on the cooker. I did some that were "fall off" tender, and my guests said that's just how they prefer them! So, not too long at all. Gotta love a "something for everyone" recipe.
  20. Pizza is wonderful in a cooker! The pizza stone and smokey taste, and whole heat soaked ceramic thing is great. Enjoy!
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