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Everything posted by Sanny

  1. Sanny

    Thai recipes?

    Dub, where can one get the canned curry? I hate pounding toxic glop.
  2. Sanny

    Thai recipes?

    Anyone have a doable in the US with reasonable effort recipe for Thai panang curry? Forgive me if I've mangled the proper usage of the term. I had some over chicken the other night, and it was yummy! And I even have fish sauce in my house. It's not the same stuff as fish glop (forgive me, whatever country the glop came from) that local asian market sold me. This is clear, and less like low tide in a foetid swamp (that was the other stuff).
  3. He did say the local bakery sold him his other dough... So maybe that's his possibility.
  4. See? My response was totally fictional. But I like it anyway. Of course, I like Dennis' response more.
  5. I believe that the body of the beast is two layers. PLUS a skim coat inside, to make it white. The expansion joints, if I understand correctly, are in the inner layer (under the white skim coat). I don't believe there was a problem, but rather than have the pressure of expansion on the outside, where the cosmetics are (tiles or texture), the expansion joints will allow movement. The combination of two layers, plus joints, will minimize the stress on the exterior. Or maybe that's not it. But that's what I believe, and I think it's a good story.
  6. Re: R2D2 arrives on Wednesday.
  7. Re: Around Halloween dry ice works too! Oooh, spooky, Dennis! Frankenpoultry! Count Turkula!
  8. Lower protein flower, such as the Italian 00 (King Arthur at http://www.kingarthurflour.com has it), will make a dough with much less elasticity. It can be tossed/pulled/rolled quite thin for pizza crust. And, work your dough less for a more tender crust. Recall the "no knead" bread recipe from NYTimes that is floating around somewhere. That's a very wet dough that is not kneaded at all, and makes a dough with large holes, excellent crumb, crusty crust. SO wet, though, it would never stand up as pizza.
  9. Penzeys I just rec'd an order from Penzeys. What a great company! Spices are well packaged, and shipped licketty split. And they gave a sample jar of chicken taco seasoning, too. Sounds like just the perfect incentive. Great selection - I bought tandoori seasoning, fenugreek, cardamom pods, and whatever else I could think of. YAY!
  10. Looks like they swarmed the KK and got stuck on the grill, kinda like gnats in a glass of wine, or moths on the zapper. Doesn't mean you have to eat them! :::shudder::: Just brush em off. Or rinse, if they're stuck there. Nothing a wire grill brush couldn't get rid of. Or really high heat.
  11. Re: My Saisuda's Nahm Phrik.. Good stuff Compromise - call it Nam Chili. (Chilly Prik probably is NOT a good thing to call it)
  12. Re: No bugs.. only pulled pork. Let's just say we now have a "healthy suspicion" of stuff you cook.
  13. Childhood memories Looks beautiful, Dennis! I'd like a slice, too! No offense to the chef, but I'll take mine without crickets. Sometimes letting the dough sit outside the refrigerator a bit will help with elasticity. I mean, it won't rebound quite so much if it's less cold. I did a pizza supper for company once. Made enough dough for a couple personal sized per person, and set out all sorts of toppings. Cooked thin-sliced beef and caramelized onions was one that went over big. So did shredded chicken. It would be more fun if it were on the KK! Get that extra roasty flavor that no regular oven can match. Hint: Grandma (Anna Lucia - so she knew from old country pizza!) used to put a thin layer of bread crumbs over the rolled crust. That would absorb the extra liquid from the tomatoes (home made canned, usually) that she'd put on. She'd crush the whole canned tomatoes in her hand, and spread them here and there over the crumbs. And a couple anchovies broken up and put here and there, pushed into the dough. Fresh basil. Very little cheese, but some grated mozzarella and romano. Sometimes onions on it. All cooked on a cookie sheet with sides, so it was a big rectangle. Now THAT was a treat! Ah, childhood memories!
  14. Looks sorta like Komodo Kamado about to invade New York... Run for your lives!
  15. Always good to have a readily available water supply near the cooker. OUCH! SPLASH!
  16. Re: Very nice Well, yah, there's that. But the rest of the body is in the box in the basement. Head in a jar. A little awkward to put together, but can be done.
  17. Re: Back @ ya.. 2mails in your box.. Careful what you wish for! lol
  18. Re: Very nice Well, there's always the rest of the photo from whence the avatar came. Imagination will have to do, Deej.
  19. Re: Very nice Ah, but you were right the first time. Imaginary food again, Saucy? lol Sounds wonderful, even without pics. I did a rib eye and a thick cut porkchop after the turkey and cauliflower. They were looking mutinous in the freezer, so I figured I should rescue them. Lunches this week are lookin good for sure!
  20. This has to be the best cauliflower I've ever eaten! Ok, gobs of cheese sauce don't count - that's not cauliflower! lol Head of cauliflower (mine was yellow cauliflower - more vitamin A) olive oil salt (I used kosher) fresh ground black pepper Cut the cauliflower into fist sized florets, or slightly smaller. Maybe 8 to a head. Drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Put on the grill. My grill was 300 or so, and it took 45 mins. They were roasting next to a turkey breast, so the heat wasn't too high. Take them off when they get soft. Delicious! Especially the browned parts. Wow!! More veggies please!
  21. My efforts... I did a turkey breast today. Deej inspired me! Brine of kosher salt, brown sugar, fresh rosemary branches, tsp of chili oil. Simmered and cooled. Whole breast, 8 hours. Rinsed and air dried in frigerator overnight. Dizzy Dust rub. 275 for 2.5-3 hours. Hickory chunks. And roasted cauliflower. Yellow by nature. Cut into florets, drizzled with olive oil, salted and peppered. On the grill next to the turkey for the last 45 mins or so. Very yummy! No cheese sauce required. lol I'll let you know how the turkey tastes, later. (time passes) It's later. That might be the best turkey breast I've ever eaten. Juicy as a peach, and so flavorful! The dizzy dust is mostly on the skin, and that's fine. Plenty of flavor in the meat from the brine and smoke. Don't know if I'd bother with the rub next time. Dunno... But wow!
  22. Well, I've read about it. Many of you do it! Never tried it myself. But, with the gas burner on the fritz (NOT a KK product), I decided to try it. I got a box of those pressed sawdust fire starter thingies at the grocery. Huge box, $9. Anyway, WOW! I nestled it in the lump, struck a match, lit the edge of the starter, and woo hooo! The little starter stick is well on its way to lighting the lump for my roasted bosom this afternoon. Sorry I didn't listen sooner, or I'd not have fretted about the gas thingy.
  23. Wow... Komodo Inferno!
  24. You have a recipe to post for that butter chicken? And tandoor chicken would be good, too. Off with you - get ye to the recipe section! (chicken tikka masala last weekend was WELL worth the non-grill effort)
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